Legal age?

Here's the list of legal age in various contries.

But if you want the truth then it's not that simple. At what pioint would the law have big concerns? You might be surprised.

Slinlings at home and the law is like this. "Eh."
Kids dragged away from moms? The law is like this. "Get SWAT!"
It's a big difference.

What's more important is making sure people know what they get into and have a clear understanding.

There are old people that are brain dead and five year olds that can beat chess grandmasters. Age is just guessing what people might be able to handle. It's a flawed concept. "They know and can say they want it while giving reasons" works better.

It has more to do with awareness and biology. The "correct" age is whatever people decide for themselves. No one ever decides for you. Just make sure people know the consequences. The main problem is babies when it comes to humans. Beastialtiy doesn't have that complication. Just be mindful of how small a pussy/ass can be.

Basically just try to make sure your dick doesn't rip a dogs pussy/ass apart. That's going to depend on your dick size for a start. And their body build. etc. Then there's different breeds with different sizes. There's no one single answer here. Use your own judgement.