Last to post wins

Only from time to time looking into the 'ville, my big DaneFloofer!

I have to organize (read: sort and staple) documents, unfortunately. And lots of physical side projects of people which I don't even want to do (yea, lazy fox nowadays). They carry severe money, but on the other hand.. hmm. I am not too sure this is motivational enough.

You remember my projects? There is ways more to do than initially planned due to basic aspects which were such primitively made that I can't let them persist any longer, as it would undermine everything I construct in high quality on those basic aspects. And as such very much work awaits, all the time.

The plans are fine if based on an adequately persistently constructed solution, but the basic concept of prior owners was never to sustain a functional, all-year enjoyable and comfortable solution. It was more of a "we use something build long ago and if something loosens, we'll put a nail or whatever lays around on that place to stop it from loosening, then cover it by thick paint, as such all is fine". And this results in basically "do everything from ground zero, if you want it adequately designed". That sucks.
Tea, probably. I just read "tea", here, there, everywhere. It reminds me to boil some tea.

Who would've imagined such a teaful time?
But coffee, or as I call it "Espresso straight outta hell" in overly amounts is fine as well. *sips the tea*
You're at 51 on DWTM! Lol