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Lamentations of a zoophile


Zooville Settler
So, I was born a zoophile.

When I was a kid, I was SO interested in animals.
It was my whole world, nothing else interested me in the whole wide world except for all sort of critters, be they insect, amoeba, animal, fish.. I just loved them all so much! And I wanted to know all about them. I watched as many animal documentaries I could as a kid. I remember watching wonderful documentaries which could not hold the interest of most 4-year olds, but I was GLUED to the telly, even at that age, just watching all the non-humans and trying my best to understand them.
I wanted to understand how they feel, who they are, what they want, what they hope.. I craved for a deeper understanding, I LOVED THEM ALL and I loved them all so, SO MUCH.

I was appalled of science-shows which said fish don't feel pain (now debunked, thank god) or that dolphins jumping from water cannot be explained (it can, damnit!! they do it because it feels FUN to do!!) and how animals don't feel love.. like.. if we have over 70% of our DNA the same as a banana, a dog can feel love! Or a giraffe or a dolphin or a cat or a racoon or or..

And I made connections. I knew non-humans had feelings and rich inner lives which I wanted to be a part of, so I got to know to them. I had so many different species and personalities in my life from child onward, and I was always very good with them.

Even now, when I walk into a room with an animal, I don't go to them, they walk right up to me and ask me who I am, wanting to know me.
I never pet a dog, even when I specifically want to. The first thing I learned to do was to wait for the non-human person to come up to me, and actually want me to introduce myself to them. I often find people thinking I'm an animal whisperer, and I find it ironic and funny how this skill is because of I am a zoophile.

Cats, especially love me. They flock to me and people who are self-proclaimed cat-loves wonder aloud to me: "how do you do it?!!"
And I'm baffled by how someone who claims to love cats above all else can't understand how cats actually work? While being pushy on a dog and just petting it only because YOU *want to* might be a minor offense to the most outgoing puppy, being pushy on a cat is an absolute crime!
But people who think of cats as something cute, cuddly and child-like are not going to respect them as an adult person and let them come to you at their own pace, like I do.
I do so with every animal. I'm especially good with donkeys, mules, goats and dogs.. and believe me when I tell you - even an outgoing creature like a dog WILL appreciate a person who gives them space and time to get to know to you!

Seems like the most reprehensible and horrid (according to popular culture) thing you could ever do to an animal is to have mutually enjoyable sex with them, but that is what made me so good with animals - my natural-born interest in them and the closer relationship I can have with them.

It's perverse, evil and wrong how masturbating a whining, sad, hurting dog is okay if you're going to put the semen he sadly made into his own niece (to make really ill offspring with only the ideal of adhering to the breed standard) but it's horribly, morally reprehensible to have sex with the same dog while he is enthusiastic, happy, and rambunctious just because it's zoophilia..
I've been a farmhand for enough years to see the horrible injustice which is raping animals - putting an electric buttplug into a bull's anus (the instructions mention you can make the bull fall and hurt itself, it's not a pleasant thing for them the most of the time, they fight when they're being put into the cage for semen collection 90% of the time), masturbating males who are non-willing and then putting that semen into a female animal by going fist-deep into their anus and vagina.. when a zoophile's penis in either orifice would constitute as horrible abuse?
These experiences have made me understand without a shadow of a doubt - zoophilia is not wrong. Animal abuse is wrong, it's horrible, it happens in every factory farm and people who are eating beef, chicken, pork and turkey with a big smile in their face are 100% eating an animal born from forceful masturbation and insemination, but it's just brushed aside and not thought about. Zoophiles are the evil scapegoat (heh, goat) here and the main public does not want to even think about it.

If the general public would ACTUALLY care about animal sexual abuse, they would stop buying beef which was not born from natural mounting, nor would they eat broiler meat or turkey because all of those are made by artificial insemination.

It really fucks me up to think of how willingly ignorant people are, just to be able to have something to hate.
It really seems like people want to divert their attention from their comfort of abusing animals for profit to people who love animals, who have an actual relationship with animals to love them intimately so they would not have to pay less for a pound of beef or not be able to get that instagram-perfect puppy dog born or rape and incest because they don't actually value animals for WHO they are, but for how cheap they can buy their meat or how pretty their offspring can be to make their own image better.
A status symbol of food or a fancy commodity.

I could ramble on and on how the meat, racing and dog breeding industry has robbed us of what we could have. The true value, the real connection and the real friendship, work friend relationship we could've had.
How so many horse breeds have gone to from a good pal for plowing fields to a short-tempered mess not useful for work because of how it's nothing but a racing breed anymore, making foals for not the humble farmer wanting a pal to plow the fields on the seasons, but a short-tempered horse, not fit for the plow at all, nasty-temprered and bad for any job but running straight until they are 4-6 years old and then put down, their bodies so full of chemicals pumped into them to perform better at running, they can't even be used for dog food anymore, their carcasses rotting in a heap of garbage on a dump site.
Or the working dog we could have, the sharp, steady german shepherd, now nothing but a sad, limping mess because the "breed standard" called for them to have a "sloped back" which turned into what we have today - a nearly paralyzed backside, the back feet dragging behind him as he tries his best to have a normal trot, but his shitty D-hips not supporting the proper function of running anymore..
The dogs have been done the dirtiest in my opinion. There are hundreds of breeds which are just Frankenstein horrors at this point, because the breed clubs don't want a happy dog - they want a "pretty dog" and lemme tell ya.. what is pretty to them, should not be pretty to any humane, kind creature..
I've already ranted too long, so the farm animals only get a mention here.. the poor broiler chicken who are too heavy to hold their weight, the poor sheep kept in climates not made for them and like so many more animals in farms.. castrated when only weeks old with no anesthesia.

It's just so fucked up for what humanity accepts as perfectly okay and then turns on the humble zoophile, demonizing them, shaming them, calling them the worst there is and then going home to their dog born of incest with nostrils not large enough to even have one proper lungful of air, sitting down to eat some meat made by someone raping a bull in it's ass and then fisting a female cow to create a calf and go sleep in their bed made of more animal parts like angora wool or feathers to sleep oh-so-well for being the "better person"

You either are against animal abuse, or you are not.
You cannot pick and choose, you cannot set rules for others you find okay to yourself because oh, they made meat which I can eat so it's okay.
It either is or it is not abuse.

Okay, I got that off my chest, sorry and thank you for reading trough that if you did..
Now that's dealed with, I can go on to my personal experiences..
As I already stated, I was born a zoophile and how that manifested for me was by: 1. Appreciation for animalkind 2. Sympathizing for animalkind 3. Loving the animalkind
All non-humans just fascinated me, and that's how I ended up in farms, working over there.
I was usually really good with every animal I was given to care for, even the fucking geese..!!! (Goddamn geese, right guys??) but when I kept in mind of what the animals were about and who they were as a person.. I could handle anyone. I had properties no one else had as a zoophile.
My first instinct is not "oh wow, this non-human person is SO HOT I gotta fuck them NOW" but instead "Oh hello, who are you?", I see an animal as my equal, as someone with an agency and complex emotions, just like humans are. So I connect.
I got assigned the most difficult cases because I was the only one who could calm them down or talk sense into them. And I didn't resent the creatures I got to calm down, or to feed even when they were really hard to deal with. I just took them as who they were and went from there.

Even animals really popular with a lot of people still could choose me as their favourite, and I knew some which would've been up for me to have sexual relations with, but I chose not to, because I was not a permanent fixture in their lives and I didn't think they would deserve that kind of unstability in their lives. I think a lot of horse people can understand me here.

But then there were dogs. Exciteable dogs! Wild, rambunctious farm dogs who felt like the world was their oyster! I had a lot of relations with those dogs.
There was this one special one who was so calm, so nice, so kind and I fell in love with him. He did not belong to me, but what a lovely beast he was. He was my first love and I get teary-eyed every time I think of the time I spent with him.. every morning when the sun was rising, I'd drink coffee sitting on the ground at the most beautiful meadow, and he would walk right beside me, plop down and share that moment with me.
We ended up becoming deeper friends, because I understood what it is like to be a dog, and he appreciated my time as someone who kept him safe and things in order.. and also played with him like no one else understood. He was a calm dog, so he did not want to play tug like the others, he wanted something fun and engaging and when he got tired of playing, he'd plop down and appreciate the beautiful landscape we had around.
He was someone who really understood beauty. He knew how to chill down and just take it all in.
He was so attractive as a person and I felt shy and weird and inexperienced when I first propositioned to him. But I knew him well, he knew me well and we spoke, we told what we felt like in the moment and I was so happy to see we felt the same. He was all for the sexual relations I propositioned him for and we went for it!
He had never done it with anyone else, not bitches, not humans and it was the same for me, so it was really special.
And as time went forward, he started to nudge me with.. hey.. wanna do it? When before, it was this messy, weird and fun conclusion we came to together. Forward, it was either him asking for it, or me asking for it.
He knew the proper time, he knew it was private to only us. he was really good at reading people and his surroundings and he knew what we did was between us, and no one else would be part of it.
Sometimes I find an anti-zoophilia sentiment which goes along the lines of "If you teach a dog to mount you, then he's going to mount everyone and it's super inappropriate and will make his life so hard!" and I chuckle when I remember my first love, this farm dog who lived 100% of his life without supervision who still was so understanding and smart he knew sex with a human was special and only limited to the persons involved.
He was a gentleman though, and I've seen dogs who have never had sex with a human who would hump every damn thing in front of them!! It depends on the person, really, and most dogs will understand situation and will not hump every person they meet.
I mean, why would they? It's not like every human will feed, wash, or even play with them?? And they DO understand that!
Non-human animals are intelligent, understand nuance, love, affection and interpersonal relationships.

I'm getting kinda tired, I ranted, I rambled, I lost my point a long time ago, but I want to leave you with this sentiment or anecdote:

I have not had sexual relations with non-humans in YEARS, but I am still a 100% zoophile, still 100% attracted to animals but the most important thing is.. I love animals.
I don't NEED sexual relationship with an animal to love and appreciate them. I have had several in my life, and all were loving and good, but it's not what I demand and need of an animal.

What brought me to zoosexuality was mutual understanding, need to relate and know how someone else is feeling and being open to the experience their lives..
I just have this innate need to connect to someone, as a person and to love them.
It's where this all is coming from, and I can be completely full and happy for the rest of my life with not having sex with any non-human ever again, but.. I needed to experience it even once in my life to truly KNOW if it was it.. and it WAS IT! It really was, I loved it, they loved it, were they a dog, mare, doe or a buck, and I was so happy they could feel so safe and comfortable as to do it with me, share this intimacy with me.. it fulfilled me.

I will have animals in my life in the future and the basis of getting any of them will be love. If I have the time and space to give them the best life, I will get them into my life! Even if I'd get an animal to have sex with them.. it might not turn out that way. Some will just not be into me, and that is fine, and I am completely content with having an animal like that in my life until the end of their life.
I love animals, I love all animals, I can feel kinship to them and that is what is the most important. Sex is a nice bonus on top of having someone amazing in your life, but the baseline is love and respect.

This was my ramble, pouring my heart out to the zoo community today. Thank you for reading..!
I share part of your story in the sense of getting to know the furry friend and have them approach me. People look at me in awe too.

What's very interesting is that I'm studying to become a veterinarian and if I get caught with zoo porn or doing the slightest pornographic thing with my girl, my career is over but we get taught in school about how to maximize profits from animal products with the same incestuous breeding pattern of the dogs but with large animals. Horses for strength, polo, racing, and riding, cows for milk and meat, sheep for milk, wool, and meat, chickens for eggs and meat, you get the idea.

Of course I'm totally against going vegan and veganizing my girls (dogs aren't herbivores), I get titled as a monster for hunting ducks and porridges with my girls instead of buying meat from the butcher.

Although another point to take into consideration, around 80% of the meat in my country is obtained from field cows, not factory farms. Can't say for sure about the chickens but the cows, sheep, and horses roam free in my country. There was an investigation with factory meat and field meat and the field meat was much denser, richer in blood, and the fat was marginal. Factory meat had an equal amount of blood and fat and the fat was found inbetween the muscle fibers, not marginal.
I really liked your post, as I feel exactly the same about Zoophilia.
I enjoy just the beauty of animals, especially dogs, since I am also sexually attracted to dogs.

But I don't and at the same time do agree with you on the breeding of animals. There are so many aspects of it, bad and good, it surely isn't as dark as you wrote in your post.
Way to go. I have been on this rant since folks started getting all better than thou about mistreating animals as zoo and made us all felons while eating their burger or fried chicken and doing all the raping type things with farm animals. Not just this its the tagging, docking, elastrating, pocket knife castrating, etc.. that takes place as well. It is not just farm animals that suffer injustices of all kinds its is any animals in a zoo as well. Zoo vets poke, and prod animals, elctroejacualte them, masturbate them by hand and shove their hands and fingers in anal orifices, and vaginas while the poor animal is tied up. If you did these things to humans it would be called rape, sexual assault, and molestation.

One thing I can not stand is hypocrisy of any kind and these anti zoos and the laws they make are the very essence of it. They do not understand the average zoo spoils their lovers rotten and gives them the best that they can and keep them safe, happy, spoiled, and well loved. Just as one does with a favorite human companion.

@Maui69 I find it refreshing that you go to the effort to get your ladies things that you know are truly healthy for them and therefore know exactly where it is coming from. I think this is how all folks should do it if they can. Not sure what those wild porridges are though. I think you got auto cucumbered. Did you perchance mean partridges?

Indeed free range is always better than commercial. Non of the added crap that commercial farms put into their stock.
probably I don't know the english name. It's called Perdiz here

Edit: Wikipedia says "Partridge" I didn't get autocorrected, I mixed up translating lol
I really liked your post, as I feel exactly the same about Zoophilia.
I enjoy just the beauty of animals, especially dogs, since I am also sexually attracted to dogs.

But I don't and at the same time do agree with you on the breeding of animals. There are so many aspects of it, bad and good, it surely isn't as dark as you wrote in your post.

Oh trust me it is actually worse than all that. I have grown up in the country around folks that raise animals for consumption or for pure blood lines in horses. A regular thing is to restrain an animal while doing unholy things to it or have the female tied down while the male basically is forced to rape her whether or not she wishes to be savged by a brute of a male. They also cut nuts of sometimes with a pocket knife while tying down the young bulls or put special bands around them and let them rot off. Notches are somtimes cut in the ears and in the throat flap of cattle with the same knife, They also put all kinds of tags in ears, and sometimes cut off tails in stockyards or dairies. Do not get me started on how inhumane chick farms are with their stock what with the trimming of the beaks in females and the grinding up of live male chicks etc..

So yes it is as dark and sometimes even darker than @HoundDogRuffDog paints it.
probably I don't know the english name. It's called Perdiz here

Edit: Wikipedia says "Partridge" I didn't get autocorrected, I mixed up translating lol
Aw I see got to love it when things don't translate as we wish. Can make for some hilarious conversation or getting slapped in some instances. I do love it when folks can speak multiple languages though. What is your native tongue?
Spanish. I fluently know English then some Japanese and Russian. I live in Argentina ^.^
one of the few major countries that has bestiality legalized and won't penalize it any time soon
Very cool. You could get along quite well in many places then. I am a language dunce being I just speak English. Oh a south American neighbor. Argentina is a beautiful country. Lucky you. Argentina seems like a worthy place to visit someday. Up here In Northwest Washington in Washington State it was banned in 2005. It is now considered a felony crime with up to 10 years in prison and a very heavy fine. So color me jealous.
well you'll probably get scammed. Argentinians are known for theft, fraud, and scamming. Anyways, the country is great, make 30km away from the capital and it's farm after farm after farm. It's not that bestiality is legalized by a law, there's just nothing penalizing it. The laws (both normal and penitentiary laws) don't mention anything about intercourse with animals. Only abuse and even then it's usually not enforced. Stray dogs run rampant in the provinces. Not so much in the capital. There were like three articles of abuse regarding bestiality tops in the past ten years and everyone says that the farmowner fucks his sheep anyways.

As far as I know, only Russia, Japan, and Argentina have it completely legal both the act and having porn of it. When I started vet school here, the public university of veterinarian science was listed on the top three best universities in the world, having France before us and another country I don't remember. According to my psychologist, zoophilia is rather common here but no one dares say a word. While it's legal, the social status of it is considered disgusting and sickening because "ze poor animals u rapists!!!!!"

and then again, as OP stated, shoving your arm into a cow's ass with a meter-long condom and castrating bulls with a butcherknife out in the open and pouring alcohol to "cauterize" is considered regular practice. I've also seen vets doing non-emergency surgeries on small animals out in the open field. Like dude! Get a fucking surgical room! I understand that no one wants to sterilize the room because of the cost but at least you won't have dirt picked up from the trucks poured into the poor open animal by the wind or that fly that came by and layed a few invisible eggs in the dog
The fact that sex with animals is banned, but other far worse things are not (such as slaughter, castration, etc.) is a sign that these bullshit anti-zoos are not really about stopping "animal abuse" -- they are about forcing "morality" on people. As I said in another thread, a government does not have a legitimate interest in banning all sex with animals -- yet they do it anyway. And once the unjust law is made, no one ever tries to fight it.

If people really wanted to stop "animal abuse", they would ban slaughter, spaying/neutering, and artificial insemination -- yet they don't. Lawmakers are hypocrites, and the laws they make are morally inconsistent.

Really, cruel things like slaughter and spaying/neutering should be banned, and ethical sex with animals should NOT be banned -- yet society has this backwards.

People treat animals poorly due to speciesism -- the idiotic belief that non-human animals are "below" humans morally. Speciesism enables people to do things they would never do to humans.
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I share part of your story in the sense of getting to know the furry friend and have them approach me. People look at me in awe too.

What's very interesting is that I'm studying to become a veterinarian and if I get caught with zoo porn or doing the slightest pornographic thing with my girl, my career is over but we get taught in school about how to maximize profits from animal products with the same incestuous breeding pattern of the dogs but with large animals. Horses for strength, polo, racing, and riding, cows for milk and meat, sheep for milk, wool, and meat, chickens for eggs and meat, you get the idea.

Of course I'm totally against going vegan and veganizing my girls (dogs aren't herbivores), I get titled as a monster for hunting ducks and porridges with my girls instead of buying meat from the butcher.

Although another point to take into consideration, around 80% of the meat in my country is obtained from field cows, not factory farms. Can't say for sure about the chickens but the cows, sheep, and horses roam free in my country. There was an investigation with factory meat and field meat and the field meat was much denser, richer in blood, and the fat was marginal. Factory meat had an equal amount of blood and fat and the fat was found inbetween the muscle fibers, not marginal.
If people harass you for hunting ducks they would love to see my freezer. I hope you chew them up for that.
Absolutely adore this and couldn't agree more. I see a lot of posts that also imply vegans are often against zoos, but I've been acutely aware of how abusive industry is on our animal counter parts, and it's a basic duty to unlearn the ideals set forth by that industry, simply to continue commodifying Life and suffering Itself. My veganism is definitely tied to me being able to connect to animals on a basic, humane level.
Often people who make a fuss do Not understand the depths of love and affection you can reach with an animal, there is language there that most don't want to learn, because it gets them closer to the uncomfortable reality that, actually, the morals we're surrounded by, are totally, totally dissonant to the reality of the situation, facing it would shatter their worldview, entirely.
Thank you all for your thoughts and input, it's cool to read the thoughts of other zoos!

I apologize for starting a bit of an argument of animal welfare, my point was only to point out the hypocrisy of the lawmakers - how in countries where it's perfectly legal to basically torture animals to produce profit, but not legal to have even the mildest and most loving sexual relations with the same animals.
The reason for these laws is bigotry, basically.

Bad thing is, the laws create an atmosphere. Usually of fear and paranoia, but it goes bone-deep sometime. Like, it might make individuals feel dirty, broken and other-ed to have their sexuality be completely illegal, even if they never even participate.

And I want to underline here.. there's nothing wrong with being a zoophile/zoosexual. The anti-sentiment is wrong and cruel and serves no other purpose but to put good people down.
There's no need to feel bad about the taboo sexuality of zoophilia.
It's perfectly okay, normal even and any claims of abuse crumble upon closer inspection of it.

I was born with this attraction and I did my best to be rid of it and I absolutely cannot change it no matter what. So I'm finally embracing it.
I'm feeling a bit more normal and connected now-a-days, and fine with myself.
You are not the only one. For years I thought I was a filthy, borked dude due to my SDA upbringing. I had an attraction to all animals from childhood even before I know what sex was. I finely came around to the fact that there is truly nothing wrong with me or it. Especially when every other kind of human pairing is ok with others and folks base it of the fact animals do it all the time and ignore the fact that animals also have relations on the regular with other species. They also forget aniamls engage in behaviors that are not acceptable in any culture. Hypocrisy is such a wonderful thing as is picking and chosing things based on ones own preferences or religious beliefs. Oh ick has never been a valid reason for anything nor has oh some fantastical other worldly spirit said made it right. Especially one that has many more sins wracked up than any human will ever have and thinks it is without fault or sin and blames all its woes on some ohter guy named lucifer. Finger pointing and blaming others has never been acceptable, so why do we give God a pass on it?
You are not the only one. For years I thought I was a filthy, borked dude due to my SDA upbringing. I had an attraction to all animals from childhood even before I know what sex was. I finely came around to the fact that there is truly nothing wrong with me or it. Especially when every other kind of human pairing is ok with others and folks base it of the fact animals do it all the time and ignore the fact that animals also have relations on the regular with other species. They also forget aniamls engage in behaviors that are not acceptable in any culture. Hypocrisy is such a wonderful thing as is picking and chosing things based on ones own preferences or religious beliefs. Oh ick has never been a valid reason for anything nor has oh some fantastical other worldly spirit said made it right. Especially one that has many more sins wracked up than any human will ever have and thinks it is without fault or sin and blames all its woes on some ohter guy named lucifer. Finger pointing and blaming others has never been acceptable, so why do we give God a pass on it?

This seems like a path many of us had to travel. Or more like, cut trough brush and twig with a machete to come to their own road!

I remember my attraction going waaaaaaaaaayyy back into my childhood. I just had immense interest and connection and the gravitational force was unbearably strong!
This seems like a path many of us had to travel. Or more like, cut trough brush and twig with a machete to come to their own road!

I remember my attraction going waaaaaaaaaayyy back into my childhood. I just had immense interest and connection and the gravitational force was unbearably strong!
I'm very glad I joined this forum. Seeing this thread especially has made up my mind about my feelings and moral standpoint regarding bestiality and zoophilia. I am a vegetarian, intending to go vegan at some point, and I care deeply about animals. I guess zoosexuality is just another one of those topics where misinformation and prejudice leads to hatred and fear. Aren't people just amazing? *sigh*
I don't really know if I'm a zoophile yet, due to limited experience, and probably less interest than many here (definitely some though). If it could be a secondary thing then it seems more likely. But either way, I feel much better about my confused feelings, both sexual and otherwise. And finding the label that fits me doesn't seem to matter as much now I know I'll be okay with whatever it turns out to be.
Thank you for opening my eyes, you people seem really cool. <3
I'm very glad I joined this forum. Seeing this thread especially has made up my mind about my feelings and moral standpoint regarding bestiality and zoophilia. I am a vegetarian, intending to go vegan at some point, and I care deeply about animals. I guess zoosexuality is just another one of those topics where misinformation and prejudice leads to hatred and fear. Aren't people just amazing? *sigh*
I don't really know if I'm a zoophile yet, due to limited experience, and probably less interest than many here (definitely some though). If it could be a secondary thing then it seems more likely. But either way, I feel much better about my confused feelings, both sexual and otherwise. And finding the label that fits me doesn't seem to matter as much now I know I'll be okay with whatever it turns out to be.
Thank you for opening my eyes, you people seem really cool. <3
To be zoo is to have the attraction and desire to love animals completely as one would love a human companion it does not mean you have to have sexual realtions it just means you love your pet on a more significant level than the so called "normal" humans. From your self description I would say you fit the bill. Nothing to be ashamed of at all. Embrace it and explore every aspect of it. It is who you are and you desrve to be free of any negativity others may throw at it. Welcome btw. I hope you are having a wonderful life and are staying happy, healthy, safe, and content.
To be zoo is to have the attraction and desire to love animals completely as one would love a human companion it does not mean you have to have sexual realtions it just means you love your pet on a more significant level than the so called "normal" humans. From your self description I would say you fit the bill. Nothing to be ashamed of at all. Embrace it and explore every aspect of it. It is who you are and you desrve to be free of any negativity others may throw at it. Welcome btw. I hope you are having a wonderful life and are staying happy, healthy, safe, and content.
Thank you so much. Really lovely to hear <3
I hope you are too.
Most welcome! I figured it would help to clear things up from a perspective that has been there and done that kind of thing when it came to beating myself up and wondering what the hell was wrong with me and coming to the understanding that it was ok and that it was not me that had the issue. It just takes loving yourself and accepting who and what you are. Also one just has to look at things in nature and understand that love knows no bounds or same species only interactions. You go on and be happy with whatever species you love.

Tanks bunches, I am dong fine and life is good. I have the benefit of being out in the great out of doors in the great northwest. I also have plenty to keep me busy at the moment with grass mowing, weed whacking, tree thinning, firewood cutting, etc.. on many acres. Plus the weather has been so beautiful lately. Bright sunshine, blue skies, and somewhat windy every day! Love the fresh air and cough, cough, wheeze all of the wonderful plant sperm floating about waiting to be inhaled by any unsuspecting person enjoying said outdoors. The question is does one spit or swallow?

Have a most excellent day!
I guess zoosexuality is just another one of those topics where misinformation and prejudice leads to hatred and fear
As a sexually free woman i am the target of prejudiced men and women who in the past have slut shamed me, personally degraded me, and disregard me as a human being.... And that's without k9! I've loosely hinted that I am sexual with canines at times but I still keep it a secret.

Labels are omitted and redefined all the time with zoo being the most recent one. My livelihood and others are not so fortunate. There is no real information on here. The facilitators replaced knowledge with group think and propaganda and wrapped it into an "us vs them" agenda!! You're wanting to be vegan to live healthier and also defend animals but there's zoo people on here who have a baseless vendetta against vegans.... What does that tell you?

And finding the label that fits me doesn't seem to matter as much now I know I'll be okay with whatever it turns out to be.

Yaaasss!!! Don't try to fit in with a community based label because it's so limiting in the end. Be yourself and do what feels right for you! That is the only way your sexuality will start to make sense..

The fact that sex with animals is banned, but other far worse things are not (such as slaughter, castration, etc.) is a sign that these bullshit anti-zoos are not really about stopping "animal abuse" -- they are about forcing "morality" on people

Soo wrong! There are lots of abuse that go on with zoophilia/bestiality. I love how agenda driven "zoos" speak against the law but won't speak out against rape and abuse right on this forum! Some men and women do but they're silenced.

Really, cruel things like slaughter and spaying/neutering should be banned, and ethical sex with animals should NOT be banned -- yet society has this

Nooo!!!! First off define ethical sex and according to who? Secondly every dog that I had were not neutered. Even my relatives were nagged to keep their doggies intact. But, not every girl is sexual with doggies and not everyone is a breeder. Female dogs give birth to a litter of 6+ puppies. The thought of what would happen to unwanted puppies is enough for me to reject zoophilia based on your group think. I HATE irresponsibility that comes from selfish feelings

There's no need to feel bad about the taboo sexuality of zoophilia.

But it does happen and the guilt and shame can be very strong. Embracing zoophilia is not a cure

And I want to underline here.. there's nothing wrong with being a zoophile/zoosexual. The anti-sentiment is wrong and cruel and serves no other purpose but to put good people down.
I am embarrassed to see what zoophilia has become tbh. I'm sure you might be a good person and there are other people who are also good, but there are rapists and animal abusers who proudly call themselves zoo. Denying it might as well be a shameless form of support

It's perfectly okay, normal even and any claims of abuse crumble upon closer inspection of

I've been harassed for calling out abuse. My posts criticizing a man's experiment of locking a wife and a dog in the trunk of a car for an hour just to see which of the two is happy to be "rescued" and makes the man feel loved were deleted.

I've also fostered sexually abused male dogs so were they really born with a mutilated and or permanently widened anal canal?
You're wanting to be vegan to live healthier and also defend animals but there's zoo people on here who have a baseless vendetta against vegans.... What does that tell you?
My experience with vegan discussions here is that many of those who reject veganism most fervidly turned out to be either in the livestock industry themselves or to be from a family who is. They usually won't tell you so right away, especially if no one asked, of course. But when you realize this, it suddenly becomes understandable why they can be ferocious. Veganism questions a huge part of who they are and threatens their own or their family's livelihood. When they fight against veganism, they basically defend their life, which is not that much different from vegans who are highly passionate defending animals' lives.

Concerning abuse, I think your criticism would be taken more seriously, if you would not call every man who is active with a female animal a rapist by default—in addition to belittling bottom gay men. It is as if you would call the firefighters every time whenever someone lights a candle and then complain that they hang up when you call them in case of actual bush fires. You have conditioned them to associate your voice with bullshit.
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Concerning abuse, I think your criticism would be taken more seriously, if you would not call every man who is active with a female animal a rapist by default
You by default are stupid! I never said ALL men. This doesn't mean that some men are not abusive towards animals. I love how it's always the same petty little boys slandering and misquoting me. You won't call out animal abuse but I will. Men who don't get offended by me doing that are the ones who dont abuse animals. The ones that do need to explain themselves.

in addition to belittling bottom gay men.
The insecure dummy with vagina envy and the one who thought his torture experiment which involved throwing a wife and a dog inside the trunk of a car for self gratification deserve to be belittled. Grouping all gay bottom men with those vile trash is belittling.

My experience with vegan discussions here is that many of those who reject veganism most fervidly turned out to be either in the livestock industry themselves or to be from a family who
I was talking about other threads in the forum. If I meant here as in this single thread I would have quoted said persons sentence/paragraph and commented on it. I'm not like you, I don't slander and misquote people
You by default are stupid! I never said ALL men. This doesn't mean that some men are not abusive towards animals. I love how it's always the same petty little boys slandering and misquoting me.
Neither did I misquote you nor did I use the word "all", I said "every". The technical difference is that all refers to a group, while every refers to each individual. This means that you would not miss a chance to put a man who is with a female animal into the rapist corner, e.g. here, but it is indeed an exaggeration, since you obviously can't address every man with a female animal individually. This is actually the decisive difference between "all" and "every" here: "all" could be understand literally, but "every" impossibly so. I apologize if the exaggeration bothered you, because my point was not to bother you. Nevertheless I would have preferred, if you had tried to understand the gist of my message instead of playing the victim card. That's really the point: You could be taken seriously, if you would act more constructive, instead of seizing opportunities for conflict and baseless accusations, when there is no actual reason to do so.

I was talking about other threads in the forum.
Me too.
I've reported your post for harrasment,

Thank you so much!! <33

Did I even post in this thread? No. Why am I being quoted here.
Because I used your lack of intelligence to respond to this...
This means that you would not miss a chance to put a man who is with a female animal into the rapist corner, e.g. here,

Tailo linked my post where I made a series of responses to you in my thread and purposefully took it out of context. Instead of explaining things I quoted your whole post and posted it here because it settled things faster than it would if I repeated myself over and over again. The last part after your quote was for Talio
Thank you so much!! <33

Because I used your lack of intelligence to respond to this...

Tailo linked my post where I made a series of responses to you in my thread and purposefully took it out of context. Instead of explaining things I quoted your whole post and posted it here because it settled things faster than it would if I repeated myself over and over again. The last part after your quote was for Talio
You're welcome! <33

How about we clear this up once and for all. So that we have this on record...
In your opinion, what constitutes as consensual sex between a male human and a female dog? What specific parameters/actions/conditions need to be fulfilled, so that you don't consider it rape or forced sex?
So that we have this on record...

Omg lol!!!! You mean answer the same questions I've already done when you or some other dumpsterfire idiot accuse of things I've never said? I'm sure those are "on record." You just have to look for them lol
Omg lol!!!! You mean answer the same questions I've already done when you or some other dumpsterfire idiot accuse of things I've never said? I'm sure those are "on record." You just have to look for them lol
Nice avoidance. I've looked at your post history before posting my initial comment. On my post you basically stated that the behaviors my girl exhibits do not constitute as enjoyment. (Which 95% of other zoos would disagree with.) I'm looking for your decisive and clear-cut definition, in no uncertain terms, which actions and behaviors indicate enjoyment, and what conditions need to be met for said enjoyment to occur. The only thing you could provide is that things need to be done in relation to the "canine world." Which one could contest due to the very fact that we've enacted artificial selection upon them to cater to our needs. Not sexually, we've bred them to please us and to be our loving companions in general. Dogs are a human corrupted species.

I'm looking for your answer, not a redirection.