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Just different, right.....?



Yesterday I had a thought: ?

Are we zoophiel-loving humans just different or is it evolution?🤔

To explain: Sex with animals has been around for several thousand years, which has been scientifically and historically proven. 🧐

Now to the point, an evolution takes a few more years. So what do you think about it?😇

LG Sun

PS.: I couldn't sleep all night because of it 🤯
Are we zoophiel-loving humans just different or is it evolution?
It is not.

Now to the point, an evolution takes a few more years. So what do you think about it?
Evolution took the path to separate species and continues to do so with any new population that becomes separated.
Sufficiently distant species are not able to reproduce with each other anymore and the goal of each species is to not go extinct.

There is quite literally no way we would be able to naturally reproduce with any other animal than something extremely closely related to humans even in a few hundred million years.

And by that time we will have destroyed the environment by our own greed to the point of not having any other species to try with anyway.

The most related species to us are apes and we can not reproduce with them either.
There simply is no incentive to even begin trying to do that. So evolution can not work on that. And even if it could, the time would not be a few years, it would be a in the range of hundreds of thousands or millions of years,
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To what extent can you confirm that evolution is out for separation? Consider that humanity is not very old. Evolution comes from nature and why shouldn't this be the reason to save our planet from greed?
Evolution is not a conscious process. It happens randomly and those better suited for survival in the current environment get to pass their genes on.
So once a species becomes separated, it gradually changes over a long time to be better in it's environment until it can no longer reproduce with it's ancestors.

Every species is greedy. Every animal exploits it's environment for it's own benefit.
Any species that gets to human level will begin to destroy the environment around them.
Actually even lower intelligence animals do that if it is not balanced by predators and vice versa.
We are just very good at destroying our planet quickly.

Being able to reproduce with dogs would not save us from anything.
You contradict yourself a little. In your first post you write that it is not possible, and in the second that it happens by chance. That man is destructive and greedy, I fully agree with you. But nature heals itself. Can't evolution also have the opposite effect? That the beings that emerge from it appreciate nature more and are not so greedy?
Evolution is not slow. Evolution is fast as in being able to apply existing traits to most if the population in just a few generations.

Say, if only people with blue eyes survived, mostly everyone would be green eyed when population got to its level again (still, other eye color would most likely be there and show occasionally)

A different thing is when you need a chain of changes to get something very different. This will take more or less time depending also on genome variability and the chances for random mutations.

So. Question was if there was a "zoo gene" as of there is a "gay gene"? Can't say yes or no, but if there is, ironically, forcing zoos (or gays) to be family people and reproduce... would have scattered that gene everywhere 😁
You contradict yourself a little. In your first post you write that it is not possible, and in the second that it happens by chance. That man is destructive and greedy, I fully agree with you. But nature heals itself. Can't evolution also have the opposite effect? That the beings that emerge from it appreciate nature more and are not so greedy?
(If gene related) Only if people with this trait [=non greedy] somehow get some reproductive advantage over those without
Evolution is not slow. Evolution is fast as in being able to apply existing traits to most if the population in just a few generations.

Say, if only people with blue eyes survived, mostly everyone would be green eyed when population got to its level again (still, other eye color would most likely be there and show occasionally)

A different thing is when you need a chain of changes to get something very different. This will take more or less time depending also on genome variability and the chances for random mutations.

So. Question was if there was a "zoo gene" as of there is a "gay gene"? Can't say yes or no, but if there is, ironically, forcing zoos (or gays) to be family people and reproduce... would have scattered that gene everywhere 😁
Should there be a gene that is called a zoo for humans? Could this be exactly the decisive point. Or? Homosexuality and bi and divers we already get through everything. What if, the next steps are to fundamentally change our thoughts and thus promote these genes
Evolution is not a conscious process. It happens randomly and those better suited for survival in the current environment get to pass their genes on.
So once a species becomes separated, it gradually changes over a long time to be better in it's environment until it can no longer reproduce with it's ancestors.

Every species is greedy. Every animal exploits it's environment for it's own benefit.
Any species that gets to human level will begin to destroy the environment around them.
Actually even lower intelligence animals do that if it is not balanced by predators and vice versa.
We are just very good at destroying our planet quickly.

Being able to reproduce with dogs would not save us from anything.

it's really obnoxious how you butt in on every single thread on this site and I can't ignore your profile. mod accounts should be for moderation only not fraternization imo. that could be done on a personal account and people could speak freely or disagree with you without the fear of being banned. also give me an ignore button. you annoy me
it's really obnoxious how you butt in on every single thread on this site and I can't ignore your profile. mod accounts should be for moderation only not fraternization imo. that could be done on a personal account and people could speak freely or disagree with you without the fear of being banned. also give me an ignore button. you annoy me
That is fine. You will not be banned for having a different opinion on evolution.
Should there be a gene that is called a zoo for humans? Could this be exactly the decisive point. Or? Homosexuality and bi and divers we already get through everything.
Gays and antigays habe been trying to solve the "nature vs nurture" along with the "mental issue" thing for quite some time. Once that one is ckear, you may have an idea about the origin of other "issues"

Still, humans, as species, are heavily learned and poorly instinct based (except for the fit-in-the-group thing)
What if, the next steps are to fundamentally change our thoughts and thus promote these genes
What? Who? Why??
Are you asking whether zoophiles are genetically different? As I mentioned earlier on ZV, considering that a fair amount of people will identify as a "zoo" just by watching a video at the right time, there's a strong argument that the answer might be no, or at least not much. This could seem antizoo to some, but it isn't really a positive or negative thing. The argument esentially seems like whether zoophilia is more like diabetes or more like smoking pot.
it's really obnoxious how you butt in on every single thread on this site and I can't ignore your profile. mod accounts should be for moderation only not fraternization imo. that could be done on a personal account and people could speak freely or disagree with you without the fear of being banned. also give me an ignore button. you annoy me
Get over it, or get lost. It's that simple. Mods aren't ignorable for a reason. Don't like that? Again, get over it, or get lost. Pes and I have our differences, but he's also one of the more intelligent and knowledgeable folks here. Blow off his input at your own peril, especially on this subject, 'cause he's *ABSOLUTELY RIGHT*, despite your wanker's wish for things to be otherwise. Learn that and absorb it for a nice happy life as part of this forum.
  • Haha
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Here are two posts from another forum where I asked the same question. Please read in peace.
From Lydia:
If we look at primitive peoples, we will find some who practice it. As an esotericist I read e.g. Books on African and South American cults, Voodoo, Hootoo, etc. (Currently writings by Michael Bertiaux, the founder of the "Coleuvre Noire" order headquartered in Haiti). I watched initiation videos. Goats, snakes and others play a role. In a ritual in which a priestess was ordained, the person lay under a skin with a billy goat, the whole tribe stood around it. We know the vast amount of animal masks in various cults (even in Egypt). I am convinced that this positive reference was not only allegorical, but that pre-Christian and non-Christian cultures generally deal with it differently. (One thinks of Greece, the multitude of myths in which Zeus seduced women in animal form, Minotaur, Pan, etc. Hybrid creatures exist en masse in the traditions of the Sumerians, Assyrians, Greeks, Egyptians. And Pan is the great seducer of women and boys.) The Romans had slaves taken from horses in arenas. Historiography in Europe begins with Herodotus. However, there are testimonies that are much older than 2.5 thousand years, see bsw. Follow. Article https://www.blick.ch/life/wiss... er-antike-id15113360.html where it says: "Sex with animals was practiced a very, very long time ago. A carving that is 25,000 years old shows a lioness licking an opening. This could be either the opening of a huge penis or a vagina. In the 7th century BC, a drawing was found in Italy showing a man and a donkey having sex, and in ancient Rome, women kept snakes for sexual acts. (man)" But, we will never know for sure, just as little as the beginnings of mankind looked like. Everything is more or less speculative. Everything is more or less speculative. Science produces theories according to circumstantial evidence, relics, but also personal interests and the prevailing narratives. For example, e.g. In the meantime, the "Out of Africa Theory" has been refuted insofar as several hominids, millions of years old skull fragments and bones have been found on the Eurasian continental plate, i.e. our continent. (It is also clear, according to Darwin, humans and apes descend from common ancestors. Since monkeys live in Asia, they had ancestors. A species does not have to be confined to one territory; see bsw reptile species that exist in Africa, North and South America, Asia and Australia - with minor modifications, e.g. alligators and crocodiles. Or think of the seas with whales, shark species, etc.). A lot of finds indicate that humans were already alive in the times of the dinosaurs, including fossilized footprints next to dinosaur prints and tools (see the voluminous Lexicon of Forbidden Archaeology). The following can be assumed: the further back you go to the primitive beginnings, the more our species was involved in nature. Humans began to keep animals, to take advantage of the abilities. And since humans are just one animal species, they will always have sought intimate contact with other higher species. We are simply primarily sexual beings, sense beings. Personally, I am not convinced by the orthodox theory of evolution. We now know of hundreds of thousands of "out-of-body experiences" etc. There would be a lot to say about that. Consciousness also does not emanate from the brain, as official science and conventional medicine postulates. (See bsw. Michael Talbot "The Holographic Universe".) The brain is merely a transmitter or transformer. People can see 360 degrees in out-of-body experiences without physical eyes. It's logical. The burden of proof in this regard is overwhelming. Thus, the materialism of the 19th century has actually become obsolete. And that's exactly why I look beyond this horizon myself.
Lydia again:
Well, basically it's not about "reducing any genes" at all, but about potentiating damaged genes. Because my dears, subspecies and ethnicities arise exactly because of this, the potentiation, in the broadest sense the inbreeding. I've already read a lot about it. There were already people in the FRG who claimed that if we didn't mix soon, we would perish from inbreeding. (laughs) Stupidity or political strategy?! In any case, this is wrong. Has anyone here read Darwin and Häckel, at least in part, what Darwin writes about the adaptation of species to habitats and how somatic modifications are inherited?! Animal husbandry... How did dog breeds come about?! Have you ever thought about it? You take a few individuals from a litter and cross them further, multiply them over generations, so that a number of traits are dominant and all individuals of this new subspecies share them.Breeding means de facto inbreeding. How can primitive peoples look so homogeneous? Because they are homogeneous at the cellular level and simply all descend from a few common ancestors. So again: when genes potentiate, characteristics are strengthened. However, since 50/50 of the chromosomes of each parent (genitor) always combine in a new being, damaged genes can also potentiate. This is the only danger in this. We are all descended from inbred products. In the thousands of years in which humanity knew nothing about genes and genetics, instinct and possibilities counted. I will quote here just from an article that summarizes the most important things: "Until recently, the worldwide research community assumed that love between siblings had predominantly disadvantages. Especially from a genetic point of view: children inherit two copies of each gene, one from the father and one from the mother.If a parent has mutated a hereditary disposition, the partner can usually compensate for this with a "healthy" copy. If the parents are related, however, the probability that the same genetic make-up is defective in them also increases. Accordingly, the offspring often inherits two defective copies. This effect can be observed, for example, in the coagulation disorder hemophilia, which mainly affected nobles due to inbreeding and is therefore also called the "disease of kings". The immune system also seems to be able to react more powerfully to new challenges the different the genetic makeup of the parents...... On the other hand, however, new theoretical work predicts that inbreeding can also bring advantages to sexual partners"... We could discuss it for a long time and there would still be a lot to say. The problem is that culture/civilization means a detachment of man from nature.Therein lies the real problem. In particular, the cancellation of selection. (This is exactly why most people today are dysfunctional and disharmonically built from birth, which then also appears to us as "ugly", as unaesthetic. There is no need for e.g. to be ectomorphic as a hunter, with long legs and extreme stamina. You can see a lot of people with long torsos and too short legs, e.g. Large hands are advantageous for primates, it doesn't matter to us anymore, etc.) All species except primates, hominids and guinea pigs can generate vitamin C from food. (mitochondria, ATP production). Those who can't absorb enough vitamin C (primates 5-8 g/day through plant food). Therefore, they are resistant to cancer, malignant cell mutations (tumors). ATP is the basic energy for all metabolic processes.(Read Dr. Ulrich Strunz or Prof. Kuklinski's book "Mitochondria"?!) We humans are degenerating through civilization, artificial lifestyle, micronutrient deficiencies and our industrial food. in the supermarket we are sold industrial waste, our pharmacy deliberately produces drugs that cause diseases in order to increase profits, the medical association is staffed with partisans of the pharmaceutical industry. These are facts. And it won't save us if we deliberately interracial for a few generations, because this development is taking place globally. We are at the most dangerous and disastrous stage of Western civilization, which is now world civilization. We Westerners infected all cultures of the earth with our way of life and we are now drowning from the problems we have created. How will e.g. the Internet and digital activities (today more students sit in front of notebooks in class than they write texts by hand, copy them, etc.) have an impact on the next generations? (There are masses of articles on this from recent times like this one: https://www.zeitjung.de/gen-z-... l-media-has-to do with it/) Now the first results are available, short-sightedness, obesity, motor retardation, mental degeneration. (see e.g.: https://www.spiegel.de/panoram... 46-46ec-ae47-fb58a0b09ab3) There are reports of insufficient motor skills in the Bundeswehr and even the US Army. Is likely to be a worldwide problem, especially in the industrialized countries at the top. (But unlike in Japan, for example, we don't regularly gather around in companies every day for 30 minutes of tai chi. Chi-Gong etc. We here, as extreme individualists, possess a liberal order, an aversion to collective action. That will never work So back to the topic, the problem lies in the alienation from nature and the increasing genetic damage. In medicine and anatomy, the rule is: use it or lose it. Since we no longer care for many things, certain genes are damaged and if individuals with the same genetic damage then come together sexually, it is more likely that offspring will emerge that not only have genetic defects (like all of us basically) but also somatic defects, i.e. are physically more or less "disabled". I.e. someone who cares about his society and wants healthy offspring should live accordingly. The masses, however, are not even aware of this and testify to good luck. And if you look around on the streets and compare bsw. Pictures of young people from 1880, 1920, 1960 with today, you will notice some differences, and this does not only apply to clothing and hairstyle. Always think about the process of speciation. How do species develop? A few individuals of a species interbreed and especially among animals the siblings cross. This is the only way to create subspecies and, in the long run, species, because subspecies or "races" are incipient species, evolutionarily speaking. Therefore, some species are still crossable today and not only subspecies. But what does e.g. the high genetic similarity of humans and primates or cats, etc.? (With a similarity of 96%-99%, depending on the method of calculation – the genomes of humans and great apes such as chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans are almost identical. Domestic cats are much closer to humans on the basis of DNA matches (approx. 90%) than, for example, dogs (82%), rats (69%) and mice (67%). Are we all descended from the same ancestors? I can't answer that clearly, but I personally think certain gene structures turned out to be successful and that's why we still find these genetic matches today. It is a mistake to say "nature/evolution" does this or that. That would make as much sense as saying "The acceleration of the car goes to the next restaurant and orders a coffee there". Nature is a term for the biosphere, the totality of all life forms. The latter has no more consciousness and a unified will than a people. Otherwise, everyone would think and want the same thing. So the question is: what is behind nature, what or which entity directs it, experiments with it?! The encyclopedists and Enlightenment thinkers of the 18th century had only one goal: to overcome God and religion. (see e.g. Albert Camus and A. de Tocqueville's Studies on the French. Revolution!) Therefore, natural law scholars such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau always speak in the style: "nature wants/does this..." Darwin adopted this. Rousseau, Erasmus Darwin and Charles Darwin already had the conviction of man's descent from apes before they presented any evidence and constructed their teachings. (Alfred Russel Wallace, on the other hand, was a field researcher, lived in the tropics for a long time, but was not a materialist either. His doctrine just doesn't fit the materialism of the 19th century, so they don't spread it.) On closer inspection, much is pure ideology and nonsense. What is correct is the ability of all species to modify and the inheritance of long-term acquired as well as randomly occurring characteristics. But who tells us that "random" mutations are really random? We don't even understand what natural laws are and when they came into force. (Read Rupert Sheldrake's "Memory of Nature") By the way, I was studying medicine. However, this is not the topic here. It is important not to simply parrot what the masses say. You always have to pay attention to who puts forward the theses and whether there are a large number of sources and indications or just a single source. Finally, I do not want to step on anyone's toes personally with my statements.
Hey a man can dream. Maybe Elon starts splicing animal human DNA together. Or some type of genome mutation. Maybe human alien / animal show up on Earth one day you don't know. LOL if Christians can believe in a giant spaghetti monster in the sky our boy can believe that humans can mutate with animals somehow.