Thanks for writing this! Just took my first last month, and I'm a convertFrom: Mikhail Conrad EMAIL DELETED
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Subject: It's All About the Knot
This is a guide about sex between men and male dogs. If that offends you
then leave now. If you are not of legal age to view pornography, then you
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Archive;'It's All About the Knot'{Mikhail Conrad}( dogM anal best )[1!?]
It's All About the Knot
The most common question I get from guys that find out I get dog
fucked is; Does it hurt? The answer to that is; Yes..., it hurts...,
exquisitely. I like to look at it as a trade-off. The pain leads to some
over-the-top pleasure. The best orgasms of my life have come with my
smarting asshole trapped around a big fat cum-pumping dog knot. Getting the
knot positioned just right, with the knobby bottom side snug up against the
far end of my prostate lump is the key. When the knot lodges firmly up
against that gland, the feelings that radiant from it can make me tremble
in lust. As the dog ejaculates, and he will..., a lot, the squirts pass
through his urethra and bulge the vessel with each shot. The back base of a
dog's knot has a place close to the surface that balloons out significantly
with each discharge. That's what I want pressing into my prostate. That's
why I always want to let the dog turn.
Having a dog knot twisting in your ass is a thing you have to
experience to really understand. It can be a part of the pain that comes
from getting screwed by a canine, especially if the knot is a big one, say
eight inches around or more. But it is the only way to get that cum pulsing
place on a dog's fuck tool implanted just right for maximum
titillation. You'll know when you get it right. I did.
Why don't I just answer all the basics from start to finish. I don't
want to get into the situational stuff, like how to find a willing dog or
how to entice him. There's plenty of that kind of stuff in the stories. The
questions I get asked the most after the hurt one and my personal
experiences all concern pure mechanics, the step by step of what
happens. So let's get started. We'll do a walk-through fuck. The biggest
factor will be the dog's knot. It's all about the knot. Ready?
First, prep yourself and the space you are going to use. Clean
yourself out. A rapidly plunging dog cock encountering a turd can make for
a cramping unpleasant odorous fuck as well as a messy ending to a
knotting. Pillows, cushions, knee pads, cell phone, video camera, lights, a
bottle of water, poppers, lube, towels, all are some of the things you
might want to consider. There will be quite a bit of wet sex slop
involved. You don't want to do it on the bone white living room carpeting
regardless of how thick and cushiony the under-pad is. A vinyl sheet or
drop cloth with a washable blanket or quilt spread out on the carpet will
make the white off-limit area usable. Make the area comfortable for both
you and the dog(s). Then decide about lube.
The dog will provide plenty of lube for the fucking by himself. His
cock will start spritzing a watery but slick pre-cum almost as soon as his
sheath draws back. If you feel like you want a slicker fuck then try using
something like J-Lube. It's a powder that readily mixes with water to make
a totally inert and safe lube. It's a standard on farms and with vets and
way more affordable than small containers of water-based lube. Some of this
will be trial and error before you establish your own particulars. Have fun
with it. I enjoy all the prep time. It gets me hard going through the steps
knowing that I am going to be on the receiving end of an energetic beast
fucking pretty soon.
As a side note, there is a way to make this all easier. It was years
before I found it out, but it works; Have a buddy help you out. Someone to
encourage the dog, help line things up, and hold the dog's hind end snug up
to you for a smooth knotting can make the whole experience more rhythmic
and freer flowing. It was a long time before I found anyone I would even
think about sharing bestiality thoughts with, much less talk about the real
happenings. Just saying...
The next basic step is getting down in a position to get
mounted. There are just a couple that work for dogs and their
physiology. Every one of them is from behind. You'll occasionally find the
oddity of someone that thinks that they can straddle a dog on it's back,
but take my word for it, the dog doesn't like it. It's uncomfortable on
their spine. Then there are those that want to do it face to face. This is
not a very good idea for several reasons. You have the problem of height
positioning by having to be on your back without being able to adjust using
your hips and legs. You might feel like you have more control this way, and
you certainly do, but you've set the stage for an inferior fuck. The
biggest drawback is that it is awkward for the dog. The physical dynamics
are wrong for him to be able to clutch you firmly. That means he can't get
the leverage he needs to deliver the rapid-fire fuck he is built to
give. Another big impediment with a face to face/missionary coupling is the
psychological one. A dog that is aggressively fucking you, one that wants
to throw his knot and tie to you, has a need to dominate you. His
testosterone driven urges require it. When you are in a position constantly
being able to look at him, he feels uncomfortable. A stare in the animal
kingdom is a challenge. If you are looking to get a good forceful vigorous
screwing don't vie with the dog. Turn your butt over and present your hole
to him the way he wants it. If you want to get fucked BY a dog, you really
should get fucked LIKE a dog, and that means ass up.
This involves bending at the waist with one exception; Small dogs. If
you want to be nailed by your Dachshund, Basset hound, or even Pekingese
(Hey, who am I to judge? And Basset hounds do have enticingly huge knots),
you will have to do it prone and face down. Use a pillow or cushion if you
need a small height adjustment. That's the only way within reason to get
your asshole low enough to engage with their cock. With regular size to
large dogs the standard position is on your hands and knees. Knees and
elbows, or knees and chest are acceptable options. With really large dogs,
you might have to have a raised bench or even a table for some of the
monsters like Great Danes. Stools or ottomans make for a more relaxed
knotting since you can rest your weight on them while you're tied ass to
Once you are down and have your ready asshole accessible, you can
either keep your legs together or you can spread them. Either way will
work, but spreading your legs open makes for a faster and easier
knotting. Keeping your legs together is the best way to prevent the dog
from plunging deep and forming his knot inside you. If you want a fuck
where the dog pounds into your hole with his knot using it like a battering
ram, then try it by starting with your legs together. Be warned: This way
of getting fucked can be agony for your anus.
The dog is going to do its best to plant its knot in you and a dog's
best is usually good enough. Knots can engorge to an intimidating size
pretty fast. In the contest of knot versus asshole, the knot has a decided
advantage. Think about it. Your butthole is already designed to open and
close. A dog cock with a burgeoning knot is intended to wrest open a hole
and then seal it closed. A resisting hole is most often a losing
hole. Don't decide at the last minute to try keeping the knot out by
clamping down with your sphincter. That's how tears occur. Be smart and
make sure you're committed and know what you're getting into, or in this
instance, what's getting into you.
If you choose to keep your legs together then you need to position
your asshole at canine cock-tip level by using your hips. Stretch out with
your hips by leaning forward and you'll lower your ass. Bend tighter at the
hips and your ass goes up. Bend even more and it starts to go back down
again as your knees bend up under you and your butt lowers to your
heels. Easy. What?s the best height? That depends on the dog. You'll
probably feel the end of the dog cock and be able to judge its height. It
packs a solid punch when it's humping for a hole. I'll get to that in a
Now, if you choose to spread your legs apart, you can get your hole at
the right height the same way you would as if you kept your legs together,
OR... You can spread your knees apart to lower your hole and move them in
closer to raise it. I use a combination of both hip angle and knee width to
help a thrusting red rocket to find its target. Yep, I'm a legs apart
guy. Let's move on. It's time to get some dick.
Now you're in place. You look around and glance at the horny dog
about to fuck you silly. At this point he has already sniffed out your hole
with whatever enticements you used. He's been licking your pucker. You've
been moaning in ecstasy. And it's just beginning. The wetness of his saliva
magnifies scents to him. As he slobbers over your hole, he isn't just
tasting you, he's smelling you, the sexual muskiness of your bunghole, the
pheromones wafting from your nutsack, the scent of lust in your sweat, the
building tension in your breath. These things are real to him. You have to
tear yourself away from the intoxicating sensuous swipes of dog tongue
going across your sensitive anal ring. If you want to get fucked right,
then you need to turn your head and look at the dog behind you. Make brief
casual eye contact. Get his attention and slowly turn your head back
looking forward.
This isn't pretense. Looking back at a rutting male behind you keys an
instinctive urge to 'mount' in canines. And it will most likely get you
mounted if the dog hasn't already started on his own. The dog might
scramble around, jumping on and off if he's inexperienced. It might take
you a good bit of time to get a sexually excited virgin male dog to stay on
and hump. Or you could get speared on a wet red slab of dog cock with the
first thrust of his hips. However it happens, this is where the real
fucking begins.
Some dogs get nervous or anxious and need you to help them onto your
back. Don't jerk or yank at their forelegs. If they struggle at all then
let them go. Play with them some more. Tease them. Remember, an adult male
dog with functioning testicles wants to fuck. Just like a male human, he
wants to get a nut and like many male humans, he'll fuck anything
compatible to get one.
He will latch onto you with his forelegs, usually right above your
hips. Then he will hip-hump his cock at your ass seeking the warm
smoothness of a fuck hole. Most dogs have dew claws so a mounting can
involve some aggressive clawing and scratching as the dog clutches you
trying to knot you up. Wearing a shirt of some kind can help prevent
serious claw slashes here. Some people prep their dog by wrapping his paws
in something soft like socks. Most dogs don't like it. The thrill of a fuck
can distract them from the irritation, but I think that I get a better fuck
out of an unfettered dog. Fuckee's personal choice here, I guess.
You might get a few small scratches on your lower legs when you get
fucked by a dog. Keeping a dog's nails trimmed can alleviate this
inconvenience. He will scramble, prance, and practically slam dance his way
into your ass. He'll be pushing with his hind legs against anything his
back paws encounter in his frantic haste to impale you on his knot. You'll
feel like he's trying to crawl up your ass with his cock leading the
way. He's aggressive, hormonal driven. He's not trying to hurt you; he's
trying to fuck you.
Dogs don't fuck like we do. It's not a matter of in and out to
stimulate a swollen dickhead with them. All those nerves you have in your
little head are in a different place for dogs. They are on his knot,
concentrated around the back curve that feels the clamping of your
sphincter. We guys cum from our glans, dogs from their knot. That makes
them fuck to bury the knot, not to stroke the cock head.
Dog phalluses come in as many shapes and sizes as human ones. There is
no easily discernable head on a dog's pecker. Their cocks have a blunt
wedge-shaped glans with a nipple-like pointed tip for a urethral
opening. That's where the good stuff comes out, the final unloading point
for the dog's pre-cum and cum. Most dog cock shafts are thicker at the end
than in the middle. There is usually a taper to a bulge. This part of a
canine's penis is his prepuce. It is the shaft that the dog uses to
penetrate you. In a bit I'll key you in on something I find really fucking
hot about this shaft part of a dog's cock.
The bulging lump behind the shaft is the bulbus glandis or knot. It
can grow into a truly outsized mass. I've seen knots that were the size of
a lime all the way up to some as big around as softballs. It is the
feel-good center of the fuck for the dog. Always handle a dog's knot with
care. It's sensitive. He wants your ass lips wrapped around it. The clench
of your knot conquered pucker on this part of his fuck tool is what makes
him cum.
Behind the knot is the longest and thinnest part of the dog's
penis. It is the flexure. It is a long tube of connective tissues that go
from the dog's prostate to the knot. Most of this will never go in you, but
it is where you will be connected to the dog that just fucked you for the
duration of the tie. It is muscle spring loaded. This is the part that the
dog actually shoves with when he fucks you. He bucks into you and
compresses the muscles around his flexure. At the end of the fuck lunge he
tightens his abductor muscles just like you do when you fuck
something. That causes the muscles around his penis to elongate a bit and
shoves all the rest of the penis in front of it, knot and prepuce,
forward. This happens as fast as the dog can operate his hips. You know how
fast a dog can run. That's how fast he can fuck. The same hip muscles drive
both actions. Now that you know what's going in you, you probably want to
know how it goes in.
A dog fuck is basically a shoving match. Like I explained, the dog
uses his hips and hind legs to shove his cock into you. The dog's cock
isn't the same type of hard-on that you get. At first the only thing hard
about it is the bone. Yes, I said bone. There is a bone in a dog
cock. Don't be surprised. Most mammals have them. Humans are one of the few
that don't. It's called the os penis or baculum. It is harder than your
most rigid hard-on by a lot. The lack of one has fueled a whole
pharmaceutical industry around erectile disfunction in men. Dogs don't have
erectile disfunction. Even a fixed dog that hasn't had his balls for years
can still fuck. His heart isn't in it, but he can still sling a mean
stick. The bone is purely a penetration device. It can deliver a jab while
thrusting for your hole that will make you see stars. One dog powered
thrust with an os bone landing solidly on one of your nuts will make you
puke. That's why I always wear a jockstrap now when I do dog, it keeps my
nuts mostly out of the way. Be careful with the thing. You can use a hand
to position the dog's pecker to your hole to prevent painful bonings. That
helpful friend I talked about earlier can make a big difference at this
point too.
Now we're making progress. Suddenly it happens. The dog finds his
mark. You're impaled with a rampant pre-cum squirting dog dick. Sometimes a
dog will slide out and fail to fully penetrate you. He might even jump down
from his mount. Don't worry, he'll be right back. The prepuce shaft of a
dog's cock is equipped with pressure sensitive nerves. The dog can feel
when his cock is inside smooth tissue better than we can. It sets off a
cascade of feelings in the dog that makes him want to bury his bone. Your
ass is right there, ready and waiting so, you're going to get it. Once the
dog does get his pecker securely in you, you go for a ride.
The dog starts fucking you like he's possessed. He is. He's possessed
by a hormone release caused by stimulation to his prepuce. There are many
words to describe how a dog fucks; jackhammer, reciprocating saw, piston,
pile driver. However you think of it, it's fast, faster than you can
fuck. You will feel the bone stiffened fuck meat as it plows into you. You
can feel it many different ways; as the burn shattering pain of a cock too
massive for your unready hole, as a gut stabbing punch from one that is
extremely long, as a slash of sudden shock having your rectum suddenly
stuffed full, or the way every guy always feels it, as a wet rampaging
There will be an ever-present heat the whole time that the dog has his
schlong up your ass. He has a body temperature of a bit over 101 F, that's
38 C. It's higher than yours and you can feel it in your ass. The heat
radiates in your ass the whole time his member is in you. And it's going to
get wet, really wet, sloshy wet, cum oozing wet. If you have enough
presence of mind, you can hear fuck slurping sounds coming from your cock
pounded asshole as the dog squirts your rectum constantly with his
precum. This manic breakneck fucking won't last long so enjoy it. It's all
about the knot. All the energy he puts into the fuck is to plant that
bulging lump of fuck flesh up in your ass.
Now the fuck can go three ways from here; Four if you count bolting
away in panic and ending it, but we took the committed route so it's down
to three and they are once again all about the knot. It is either swelling
up inside your rectum already fucked deep inside you, or it's plucking your
fuck shocked hole open over and over as it plunges in and out getting
bigger with each thrust, or lastly, it is slamming into your hole seeking
to batter its way inside. I've had the bad fortune to try and keep a dog
from knotting me at this point because the phone was ringing... I lost. I
really did black out from the pain when the dog slam fuck forced his knot
past my demolished sphincter. What I advise here is to take the knot. Push
out. Back into it. Grind it into your hole. If it is wedged in your crack,
then time the humping fucks of the dog and slam your ass back as he drives
forward. It might hurt. It might hurt a lot, but it will get you
knotted. Me, I try to take the knot before it can be used as a slam
shattering torture device. I've had it that way and I prefer the non-victim
route. I want to be a prisoner, not a victim. I want to be a conscious
hostage to that cum dumping cock, not an injured blacked out victim. I
spread for the dog's cock and let him fuck me deep. This puts the knot part
of the penis inside as it swells to its full girth.
So now we're knotted. The tightness gets tighter. Once the fuck plug
gets in you it keeps expanding. Now the dog is getting his nut. He'll most
likely start panting heavily now as he orgasms and begins to spew sperm in
you. You're now knot locked as the first spurts of real cum start
saturating your guts. And there's another feeling too, another type of
fullness. Remember your dog cock parts? This feeling is coming from the
dog's shaft. It's the thing I find so nut churning hot. The fucking prepuce
is engorging along with the knot. The dog's cock is stretching deeper in
me. The big piece of meat is lengthening almost another two inches up my
ass. That turns a six inch cock into an eight incher and I can feel it
elongating and coating my colon with hot dog cum as it slides deeper.
If you haven't cum yet, save it. I don't blame you if you crank one
out while the dog pile drives you, or if you savagely stroke off a spew
when he knots you up, but a better time to get your nut is coming, and once
again, it's all about the knot. The fuck/knotting now comes to another
splitting of the ways. You can either let your dog turn or you can hold
him in place. I?ve had to hold a few dogs in place. The size of their knots
had me too afraid to let them turn. I was younger and alarmed by the
massive size of the knot stretching my rectal space to extremes. I didn't
want my asshole twisted and torn. Barring that I am a turn advocate.
If you hold your dog and don't let him turn, then the knotting will go
something like this; You can hold the dog with one hand and jack off with
the other, or you can choose to not beat your meat and just enjoy the
knotting, or you might be one of those lucky fuckers that can cum just from
being fuck filled and start shooting off. Whatever you do, the dog will
continue to squirt you full of cum. Eventually if you keep him on your
back, you will feel a loosening in your ass. It can take anywhere from a
few minutes to over an hour to happen. He's finally through cumming in
you. His knot will start to deflate. Different knots recede at different
rates. It will become small enough to come slopping out of your hole at
some point if you don't let the dog go and he pulls it out still swollen
instead. It'll come out sloppy wet and you will feel exhaustedly loose in
your asshole. Dog cum will run and trickle out of your not so tight
asshole. Don't try and clamp your hole down on the cock to keep it all
in. Your anal ring is knot shocked and not up to the task and your chute is
cum washed anyway. Rest and let your sphincter recover some. That way you
don't leave a cum trail when you get up and move. You'll be able to hold it
in if there is any left. I'll get to that in a minute. Just don't worry,
your asshole will close back up fairly fast.
Now what about those of us that let the dog turn? Well, first off, we
have to squirm around and let the knot spin a full 180 degrees in our
ass. It can happen quickly or with agonizing slowness depending on the size
and shape of the knot. Sometimes the sides of a truly wide knot will press
your prostate in such a way that cum will dribble out of your piss slit
without you having an orgasm. It's nothing to be alarmed about. It just
means you have a big wad backed up waiting to blow. At the end of the turn
you will find yourself ass to ass with your hole feeling the steady
pressure of the knot. The dog might try to pull away, but you can hold onto
his back legs to keep him from knot ripping your rectum out through your
asshole. Hold the hind legs right below the knee joint for best
results. Even if the dog scrambles to break away, you can hold him this way
without hurting him. As the dog starts cumming harder, he will most likely
settle down and just pull enough to maintain the feel-good pressure around
his knot. Yeah..., it is still all about the knot.
And how about that knot now? The squirt pulses of dog cum ejaculating
through it are now pumping directly against your prostate, massaging it,
making it thrum, radiating pleasure from your ass to your balls and even
upwards into your cock. Many guys can orgasm by letting themselves become
immersed in the raunchy carnal feeling of being bred and the ongoing
prostate stimulation. I've had that happen a few times, mostly when I've
saved up a load and not gotten off for several days. Otherwise, it is
jack-off time. Try and keep your hands off your cock when you feel the
throbbing jets of cum washing across your sex gland. I can't.
I yank my turgid prick loose from my jock's pouch and stroke-choke it
until it bursts, erupting with cum and sending a knot enhanced orgasm
exploding outward from my cock in waves of sexual ecstasy. I shudder with
each wave and my asshole contracts involuntarily increasing the pressure of
the knot on my prostate. The clenching spasms of my anal sphincter enervate
the pleasure inducing nerves in the knot and the dog will squirt his wads
more strongly. The licentious satisfaction doesn't end with the orgasm. It
is still there in the pulses that knead your prostate with every spurt of
dog cum that passes over it. The feeling will build up again. It will
continue to titillate you until the dog quits cumming. I once was able to
jack five orgasms out of my cock while knotted up by a big Rottweiler for
more than an hour.
Alas, all good things eventually have to end and just like the guys
that held their dog from turning, the one you are ass to ass with will have
his knot start to shrink. Since you are ass to ass with a steady pull, your
dog's knot will be wrenched out of your fuck loose hole. Sometimes this can
bring a stab of pain, but it also brings a feeling of release. I usually
fall forward face down and wait for my asshole to recover. And now... don't
bypass this part, spread your legs. Most dogs have an amazing post-coital
Every dog that has ever fucked me to completion has done it. It will
end your fuck session the right way. Those of you that held your dog from
turning can get in on this part too. Just make sure you spread your legs
open some. Let the aroma of your cum oozing ass permeate the room. The dog
will be drawn to it. He will slurp up the wet smears and cum leavings with
determination. Your hole will benefit from the licks and swipes his tongue
makes as he laps up his mess. The soft grainy sweeps of his tongue will
soothe your aching asshole and it will speed its complete recovery.
And now you've had your dog fuck. Pass out and sleep if you want
to. Grab a snack. Stretch the kinks out. Don't bother to get dressed
yet. The dog will want to have another go at you in an hour or so. Can you
handle it?
The End ?????
See below for a link to a search I made for you, there are lots of threads on the subject. In short though, what you've described pretty much sounds like you're not going to have a lot of success with your boy in the mounting and knotting department. You also said something key there he "isn’t really too interested." If he's not interested in mounting, find what he is interested in instead, maybe he prefers oral or a helping hand from you.My first time ever doing anything sexual at all was being knotted by huge bull mastiff. Definitely a mistake for a first time, but also the best experience at the same time. I’ve been attempting to do so many years later with my current dog, but when I adopted him, he was already neutered. He still kind of dry humps, but won’t go all the way when I try to guide him and isn’t really too interested. Wondering if anyone has any tips? I’ve tried lube too which gets him excited but won’t mount and will hop off immediately. I’m new to this so sorry if this ain’t the correct place to ask? If so please let me know where to go!
Dildos are the way to go to prepare yourself anally for a dog. As stated, dog cocks can get MASSIVE when they lock up inside you.@articwolf69 I have a question for first-timers. Dogs can get pretty big. What would you recommend for a first time knotting experience? A Beagle, a Lab? A Shepherd may be kind of big for the first time. Would you recommend a canine dildo instead?
Are you suggesting that you have to train with a dildo before taking a dog anally? Because if so I need a time machine to go back 40 years and do the training. A lot of breeds around the size of a lab or even a little bigger are not going to be any greater challenge than taking another human length wise. And since the knot is small when it goes in to lock behind the sphincter ring and shouldn't be removed until it has softened, knot size on the dogs in question shouldn't require any preparation work either. But as you go up in penis size I agree it's not going to hurt to practice first with a dildo.Dildos are the way to go to prepare yourself anally for a dog. As stated, dog cocks can get MASSIVE when they lock up inside you.
That being said, it's very easy to be injured by one if you're not prepared. I've no experience with dogs myself, but I've read a lot, seen a lot of videos, and messed around with dildos a lot.
So, on the topic of dildo preparation; Training for the width of a dog knot alone may seem like a daunting task for a beginner, and indeed it is. But that's the easy part. The real challenge with anal play is taking something deeper, through the sigmoid colon. After ~6 inches, anything going in will be met with an obstacle: This is where the sigmoid colon begins. It's the part of your large intestine right above your rectum. as you go further in, it turns to the side (your left) and then curves straight up after a few more inches. Overall the length from the entrance of your anus to the upper end of your colon is about 10 inches. Some dog cocks (especially large-boned dogs like Saint Bernards) can grow as long as 14 inches. I'm sure you can see where that's a problem for anyone who gets a rapidly expanding dog cock stuck inside them who hasn't loosened and trained their insides adequately to prepare for that. Some people have hemorrhaged and had to go to the hospital to save their life because they were basically stabbed inside. Sorry for the horrible mental imagery but It's very important that you (and anyone else who wants to try) understands this.
I’m literally squirming in my seat at work reading this. I need to experience this desperatelyFrom: Mikhail Conrad EMAIL DELETED
9. Do not include phone numbers / emails / KiK / any other IM names, links or chat invites in any section of the main site, including the personals section. Have members contact you through PM on the site instead. You then can decide to share them those details. (Posting on their profile does not count as a private message.) Encoding your phone number in the form of alphabet is also not allowed.
Subject: It's All About the Knot
This is a guide about sex between men and male dogs. If that offends you
then leave now. If you are not of legal age to view pornography, then you
need to leave too. This is my intellectual property and may not be
posted in any way or used for anything other than personal reading without
my express permission.
Archive;'It's All About the Knot'{Mikhail Conrad}( dogM anal best )[1!?]
It's All About the Knot
The most common question I get from guys that find out I get dog
fucked is; Does it hurt? The answer to that is; Yes..., it hurts...,
exquisitely. I like to look at it as a trade-off. The pain leads to some
over-the-top pleasure. The best orgasms of my life have come with my
smarting asshole trapped around a big fat cum-pumping dog knot. Getting the
knot positioned just right, with the knobby bottom side snug up against the
far end of my prostate lump is the key. When the knot lodges firmly up
against that gland, the feelings that radiant from it can make me tremble
in lust. As the dog ejaculates, and he will..., a lot, the squirts pass
through his urethra and bulge the vessel with each shot. The back base of a
dog's knot has a place close to the surface that balloons out significantly
with each discharge. That's what I want pressing into my prostate. That's
why I always want to let the dog turn.
Having a dog knot twisting in your ass is a thing you have to
experience to really understand. It can be a part of the pain that comes
from getting screwed by a canine, especially if the knot is a big one, say
eight inches around or more. But it is the only way to get that cum pulsing
place on a dog's fuck tool implanted just right for maximum
titillation. You'll know when you get it right. I did.
Why don't I just answer all the basics from start to finish. I don't
want to get into the situational stuff, like how to find a willing dog or
how to entice him. There's plenty of that kind of stuff in the stories. The
questions I get asked the most after the hurt one and my personal
experiences all concern pure mechanics, the step by step of what
happens. So let's get started. We'll do a walk-through fuck. The biggest
factor will be the dog's knot. It's all about the knot. Ready?
First, prep yourself and the space you are going to use. Clean
yourself out. A rapidly plunging dog cock encountering a turd can make for
a cramping unpleasant odorous fuck as well as a messy ending to a
knotting. Pillows, cushions, knee pads, cell phone, video camera, lights, a
bottle of water, poppers, lube, towels, all are some of the things you
might want to consider. There will be quite a bit of wet sex slop
involved. You don't want to do it on the bone white living room carpeting
regardless of how thick and cushiony the under-pad is. A vinyl sheet or
drop cloth with a washable blanket or quilt spread out on the carpet will
make the white off-limit area usable. Make the area comfortable for both
you and the dog(s). Then decide about lube.
The dog will provide plenty of lube for the fucking by himself. His
cock will start spritzing a watery but slick pre-cum almost as soon as his
sheath draws back. If you feel like you want a slicker fuck then try using
something like J-Lube. It's a powder that readily mixes with water to make
a totally inert and safe lube. It's a standard on farms and with vets and
way more affordable than small containers of water-based lube. Some of this
will be trial and error before you establish your own particulars. Have fun
with it. I enjoy all the prep time. It gets me hard going through the steps
knowing that I am going to be on the receiving end of an energetic beast
fucking pretty soon.
As a side note, there is a way to make this all easier. It was years
before I found it out, but it works; Have a buddy help you out. Someone to
encourage the dog, help line things up, and hold the dog's hind end snug up
to you for a smooth knotting can make the whole experience more rhythmic
and freer flowing. It was a long time before I found anyone I would even
think about sharing bestiality thoughts with, much less talk about the real
happenings. Just saying...
The next basic step is getting down in a position to get
mounted. There are just a couple that work for dogs and their
physiology. Every one of them is from behind. You'll occasionally find the
oddity of someone that thinks that they can straddle a dog on it's back,
but take my word for it, the dog doesn't like it. It's uncomfortable on
their spine. Then there are those that want to do it face to face. This is
not a very good idea for several reasons. You have the problem of height
positioning by having to be on your back without being able to adjust using
your hips and legs. You might feel like you have more control this way, and
you certainly do, but you've set the stage for an inferior fuck. The
biggest drawback is that it is awkward for the dog. The physical dynamics
are wrong for him to be able to clutch you firmly. That means he can't get
the leverage he needs to deliver the rapid-fire fuck he is built to
give. Another big impediment with a face to face/missionary coupling is the
psychological one. A dog that is aggressively fucking you, one that wants
to throw his knot and tie to you, has a need to dominate you. His
testosterone driven urges require it. When you are in a position constantly
being able to look at him, he feels uncomfortable. A stare in the animal
kingdom is a challenge. If you are looking to get a good forceful vigorous
screwing don't vie with the dog. Turn your butt over and present your hole
to him the way he wants it. If you want to get fucked BY a dog, you really
should get fucked LIKE a dog, and that means ass up.
This involves bending at the waist with one exception; Small dogs. If
you want to be nailed by your Dachshund, Basset hound, or even Pekingese
(Hey, who am I to judge? And Basset hounds do have enticingly huge knots),
you will have to do it prone and face down. Use a pillow or cushion if you
need a small height adjustment. That's the only way within reason to get
your asshole low enough to engage with their cock. With regular size to
large dogs the standard position is on your hands and knees. Knees and
elbows, or knees and chest are acceptable options. With really large dogs,
you might have to have a raised bench or even a table for some of the
monsters like Great Danes. Stools or ottomans make for a more relaxed
knotting since you can rest your weight on them while you're tied ass to
Once you are down and have your ready asshole accessible, you can
either keep your legs together or you can spread them. Either way will
work, but spreading your legs open makes for a faster and easier
knotting. Keeping your legs together is the best way to prevent the dog
from plunging deep and forming his knot inside you. If you want a fuck
where the dog pounds into your hole with his knot using it like a battering
ram, then try it by starting with your legs together. Be warned: This way
of getting fucked can be agony for your anus.
The dog is going to do its best to plant its knot in you and a dog's
best is usually good enough. Knots can engorge to an intimidating size
pretty fast. In the contest of knot versus asshole, the knot has a decided
advantage. Think about it. Your butthole is already designed to open and
close. A dog cock with a burgeoning knot is intended to wrest open a hole
and then seal it closed. A resisting hole is most often a losing
hole. Don't decide at the last minute to try keeping the knot out by
clamping down with your sphincter. That's how tears occur. Be smart and
make sure you're committed and know what you're getting into, or in this
instance, what's getting into you.
If you choose to keep your legs together then you need to position
your asshole at canine cock-tip level by using your hips. Stretch out with
your hips by leaning forward and you'll lower your ass. Bend tighter at the
hips and your ass goes up. Bend even more and it starts to go back down
again as your knees bend up under you and your butt lowers to your
heels. Easy. What?s the best height? That depends on the dog. You'll
probably feel the end of the dog cock and be able to judge its height. It
packs a solid punch when it's humping for a hole. I'll get to that in a
Now, if you choose to spread your legs apart, you can get your hole at
the right height the same way you would as if you kept your legs together,
OR... You can spread your knees apart to lower your hole and move them in
closer to raise it. I use a combination of both hip angle and knee width to
help a thrusting red rocket to find its target. Yep, I'm a legs apart
guy. Let's move on. It's time to get some dick.
Now you're in place. You look around and glance at the horny dog
about to fuck you silly. At this point he has already sniffed out your hole
with whatever enticements you used. He's been licking your pucker. You've
been moaning in ecstasy. And it's just beginning. The wetness of his saliva
magnifies scents to him. As he slobbers over your hole, he isn't just
tasting you, he's smelling you, the sexual muskiness of your bunghole, the
pheromones wafting from your nutsack, the scent of lust in your sweat, the
building tension in your breath. These things are real to him. You have to
tear yourself away from the intoxicating sensuous swipes of dog tongue
going across your sensitive anal ring. If you want to get fucked right,
then you need to turn your head and look at the dog behind you. Make brief
casual eye contact. Get his attention and slowly turn your head back
looking forward.
This isn't pretense. Looking back at a rutting male behind you keys an
instinctive urge to 'mount' in canines. And it will most likely get you
mounted if the dog hasn't already started on his own. The dog might
scramble around, jumping on and off if he's inexperienced. It might take
you a good bit of time to get a sexually excited virgin male dog to stay on
and hump. Or you could get speared on a wet red slab of dog cock with the
first thrust of his hips. However it happens, this is where the real
fucking begins.
Some dogs get nervous or anxious and need you to help them onto your
back. Don't jerk or yank at their forelegs. If they struggle at all then
let them go. Play with them some more. Tease them. Remember, an adult male
dog with functioning testicles wants to fuck. Just like a male human, he
wants to get a nut and like many male humans, he'll fuck anything
compatible to get one.
He will latch onto you with his forelegs, usually right above your
hips. Then he will hip-hump his cock at your ass seeking the warm
smoothness of a fuck hole. Most dogs have dew claws so a mounting can
involve some aggressive clawing and scratching as the dog clutches you
trying to knot you up. Wearing a shirt of some kind can help prevent
serious claw slashes here. Some people prep their dog by wrapping his paws
in something soft like socks. Most dogs don't like it. The thrill of a fuck
can distract them from the irritation, but I think that I get a better fuck
out of an unfettered dog. Fuckee's personal choice here, I guess.
You might get a few small scratches on your lower legs when you get
fucked by a dog. Keeping a dog's nails trimmed can alleviate this
inconvenience. He will scramble, prance, and practically slam dance his way
into your ass. He'll be pushing with his hind legs against anything his
back paws encounter in his frantic haste to impale you on his knot. You'll
feel like he's trying to crawl up your ass with his cock leading the
way. He's aggressive, hormonal driven. He's not trying to hurt you; he's
trying to fuck you.
Dogs don't fuck like we do. It's not a matter of in and out to
stimulate a swollen dickhead with them. All those nerves you have in your
little head are in a different place for dogs. They are on his knot,
concentrated around the back curve that feels the clamping of your
sphincter. We guys cum from our glans, dogs from their knot. That makes
them fuck to bury the knot, not to stroke the cock head.
Dog phalluses come in as many shapes and sizes as human ones. There is
no easily discernable head on a dog's pecker. Their cocks have a blunt
wedge-shaped glans with a nipple-like pointed tip for a urethral
opening. That's where the good stuff comes out, the final unloading point
for the dog's pre-cum and cum. Most dog cock shafts are thicker at the end
than in the middle. There is usually a taper to a bulge. This part of a
canine's penis is his prepuce. It is the shaft that the dog uses to
penetrate you. In a bit I'll key you in on something I find really fucking
hot about this shaft part of a dog's cock.
The bulging lump behind the shaft is the bulbus glandis or knot. It
can grow into a truly outsized mass. I've seen knots that were the size of
a lime all the way up to some as big around as softballs. It is the
feel-good center of the fuck for the dog. Always handle a dog's knot with
care. It's sensitive. He wants your ass lips wrapped around it. The clench
of your knot conquered pucker on this part of his fuck tool is what makes
him cum.
Behind the knot is the longest and thinnest part of the dog's
penis. It is the flexure. It is a long tube of connective tissues that go
from the dog's prostate to the knot. Most of this will never go in you, but
it is where you will be connected to the dog that just fucked you for the
duration of the tie. It is muscle spring loaded. This is the part that the
dog actually shoves with when he fucks you. He bucks into you and
compresses the muscles around his flexure. At the end of the fuck lunge he
tightens his abductor muscles just like you do when you fuck
something. That causes the muscles around his penis to elongate a bit and
shoves all the rest of the penis in front of it, knot and prepuce,
forward. This happens as fast as the dog can operate his hips. You know how
fast a dog can run. That's how fast he can fuck. The same hip muscles drive
both actions. Now that you know what's going in you, you probably want to
know how it goes in.
A dog fuck is basically a shoving match. Like I explained, the dog
uses his hips and hind legs to shove his cock into you. The dog's cock
isn't the same type of hard-on that you get. At first the only thing hard
about it is the bone. Yes, I said bone. There is a bone in a dog
cock. Don't be surprised. Most mammals have them. Humans are one of the few
that don't. It's called the os penis or baculum. It is harder than your
most rigid hard-on by a lot. The lack of one has fueled a whole
pharmaceutical industry around erectile disfunction in men. Dogs don't have
erectile disfunction. Even a fixed dog that hasn't had his balls for years
can still fuck. His heart isn't in it, but he can still sling a mean
stick. The bone is purely a penetration device. It can deliver a jab while
thrusting for your hole that will make you see stars. One dog powered
thrust with an os bone landing solidly on one of your nuts will make you
puke. That's why I always wear a jockstrap now when I do dog, it keeps my
nuts mostly out of the way. Be careful with the thing. You can use a hand
to position the dog's pecker to your hole to prevent painful bonings. That
helpful friend I talked about earlier can make a big difference at this
point too.
Now we're making progress. Suddenly it happens. The dog finds his
mark. You're impaled with a rampant pre-cum squirting dog dick. Sometimes a
dog will slide out and fail to fully penetrate you. He might even jump down
from his mount. Don't worry, he'll be right back. The prepuce shaft of a
dog's cock is equipped with pressure sensitive nerves. The dog can feel
when his cock is inside smooth tissue better than we can. It sets off a
cascade of feelings in the dog that makes him want to bury his bone. Your
ass is right there, ready and waiting so, you're going to get it. Once the
dog does get his pecker securely in you, you go for a ride.
The dog starts fucking you like he's possessed. He is. He's possessed
by a hormone release caused by stimulation to his prepuce. There are many
words to describe how a dog fucks; jackhammer, reciprocating saw, piston,
pile driver. However you think of it, it's fast, faster than you can
fuck. You will feel the bone stiffened fuck meat as it plows into you. You
can feel it many different ways; as the burn shattering pain of a cock too
massive for your unready hole, as a gut stabbing punch from one that is
extremely long, as a slash of sudden shock having your rectum suddenly
stuffed full, or the way every guy always feels it, as a wet rampaging
There will be an ever-present heat the whole time that the dog has his
schlong up your ass. He has a body temperature of a bit over 101 F, that's
38 C. It's higher than yours and you can feel it in your ass. The heat
radiates in your ass the whole time his member is in you. And it's going to
get wet, really wet, sloshy wet, cum oozing wet. If you have enough
presence of mind, you can hear fuck slurping sounds coming from your cock
pounded asshole as the dog squirts your rectum constantly with his
precum. This manic breakneck fucking won't last long so enjoy it. It's all
about the knot. All the energy he puts into the fuck is to plant that
bulging lump of fuck flesh up in your ass.
Now the fuck can go three ways from here; Four if you count bolting
away in panic and ending it, but we took the committed route so it's down
to three and they are once again all about the knot. It is either swelling
up inside your rectum already fucked deep inside you, or it's plucking your
fuck shocked hole open over and over as it plunges in and out getting
bigger with each thrust, or lastly, it is slamming into your hole seeking
to batter its way inside. I've had the bad fortune to try and keep a dog
from knotting me at this point because the phone was ringing... I lost. I
really did black out from the pain when the dog slam fuck forced his knot
past my demolished sphincter. What I advise here is to take the knot. Push
out. Back into it. Grind it into your hole. If it is wedged in your crack,
then time the humping fucks of the dog and slam your ass back as he drives
forward. It might hurt. It might hurt a lot, but it will get you
knotted. Me, I try to take the knot before it can be used as a slam
shattering torture device. I've had it that way and I prefer the non-victim
route. I want to be a prisoner, not a victim. I want to be a conscious
hostage to that cum dumping cock, not an injured blacked out victim. I
spread for the dog's cock and let him fuck me deep. This puts the knot part
of the penis inside as it swells to its full girth.
So now we're knotted. The tightness gets tighter. Once the fuck plug
gets in you it keeps expanding. Now the dog is getting his nut. He'll most
likely start panting heavily now as he orgasms and begins to spew sperm in
you. You're now knot locked as the first spurts of real cum start
saturating your guts. And there's another feeling too, another type of
fullness. Remember your dog cock parts? This feeling is coming from the
dog's shaft. It's the thing I find so nut churning hot. The fucking prepuce
is engorging along with the knot. The dog's cock is stretching deeper in
me. The big piece of meat is lengthening almost another two inches up my
ass. That turns a six inch cock into an eight incher and I can feel it
elongating and coating my colon with hot dog cum as it slides deeper.
If you haven't cum yet, save it. I don't blame you if you crank one
out while the dog pile drives you, or if you savagely stroke off a spew
when he knots you up, but a better time to get your nut is coming, and once
again, it's all about the knot. The fuck/knotting now comes to another
splitting of the ways. You can either let your dog turn or you can hold
him in place. I?ve had to hold a few dogs in place. The size of their knots
had me too afraid to let them turn. I was younger and alarmed by the
massive size of the knot stretching my rectal space to extremes. I didn't
want my asshole twisted and torn. Barring that I am a turn advocate.
If you hold your dog and don't let him turn, then the knotting will go
something like this; You can hold the dog with one hand and jack off with
the other, or you can choose to not beat your meat and just enjoy the
knotting, or you might be one of those lucky fuckers that can cum just from
being fuck filled and start shooting off. Whatever you do, the dog will
continue to squirt you full of cum. Eventually if you keep him on your
back, you will feel a loosening in your ass. It can take anywhere from a
few minutes to over an hour to happen. He's finally through cumming in
you. His knot will start to deflate. Different knots recede at different
rates. It will become small enough to come slopping out of your hole at
some point if you don't let the dog go and he pulls it out still swollen
instead. It'll come out sloppy wet and you will feel exhaustedly loose in
your asshole. Dog cum will run and trickle out of your not so tight
asshole. Don't try and clamp your hole down on the cock to keep it all
in. Your anal ring is knot shocked and not up to the task and your chute is
cum washed anyway. Rest and let your sphincter recover some. That way you
don't leave a cum trail when you get up and move. You'll be able to hold it
in if there is any left. I'll get to that in a minute. Just don't worry,
your asshole will close back up fairly fast.
Now what about those of us that let the dog turn? Well, first off, we
have to squirm around and let the knot spin a full 180 degrees in our
ass. It can happen quickly or with agonizing slowness depending on the size
and shape of the knot. Sometimes the sides of a truly wide knot will press
your prostate in such a way that cum will dribble out of your piss slit
without you having an orgasm. It's nothing to be alarmed about. It just
means you have a big wad backed up waiting to blow. At the end of the turn
you will find yourself ass to ass with your hole feeling the steady
pressure of the knot. The dog might try to pull away, but you can hold onto
his back legs to keep him from knot ripping your rectum out through your
asshole. Hold the hind legs right below the knee joint for best
results. Even if the dog scrambles to break away, you can hold him this way
without hurting him. As the dog starts cumming harder, he will most likely
settle down and just pull enough to maintain the feel-good pressure around
his knot. Yeah..., it is still all about the knot.
And how about that knot now? The squirt pulses of dog cum ejaculating
through it are now pumping directly against your prostate, massaging it,
making it thrum, radiating pleasure from your ass to your balls and even
upwards into your cock. Many guys can orgasm by letting themselves become
immersed in the raunchy carnal feeling of being bred and the ongoing
prostate stimulation. I've had that happen a few times, mostly when I've
saved up a load and not gotten off for several days. Otherwise, it is
jack-off time. Try and keep your hands off your cock when you feel the
throbbing jets of cum washing across your sex gland. I can't.
I yank my turgid prick loose from my jock's pouch and stroke-choke it
until it bursts, erupting with cum and sending a knot enhanced orgasm
exploding outward from my cock in waves of sexual ecstasy. I shudder with
each wave and my asshole contracts involuntarily increasing the pressure of
the knot on my prostate. The clenching spasms of my anal sphincter enervate
the pleasure inducing nerves in the knot and the dog will squirt his wads
more strongly. The licentious satisfaction doesn't end with the orgasm. It
is still there in the pulses that knead your prostate with every spurt of
dog cum that passes over it. The feeling will build up again. It will
continue to titillate you until the dog quits cumming. I once was able to
jack five orgasms out of my cock while knotted up by a big Rottweiler for
more than an hour.
Alas, all good things eventually have to end and just like the guys
that held their dog from turning, the one you are ass to ass with will have
his knot start to shrink. Since you are ass to ass with a steady pull, your
dog's knot will be wrenched out of your fuck loose hole. Sometimes this can
bring a stab of pain, but it also brings a feeling of release. I usually
fall forward face down and wait for my asshole to recover. And now... don't
bypass this part, spread your legs. Most dogs have an amazing post-coital
Every dog that has ever fucked me to completion has done it. It will
end your fuck session the right way. Those of you that held your dog from
turning can get in on this part too. Just make sure you spread your legs
open some. Let the aroma of your cum oozing ass permeate the room. The dog
will be drawn to it. He will slurp up the wet smears and cum leavings with
determination. Your hole will benefit from the licks and swipes his tongue
makes as he laps up his mess. The soft grainy sweeps of his tongue will
soothe your aching asshole and it will speed its complete recovery.
And now you've had your dog fuck. Pass out and sleep if you want
to. Grab a snack. Stretch the kinks out. Don't bother to get dressed
yet. The dog will want to have another go at you in an hour or so. Can you
handle it?
The End ?????
I hadn't thought about the idea that maybe I'm just unusually sensitive and tight. I'm definitely figuring that out though the more I read about peoples experiences. It boggles my mind that people with little anal experience can handle 12 inch dog cocks with no real problems. I want to experience it so bad!Are you suggesting that you have to train with a dildo before taking a dog anally? Because if so I need a time machine to go back 40 years and do the training. A lot of breeds around the size of a lab or even a little bigger are not going to be any greater challenge than taking another human length wise. And since the knot is small when it goes in to lock behind the sphincter ring and shouldn't be removed until it has softened, knot size on the dogs in question shouldn't require any preparation work either. But as you go up in penis size I agree it's not going to hurt to practice first with a dildo.
When it comes to being stabbed with a baculum bone though, that has far more to do with the way the dog goes about it and the amount of lube you are using, rather than the length of the shaft on the dog. Even a small dog can rip your ass up if they go in hard before their penis has gotten erect enough and thus padded the bone to protect you from it a bit. While a much larger dog that is not as frantic may push in beyond the bend without causing any damage provided sufficient lube is used.
But as you said you haven't actually been mounted anally by a dog, so you can only speak about it based on what you've read and seen on videos. And it's always best to preach caution when it comes to anything anal, so I can't fault you for what you've said. But as someone that has never owned a dildo and who has also taken a mastiff before (far from my first dog though) Dildos aren't necessarily a prerequisite to taking a big guy, but using your common sense is. you should always think about what your about to put into your body before hand, so your bestest buddy doesn't break you. So if your madly in love with a Newfoundland and he is your first dog to be mounted by, you absolutely have to prepare for the experience, if we're talking about most breeds smaller than a GSD, using sufficient lube is far more critical than stretching with a dildo first, unless your smaller than average back there.
wow that was awesome can't wait to try this what a turn onFrom: Mikhail Conrad EMAIL DELETED
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Subject: It's All About the Knot
This is a guide about sex between men and male dogs. If that offends you
then leave now. If you are not of legal age to view pornography, then you
need to leave too. This is my intellectual property and may not be
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Archive;'It's All About the Knot'{Mikhail Conrad}( dogM anal best )[1!?]
It's All About the Knot
The most common question I get from guys that find out I get dog
fucked is; Does it hurt? The answer to that is; Yes..., it hurts...,
exquisitely. I like to look at it as a trade-off. The pain leads to some
over-the-top pleasure. The best orgasms of my life have come with my
smarting asshole trapped around a big fat cum-pumping dog knot. Getting the
knot positioned just right, with the knobby bottom side snug up against the
far end of my prostate lump is the key. When the knot lodges firmly up
against that gland, the feelings that radiant from it can make me tremble
in lust. As the dog ejaculates, and he will..., a lot, the squirts pass
through his urethra and bulge the vessel with each shot. The back base of a
dog's knot has a place close to the surface that balloons out significantly
with each discharge. That's what I want pressing into my prostate. That's
why I always want to let the dog turn.
Having a dog knot twisting in your ass is a thing you have to
experience to really understand. It can be a part of the pain that comes
from getting screwed by a canine, especially if the knot is a big one, say
eight inches around or more. But it is the only way to get that cum pulsing
place on a dog's fuck tool implanted just right for maximum
titillation. You'll know when you get it right. I did.
Why don't I just answer all the basics from start to finish. I don't
want to get into the situational stuff, like how to find a willing dog or
how to entice him. There's plenty of that kind of stuff in the stories. The
questions I get asked the most after the hurt one and my personal
experiences all concern pure mechanics, the step by step of what
happens. So let's get started. We'll do a walk-through fuck. The biggest
factor will be the dog's knot. It's all about the knot. Ready?
First, prep yourself and the space you are going to use. Clean
yourself out. A rapidly plunging dog cock encountering a turd can make for
a cramping unpleasant odorous fuck as well as a messy ending to a
knotting. Pillows, cushions, knee pads, cell phone, video camera, lights, a
bottle of water, poppers, lube, towels, all are some of the things you
might want to consider. There will be quite a bit of wet sex slop
involved. You don't want to do it on the bone white living room carpeting
regardless of how thick and cushiony the under-pad is. A vinyl sheet or
drop cloth with a washable blanket or quilt spread out on the carpet will
make the white off-limit area usable. Make the area comfortable for both
you and the dog(s). Then decide about lube.
The dog will provide plenty of lube for the fucking by himself. His
cock will start spritzing a watery but slick pre-cum almost as soon as his
sheath draws back. If you feel like you want a slicker fuck then try using
something like J-Lube. It's a powder that readily mixes with water to make
a totally inert and safe lube. It's a standard on farms and with vets and
way more affordable than small containers of water-based lube. Some of this
will be trial and error before you establish your own particulars. Have fun
with it. I enjoy all the prep time. It gets me hard going through the steps
knowing that I am going to be on the receiving end of an energetic beast
fucking pretty soon.
As a side note, there is a way to make this all easier. It was years
before I found it out, but it works; Have a buddy help you out. Someone to
encourage the dog, help line things up, and hold the dog's hind end snug up
to you for a smooth knotting can make the whole experience more rhythmic
and freer flowing. It was a long time before I found anyone I would even
think about sharing bestiality thoughts with, much less talk about the real
happenings. Just saying...
The next basic step is getting down in a position to get
mounted. There are just a couple that work for dogs and their
physiology. Every one of them is from behind. You'll occasionally find the
oddity of someone that thinks that they can straddle a dog on it's back,
but take my word for it, the dog doesn't like it. It's uncomfortable on
their spine. Then there are those that want to do it face to face. This is
not a very good idea for several reasons. You have the problem of height
positioning by having to be on your back without being able to adjust using
your hips and legs. You might feel like you have more control this way, and
you certainly do, but you've set the stage for an inferior fuck. The
biggest drawback is that it is awkward for the dog. The physical dynamics
are wrong for him to be able to clutch you firmly. That means he can't get
the leverage he needs to deliver the rapid-fire fuck he is built to
give. Another big impediment with a face to face/missionary coupling is the
psychological one. A dog that is aggressively fucking you, one that wants
to throw his knot and tie to you, has a need to dominate you. His
testosterone driven urges require it. When you are in a position constantly
being able to look at him, he feels uncomfortable. A stare in the animal
kingdom is a challenge. If you are looking to get a good forceful vigorous
screwing don't vie with the dog. Turn your butt over and present your hole
to him the way he wants it. If you want to get fucked BY a dog, you really
should get fucked LIKE a dog, and that means ass up.
This involves bending at the waist with one exception; Small dogs. If
you want to be nailed by your Dachshund, Basset hound, or even Pekingese
(Hey, who am I to judge? And Basset hounds do have enticingly huge knots),
you will have to do it prone and face down. Use a pillow or cushion if you
need a small height adjustment. That's the only way within reason to get
your asshole low enough to engage with their cock. With regular size to
large dogs the standard position is on your hands and knees. Knees and
elbows, or knees and chest are acceptable options. With really large dogs,
you might have to have a raised bench or even a table for some of the
monsters like Great Danes. Stools or ottomans make for a more relaxed
knotting since you can rest your weight on them while you're tied ass to
Once you are down and have your ready asshole accessible, you can
either keep your legs together or you can spread them. Either way will
work, but spreading your legs open makes for a faster and easier
knotting. Keeping your legs together is the best way to prevent the dog
from plunging deep and forming his knot inside you. If you want a fuck
where the dog pounds into your hole with his knot using it like a battering
ram, then try it by starting with your legs together. Be warned: This way
of getting fucked can be agony for your anus.
The dog is going to do its best to plant its knot in you and a dog's
best is usually good enough. Knots can engorge to an intimidating size
pretty fast. In the contest of knot versus asshole, the knot has a decided
advantage. Think about it. Your butthole is already designed to open and
close. A dog cock with a burgeoning knot is intended to wrest open a hole
and then seal it closed. A resisting hole is most often a losing
hole. Don't decide at the last minute to try keeping the knot out by
clamping down with your sphincter. That's how tears occur. Be smart and
make sure you're committed and know what you're getting into, or in this
instance, what's getting into you.
If you choose to keep your legs together then you need to position
your asshole at canine cock-tip level by using your hips. Stretch out with
your hips by leaning forward and you'll lower your ass. Bend tighter at the
hips and your ass goes up. Bend even more and it starts to go back down
again as your knees bend up under you and your butt lowers to your
heels. Easy. What?s the best height? That depends on the dog. You'll
probably feel the end of the dog cock and be able to judge its height. It
packs a solid punch when it's humping for a hole. I'll get to that in a
Now, if you choose to spread your legs apart, you can get your hole at
the right height the same way you would as if you kept your legs together,
OR... You can spread your knees apart to lower your hole and move them in
closer to raise it. I use a combination of both hip angle and knee width to
help a thrusting red rocket to find its target. Yep, I'm a legs apart
guy. Let's move on. It's time to get some dick.
Now you're in place. You look around and glance at the horny dog
about to fuck you silly. At this point he has already sniffed out your hole
with whatever enticements you used. He's been licking your pucker. You've
been moaning in ecstasy. And it's just beginning. The wetness of his saliva
magnifies scents to him. As he slobbers over your hole, he isn't just
tasting you, he's smelling you, the sexual muskiness of your bunghole, the
pheromones wafting from your nutsack, the scent of lust in your sweat, the
building tension in your breath. These things are real to him. You have to
tear yourself away from the intoxicating sensuous swipes of dog tongue
going across your sensitive anal ring. If you want to get fucked right,
then you need to turn your head and look at the dog behind you. Make brief
casual eye contact. Get his attention and slowly turn your head back
looking forward.
This isn't pretense. Looking back at a rutting male behind you keys an
instinctive urge to 'mount' in canines. And it will most likely get you
mounted if the dog hasn't already started on his own. The dog might
scramble around, jumping on and off if he's inexperienced. It might take
you a good bit of time to get a sexually excited virgin male dog to stay on
and hump. Or you could get speared on a wet red slab of dog cock with the
first thrust of his hips. However it happens, this is where the real
fucking begins.
Some dogs get nervous or anxious and need you to help them onto your
back. Don't jerk or yank at their forelegs. If they struggle at all then
let them go. Play with them some more. Tease them. Remember, an adult male
dog with functioning testicles wants to fuck. Just like a male human, he
wants to get a nut and like many male humans, he'll fuck anything
compatible to get one.
He will latch onto you with his forelegs, usually right above your
hips. Then he will hip-hump his cock at your ass seeking the warm
smoothness of a fuck hole. Most dogs have dew claws so a mounting can
involve some aggressive clawing and scratching as the dog clutches you
trying to knot you up. Wearing a shirt of some kind can help prevent
serious claw slashes here. Some people prep their dog by wrapping his paws
in something soft like socks. Most dogs don't like it. The thrill of a fuck
can distract them from the irritation, but I think that I get a better fuck
out of an unfettered dog. Fuckee's personal choice here, I guess.
You might get a few small scratches on your lower legs when you get
fucked by a dog. Keeping a dog's nails trimmed can alleviate this
inconvenience. He will scramble, prance, and practically slam dance his way
into your ass. He'll be pushing with his hind legs against anything his
back paws encounter in his frantic haste to impale you on his knot. You'll
feel like he's trying to crawl up your ass with his cock leading the
way. He's aggressive, hormonal driven. He's not trying to hurt you; he's
trying to fuck you.
Dogs don't fuck like we do. It's not a matter of in and out to
stimulate a swollen dickhead with them. All those nerves you have in your
little head are in a different place for dogs. They are on his knot,
concentrated around the back curve that feels the clamping of your
sphincter. We guys cum from our glans, dogs from their knot. That makes
them fuck to bury the knot, not to stroke the cock head.
Dog phalluses come in as many shapes and sizes as human ones. There is
no easily discernable head on a dog's pecker. Their cocks have a blunt
wedge-shaped glans with a nipple-like pointed tip for a urethral
opening. That's where the good stuff comes out, the final unloading point
for the dog's pre-cum and cum. Most dog cock shafts are thicker at the end
than in the middle. There is usually a taper to a bulge. This part of a
canine's penis is his prepuce. It is the shaft that the dog uses to
penetrate you. In a bit I'll key you in on something I find really fucking
hot about this shaft part of a dog's cock.
The bulging lump behind the shaft is the bulbus glandis or knot. It
can grow into a truly outsized mass. I've seen knots that were the size of
a lime all the way up to some as big around as softballs. It is the
feel-good center of the fuck for the dog. Always handle a dog's knot with
care. It's sensitive. He wants your ass lips wrapped around it. The clench
of your knot conquered pucker on this part of his fuck tool is what makes
him cum.
Behind the knot is the longest and thinnest part of the dog's
penis. It is the flexure. It is a long tube of connective tissues that go
from the dog's prostate to the knot. Most of this will never go in you, but
it is where you will be connected to the dog that just fucked you for the
duration of the tie. It is muscle spring loaded. This is the part that the
dog actually shoves with when he fucks you. He bucks into you and
compresses the muscles around his flexure. At the end of the fuck lunge he
tightens his abductor muscles just like you do when you fuck
something. That causes the muscles around his penis to elongate a bit and
shoves all the rest of the penis in front of it, knot and prepuce,
forward. This happens as fast as the dog can operate his hips. You know how
fast a dog can run. That's how fast he can fuck. The same hip muscles drive
both actions. Now that you know what's going in you, you probably want to
know how it goes in.
A dog fuck is basically a shoving match. Like I explained, the dog
uses his hips and hind legs to shove his cock into you. The dog's cock
isn't the same type of hard-on that you get. At first the only thing hard
about it is the bone. Yes, I said bone. There is a bone in a dog
cock. Don't be surprised. Most mammals have them. Humans are one of the few
that don't. It's called the os penis or baculum. It is harder than your
most rigid hard-on by a lot. The lack of one has fueled a whole
pharmaceutical industry around erectile disfunction in men. Dogs don't have
erectile disfunction. Even a fixed dog that hasn't had his balls for years
can still fuck. His heart isn't in it, but he can still sling a mean
stick. The bone is purely a penetration device. It can deliver a jab while
thrusting for your hole that will make you see stars. One dog powered
thrust with an os bone landing solidly on one of your nuts will make you
puke. That's why I always wear a jockstrap now when I do dog, it keeps my
nuts mostly out of the way. Be careful with the thing. You can use a hand
to position the dog's pecker to your hole to prevent painful bonings. That
helpful friend I talked about earlier can make a big difference at this
point too.
Now we're making progress. Suddenly it happens. The dog finds his
mark. You're impaled with a rampant pre-cum squirting dog dick. Sometimes a
dog will slide out and fail to fully penetrate you. He might even jump down
from his mount. Don't worry, he'll be right back. The prepuce shaft of a
dog's cock is equipped with pressure sensitive nerves. The dog can feel
when his cock is inside smooth tissue better than we can. It sets off a
cascade of feelings in the dog that makes him want to bury his bone. Your
ass is right there, ready and waiting so, you're going to get it. Once the
dog does get his pecker securely in you, you go for a ride.
The dog starts fucking you like he's possessed. He is. He's possessed
by a hormone release caused by stimulation to his prepuce. There are many
words to describe how a dog fucks; jackhammer, reciprocating saw, piston,
pile driver. However you think of it, it's fast, faster than you can
fuck. You will feel the bone stiffened fuck meat as it plows into you. You
can feel it many different ways; as the burn shattering pain of a cock too
massive for your unready hole, as a gut stabbing punch from one that is
extremely long, as a slash of sudden shock having your rectum suddenly
stuffed full, or the way every guy always feels it, as a wet rampaging
There will be an ever-present heat the whole time that the dog has his
schlong up your ass. He has a body temperature of a bit over 101 F, that's
38 C. It's higher than yours and you can feel it in your ass. The heat
radiates in your ass the whole time his member is in you. And it's going to
get wet, really wet, sloshy wet, cum oozing wet. If you have enough
presence of mind, you can hear fuck slurping sounds coming from your cock
pounded asshole as the dog squirts your rectum constantly with his
precum. This manic breakneck fucking won't last long so enjoy it. It's all
about the knot. All the energy he puts into the fuck is to plant that
bulging lump of fuck flesh up in your ass.
Now the fuck can go three ways from here; Four if you count bolting
away in panic and ending it, but we took the committed route so it's down
to three and they are once again all about the knot. It is either swelling
up inside your rectum already fucked deep inside you, or it's plucking your
fuck shocked hole open over and over as it plunges in and out getting
bigger with each thrust, or lastly, it is slamming into your hole seeking
to batter its way inside. I've had the bad fortune to try and keep a dog
from knotting me at this point because the phone was ringing... I lost. I
really did black out from the pain when the dog slam fuck forced his knot
past my demolished sphincter. What I advise here is to take the knot. Push
out. Back into it. Grind it into your hole. If it is wedged in your crack,
then time the humping fucks of the dog and slam your ass back as he drives
forward. It might hurt. It might hurt a lot, but it will get you
knotted. Me, I try to take the knot before it can be used as a slam
shattering torture device. I've had it that way and I prefer the non-victim
route. I want to be a prisoner, not a victim. I want to be a conscious
hostage to that cum dumping cock, not an injured blacked out victim. I
spread for the dog's cock and let him fuck me deep. This puts the knot part
of the penis inside as it swells to its full girth.
So now we're knotted. The tightness gets tighter. Once the fuck plug
gets in you it keeps expanding. Now the dog is getting his nut. He'll most
likely start panting heavily now as he orgasms and begins to spew sperm in
you. You're now knot locked as the first spurts of real cum start
saturating your guts. And there's another feeling too, another type of
fullness. Remember your dog cock parts? This feeling is coming from the
dog's shaft. It's the thing I find so nut churning hot. The fucking prepuce
is engorging along with the knot. The dog's cock is stretching deeper in
me. The big piece of meat is lengthening almost another two inches up my
ass. That turns a six inch cock into an eight incher and I can feel it
elongating and coating my colon with hot dog cum as it slides deeper.
If you haven't cum yet, save it. I don't blame you if you crank one
out while the dog pile drives you, or if you savagely stroke off a spew
when he knots you up, but a better time to get your nut is coming, and once
again, it's all about the knot. The fuck/knotting now comes to another
splitting of the ways. You can either let your dog turn or you can hold
him in place. I?ve had to hold a few dogs in place. The size of their knots
had me too afraid to let them turn. I was younger and alarmed by the
massive size of the knot stretching my rectal space to extremes. I didn't
want my asshole twisted and torn. Barring that I am a turn advocate.
If you hold your dog and don't let him turn, then the knotting will go
something like this; You can hold the dog with one hand and jack off with
the other, or you can choose to not beat your meat and just enjoy the
knotting, or you might be one of those lucky fuckers that can cum just from
being fuck filled and start shooting off. Whatever you do, the dog will
continue to squirt you full of cum. Eventually if you keep him on your
back, you will feel a loosening in your ass. It can take anywhere from a
few minutes to over an hour to happen. He's finally through cumming in
you. His knot will start to deflate. Different knots recede at different
rates. It will become small enough to come slopping out of your hole at
some point if you don't let the dog go and he pulls it out still swollen
instead. It'll come out sloppy wet and you will feel exhaustedly loose in
your asshole. Dog cum will run and trickle out of your not so tight
asshole. Don't try and clamp your hole down on the cock to keep it all
in. Your anal ring is knot shocked and not up to the task and your chute is
cum washed anyway. Rest and let your sphincter recover some. That way you
don't leave a cum trail when you get up and move. You'll be able to hold it
in if there is any left. I'll get to that in a minute. Just don't worry,
your asshole will close back up fairly fast.
Now what about those of us that let the dog turn? Well, first off, we
have to squirm around and let the knot spin a full 180 degrees in our
ass. It can happen quickly or with agonizing slowness depending on the size
and shape of the knot. Sometimes the sides of a truly wide knot will press
your prostate in such a way that cum will dribble out of your piss slit
without you having an orgasm. It's nothing to be alarmed about. It just
means you have a big wad backed up waiting to blow. At the end of the turn
you will find yourself ass to ass with your hole feeling the steady
pressure of the knot. The dog might try to pull away, but you can hold onto
his back legs to keep him from knot ripping your rectum out through your
asshole. Hold the hind legs right below the knee joint for best
results. Even if the dog scrambles to break away, you can hold him this way
without hurting him. As the dog starts cumming harder, he will most likely
settle down and just pull enough to maintain the feel-good pressure around
his knot. Yeah..., it is still all about the knot.
And how about that knot now? The squirt pulses of dog cum ejaculating
through it are now pumping directly against your prostate, massaging it,
making it thrum, radiating pleasure from your ass to your balls and even
upwards into your cock. Many guys can orgasm by letting themselves become
immersed in the raunchy carnal feeling of being bred and the ongoing
prostate stimulation. I've had that happen a few times, mostly when I've
saved up a load and not gotten off for several days. Otherwise, it is
jack-off time. Try and keep your hands off your cock when you feel the
throbbing jets of cum washing across your sex gland. I can't.
I yank my turgid prick loose from my jock's pouch and stroke-choke it
until it bursts, erupting with cum and sending a knot enhanced orgasm
exploding outward from my cock in waves of sexual ecstasy. I shudder with
each wave and my asshole contracts involuntarily increasing the pressure of
the knot on my prostate. The clenching spasms of my anal sphincter enervate
the pleasure inducing nerves in the knot and the dog will squirt his wads
more strongly. The licentious satisfaction doesn't end with the orgasm. It
is still there in the pulses that knead your prostate with every spurt of
dog cum that passes over it. The feeling will build up again. It will
continue to titillate you until the dog quits cumming. I once was able to
jack five orgasms out of my cock while knotted up by a big Rottweiler for
more than an hour.
Alas, all good things eventually have to end and just like the guys
that held their dog from turning, the one you are ass to ass with will have
his knot start to shrink. Since you are ass to ass with a steady pull, your
dog's knot will be wrenched out of your fuck loose hole. Sometimes this can
bring a stab of pain, but it also brings a feeling of release. I usually
fall forward face down and wait for my asshole to recover. And now... don't
bypass this part, spread your legs. Most dogs have an amazing post-coital
Every dog that has ever fucked me to completion has done it. It will
end your fuck session the right way. Those of you that held your dog from
turning can get in on this part too. Just make sure you spread your legs
open some. Let the aroma of your cum oozing ass permeate the room. The dog
will be drawn to it. He will slurp up the wet smears and cum leavings with
determination. Your hole will benefit from the licks and swipes his tongue
makes as he laps up his mess. The soft grainy sweeps of his tongue will
soothe your aching asshole and it will speed its complete recovery.
And now you've had your dog fuck. Pass out and sleep if you want
to. Grab a snack. Stretch the kinks out. Don't bother to get dressed
yet. The dog will want to have another go at you in an hour or so. Can you
handle it?
The End ?????
Every one is different, if you need to start with a dildo to prepare there is no harm or shame in needing to do so, Also penis length and knot size don't always directly relate to each other. Some breeds have long shafts and modest knots while others have shorter shafts but a fist sized knot. It's just like dogs come in all shapes and sizes for the rest of their bodies. You also can't think about sex with a dog in quite the same way as a human or a stallion or a lot of other species. Each species has their own quirks and way of doing things. In the case of a dog they hump fast in the beginning because it stimulates the rapid growth of the knot. But once they are in properly the motion changes to short deep strokes to ensure the knot stays inside behind the locking ring on a bitch or the anal sphincter if going in that way. Human females don't have this when taking a dog vaginally so they can't truly tie properly, but that's not to say both can't very much enjoy the pressure applied by the knot, it just isn't as secure a connection as swelling behind a ring of muscle.)I hadn't thought about the idea that maybe I'm just unusually sensitive and tight. I'm definitely figuring that out though the more I read about peoples experiences. It boggles my mind that people with little anal experience can handle 12 inch dog cocks with no real problems. I want to experience it so bad!
USE LUBE! The precum can be enough, if the dog is excited enough and squirting before penetration, but it only takes that one time you don't use it for your boy to not squirt as much, or your a bit dehydrated, or his penis goes in on an odd angle, or whatever.Thanks for the work and information. I've recently accepted my desire for dog cock and am on the cusp of my first knotting. I've been looking for practical instruction and this work, plus the collective responses, have helped me inch that much closer to feeling that ozzing and tight goodness. Thanks to all for the input.
The only thing that gave me pause when reading, and I believe this was echoed in one of the comments, was the idea of not needing lube because “. . .his pre-cum will be enough”. Now, while I've yet to be penetrated by a dog's gloriously hot rod, my dildo play has taught me to be free with the lube. I'd be scared to knot without it.
I was breathless reading this! This might be the most riveting sex story I've ever read. Mr Conrad has some real writing skill. I really feel like I've just been dog fucked and need a nap!This is really well written and horny as hell. Thanks for sharing!
Great How-toFrom: Mikhail Conrad EMAIL DELETED
Subject: It's All About the Knot This is a guide about sex between men and male dogs. If that offends you then leave now. If you are not of legal age to view pornography, then you need to leave too. This is my intellectual property and may not be posted in any way or used for anything other than personal reading without my express permission. Archive;'It's All About the Knot'{Mikhail Conrad}( dog M anal best )[1!?]
It's All About the Knot
The most common question I get from guys that find out I get dog fucked is; Does it hurt? The answer to that is; Yes..., it hurts...,exquisitely. I like to look at it as a trade-off. The pain leads to some over-the-top pleasure. The best orgasms of my life have come with my smarting asshole trapped around a big fat cum-pumping dog knot. Getting the knot positioned just right, with the knobby bottom side snug up against the far end of my prostate lump is the key. When the knot lodges firmly up against that gland, the feelings that radiant from it can make me tremble in lust. As the dog ejaculates, and he will..., a lot, the squirts pass through his urethra and bulge the vessel with each shot. The back base of a dog's knot has a place close to the surface that balloons out significantly with each discharge. That's what I want pressing into my prostate. That's why I always want to let the dog turn.
Having a dog knot twisting in your ass is a thing you have to experience to really understand. It can be a part of the pain that comes from getting screwed by a canine, especially if the knot is a big one, say eight inches around or more. But it is the only way to get that cum pulsing place on a dog's fuck tool implanted just right for maximum titillation. You'll know when you get it right. I did.
Why don't I just answer all the basics from start to finish. I don't want to get into the situational stuff, like how to find a willing dog or how to entice him. There's plenty of that kind of stuff in the stories. The questions I get asked the most after the hurt one and my personal experiences all concern pure mechanics, the step by step of what happens. So let's get started. We'll do a walk-through fuck. The biggest factor will be the dog's knot. It's all about the knot. Ready?
First, prep yourself and the space you are going to use. Clean yourself out. A rapidly plunging dog cock encountering a turd can make fora cramping unpleasant odorous fuck as well as a messy ending to a knotting. Pillows, cushions, knee pads, cell phone, video camera, lights, a bottle of water, poppers, lube, towels, all are some of the things you might want to consider. There will be quite a bit of wet sex slop involved. You don't want to do it on the bone white living room carpeting regardless of how thick and cushiony the under-pad is. A vinyl sheet or drop cloth with a washable blanket or quilt spread out on the carpet will make the white off-limit area usable. Make the area comfortable for both you and the dog(s). Then decide about lube.
The dog will provide plenty of lube for the fucking by himself. His cock will start spritzing a watery but slick pre-cum almost as soon as his sheath draws back. If you feel like you want a slicker fuck then try using something like J-Lube. It's a powder that readily mixes with water to make a totally inert and safe lube. It's a standard on farms and with vets and way more affordable than small containers of water-based lube. Some of this will be trial and error before you establish your own particulars. Have fun with it. I enjoy all the prep time. It gets me hard going through the steps knowing that I am going to be on the receiving end of an energetic beastfucking pretty soon.
As a side note, there is a way to make this all easier. It was years before I found it out, but it works; Have a buddy help you out. Someone to encourage the dog, help line things up, and hold the dog's hind end snug up to you for a smooth knotting can make the whole experience more rhythmic and freer flowing. It was a long time before I found anyone I would even think about sharing bestiality thoughts with, much less talk about the real happenings. Just saying...
The next basic step is getting down in a position to get mounted. There are just a couple that work for dogs and their physiology. Every one of them is from behind. You'll occasionally find the oddity of someone that thinks that they can straddle a dog on it's back,but take my word for it, the dog doesn't like it. It's uncomfortable on their spine. Then there are those that want to do it face to face. This is not a very good idea for several reasons. You have the problem of height positioning by having to be on your back without being able to adjust using your hips and legs. You might feel like you have more control this way, and you certainly do, but you've set the stage for an inferior fuck. The biggest drawback is that it is awkward for the dog. The physical dynamics are wrong for him to be able to clutch you firmly. That means he can't get the leverage he needs to deliver the rapid-fire fuck he is built to give. Another big impediment with a face to face/missionary coupling is the psychological one. A dog that is aggressively fucking you, one that wants to throw his knot and tie to you, has a need to dominate you. His testosterone driven urges require it. When you are in a position constantly being able to look at him, he feels uncomfortable. A stare in the animal kingdom is a challenge. If you are looking to get a good forceful vigorous screwing don't vie with the dog. Turn your butt over and present your hole to him the way he wants it. If you want to get fucked BY a dog, you really should get fucked LIKE a dog, and that means ass up.
This involves bending at the waist with one exception; Small dogs. If you want to be nailed by your Dachshund, Basset hound, or even Pekingese(Hey, who am I to judge? And Basset hounds do have enticingly huge knots),you will have to do it prone and face down. Use a pillow or cushion if you need a small height adjustment. That's the only way within reason to get your asshole low enough to engage with their cock. With regular size to large dogs the standard position is on your hands and knees. Knees and elbows, or knees and chest are acceptable options. With really large dogs,you might have to have a raised bench or even a table for some of the monsters like Great Danes. Stools or ottomans make for a more relaxed knotting since you can rest your weight on them while you're tied ass to ass.
Once you are down and have your ready asshole accessible, you can either keep your legs together or you can spread them. Either way will work, but spreading your legs open makes for a faster and easier knotting. Keeping your legs together is the best way to prevent the dog from plunging deep and forming his knot inside you. If you want a fuck where the dog pounds into your hole with his knot using it like a battering ram, then try it by starting with your legs together. Be warned: This way of getting fucked can be agony for your anus.
The dog is going to do its best to plant its knot in you and a dog's best is usually good enough. Knots can engorge to an intimidating size pretty fast. In the contest of knot versus asshole, the knot has a decided advantage. Think about it. Your butt hole is already designed to open and close. A dog cock with a burgeoning knot is intended to wrest open a hole and then seal it closed. A resisting hole is most often a losing hole. Don't decide at the last minute to try keeping the knot out by clamping down with your sphincter. That's how tears occur. Be smart and make sure you're committed and know what you're getting into, or in this instance, what's getting into you.
If you choose to keep your legs together then you need to position your asshole at canine cock-tip level by using your hips. Stretch out with your hips by leaning forward and you'll lower your ass. Bend tighter at the hips and your ass goes up. Bend even more and it starts to go back down again as your knees bend up under you and your butt lowers to your heels. Easy. What?s the best height? That depends on the dog. You'll probably feel the end of the dog cock and be able to judge its height. It packs a solid punch when it's humping for a hole. I'll get to that in a bit.
Now, if you choose to spread your legs apart, you can get your hole at the right height the same way you would as if you kept your legs together,OR... You can spread your knees apart to lower your hole and move them in closer to raise it. I use a combination of both hip angle and knee width to help a thrusting red rocket to find its target. Yep, I'm a legs apart guy. Let's move on. It's time to get some dick.
Now you're in place. You look around and glance at the horny dog about to fuck you silly. At this point he has already sniffed out your hole with whatever enticements you used. He's been licking your pucker. You've been moaning in ecstasy. And it's just beginning. The wetness of his saliva magnifies scents to him. As he slobbers over your hole, he isn't just tasting you, he's smelling you, the sexual muskiness of your bunghole, the pheromones wafting from your nut sack, the scent of lust in your sweat, the building tension in your breath. These things are real to him. You have to tear yourself away from the intoxicating sensuous swipes of dog tongue going across your sensitive anal ring. If you want to get fucked right,then you need to turn your head and look at the dog behind you. Make brief casual eye contact. Get his attention and slowly turn your head back looking forward.
This isn't pretense. Looking back at a rutting male behind you keys an instinctive urge to 'mount' in canines. And it will most likely get you mounted if the dog hasn't already started on his own. The dog might scramble around, jumping on and off if he's inexperienced. It might take you a good bit of time to get a sexually excited virgin male dog to stay on and hump. Or you could get speared on a wet red slab of dog cock with the first thrust of his hips. However it happens, this is where the real fucking begins.
Some dogs get nervous or anxious and need you to help them onto your back. Don't jerk or yank at their forelegs. If they struggle at all then let them go. Play with them some more. Tease them. Remember, an adult male dog with functioning testicles wants to fuck. Just like a male human, he wants to get a nut and like many male humans, he'll fuck anything compatible to get one.
He will latch onto you with his forelegs, usually right above your hips. Then he will hip-hump his cock at your ass seeking the warm smoothness of a fuck hole. Most dogs have dew claws so a mounting can involve some aggressive clawing and scratching as the dog clutches you trying to knot you up. Wearing a shirt of some kind can help prevent serious claw slashes here. Some people prep their dog by wrapping his paws in something soft like socks. Most dogs don't like it. The thrill of a fuck can distract them from the irritation, but I think that I get a better fuckout of an unfettered dog. Fuckee's personal choice here, I guess.
You might get a few small scratches on your lower legs when you get fucked by a dog. Keeping a dog's nails trimmed can alleviate this inconvenience. He will scramble, prance, and practically slam dance his way into your ass. He'll be pushing with his hind legs against anything his back paws encounter in his frantic haste to impale you on his knot. You'll feel like he's trying to crawl up your ass with his cock leading the way. He's aggressive, hormonal driven. He's not trying to hurt you; he's trying to fuck you.
Dogs don't fuck like we do. It's not a matter of in and out to stimulate a swollen dickhead with them. All those nerves you have in your little head are in a different place for dogs. They are on his knot,concentrated around the back curve that feels the clamping of your sphincter. We guys cum from our glans, dogs from their knot. That makes them fuck to bury the knot, not to stroke the cock head.
Dog phallus come in as many shapes and sizes as human ones. There is no easily discernible head on a dog's pecker. Their cocks have a blunt wedge-shaped glans with a nipple-like pointed tip for a urethral opening. That's where the good stuff comes out, the final unloading point for the dog's pre-cum and cum. Most dog cock shafts are thicker at the end than in the middle. There is usually a taper to a bulge. This part of a canine's penis is his prepuce. It is the shaft that the dog uses to penetrate you. In a bit I'll key you in on something I find really fucking hot about this shaft part of a dog's cock.
The bulging lump behind the shaft is the bulbus glandis or knot. It can grow into a truly out sized mass. I've seen knots that were the size of a lime all the way up to some as big around as softballs. It is the feel-good center of the fuck for the dog. Always handle a dog's knot with care. It's sensitive. He wants your ass lips wrapped around it. The clench of your knot conquered pucker on this part of his fuck tool is what makes him cum.
Behind the knot is the longest and thinnest part of the dog's penis. It is the flexure. It is a long tube of connective tissues that go from the dog's prostate to the knot. Most of this will never go in you, but it is where you will be connected to the dog that just fucked you for the duration of the tie. It is muscle spring loaded. This is the part that the dog actually shoves with when he fucks you. He bucks into you and compresses the muscles around his flexure. At the end of the fuck lunge he tightens his abductor muscles just like you do when you fuck something. That causes the muscles around his penis to elongate a bit and shoves all the rest of the penis in front of it, knot and prepuce,forward. This happens as fast as the dog can operate his hips. You know how fast a dog can run. That's how fast he can fuck. The same hip muscles drive both actions. Now that you know what's going in you, you probably want to know how it goes in.
A dog fuck is basically a shoving match. Like I explained, the dog uses his hips and hind legs to shove his cock into you. The dog's cock isn't the same type of hard-on that you get. At first the only thing hard about it is the bone. Yes, I said bone. There is a bone in a dog cock. Don't be surprised. Most mammals have them. Humans are one of the few that don't. It's called the os penis or baculum. It is harder than your most rigid hard-on by a lot. The lack of one has fueled a whole pharmaceutical industry around erectile dysfunction in men. Dogs don't have erectile dysfunction. Even a fixed dog that hasn't had his balls for year scan still fuck. His heart isn't in it, but he can still sling a mean stick. The bone is purely a penetration device. It can deliver a jab while thrusting for your hole that will make you see stars. One dog powered thrust with an os bone landing solidly on one of your nuts will make you puke. That's why I always wear a jockstrap now when I do dog, it keeps my nuts mostly out of the way. Be careful with the thing. You can use a hand to position the dog's pecker to your hole to prevent painful bonings. That helpful friend I talked about earlier can make a big difference at this point too.
Now we're making progress. Suddenly it happens. The dog finds his mark. You're impaled with a rampant pre-cum squirting dog dick. Sometimes a dog will slide out and fail to fully penetrate you. He might even jump down from his mount. Don't worry, he'll be right back. The prepuce shaft of a dog's cock is equipped with pressure sensitive nerves. The dog can feel when his cock is inside smooth tissue better than we can. It sets off a cascade of feelings in the dog that makes him want to bury his bone. Your ass is right there, ready and waiting so, you're going to get it. Once the dog does get his pecker securely in you, you go for a ride.
The dog starts fucking you like he's possessed. He is. He's possessed by a hormone release caused by stimulation to his prepuce. There are many words to describe how a dog fucks; jackhammer, reciprocating saw, piston,pile driver. However you think of it, it's fast, faster than you can fuck. You will feel the bone stiffened fuck meat as it plows into you. You can feel it many different ways; as the burn shattering pain of a cock too massive for your unready hole, as a gut stabbing punch from one that is extremely long, as a slash of sudden shock having your rectum suddenly stuffed full, or the way every guy always feels it, as a wet rampaging warmth.
There will be an ever-present heat the whole time that the dog has his schlong up your ass. He has a body temperature of a bit over 101 F, that's38 C. It's higher than yours and you can feel it in your ass. The heat radiates in your ass the whole time his member is in you. And it's going to get wet, really wet, slushy wet, cum oozing wet. If you have enough presence of mind, you can hear fuck slurping sounds coming from your cock pounded asshole as the dog squirts your rectum constantly with his pre-cum. This manic breakneck fucking won't last long so enjoy it. It's all about the knot. All the energy he puts into the fuck is to plant that bulging lump of fuck flesh up in your ass.
Now the fuck can go three ways from here; Four if you count bolting away in panic and ending it, but we took the committed route so it's down to three and they are once again all about the knot. It is either swelling up inside your rectum already fucked deep inside you, or it's plucking your fuck shocked hole open over and over as it plunges in and out getting bigger with each thrust, or lastly, it is slamming into your hole seeking to batter its way inside. I've had the bad fortune to try and keep a dog from knotting me at this point because the phone was ringing... I lost. I really did black out from the pain when the dog slam fuck forced his knot past my demolished sphincter. What I advise here is to take the knot. Push out. Back into it. Grind it into your hole. If it is wedged in your crack,then time the humping fucks of the dog and slam your ass back as he drives forward. It might hurt. It might hurt a lot, but it will get you knotted. Me, I try to take the knot before it can be used as a slam shattering torture device. I've had it that way and I prefer the non-victim route. I want to be a prisoner, not a victim. I want to be a conscious hostage to that cum dumping cock, not an injured blacked out victim. I spread for the dog's cock and let him fuck me deep. This puts the knot part of the penis inside as it swells to its full girth.
So now we're knotted. The tightness gets tighter. Once the fuck plug gets in you it keeps expanding. Now the dog is getting his nut. He'll most likely start panting heavily now as he orgasms and begins to spew sperm in you. You're now knot locked as the first spurts of real cum start saturating your guts. And there's another feeling too, another type of fullness. Remember your dog cock parts? This feeling is coming from the dog's shaft. It's the thing I find so nut churning hot. The fucking prepuce is engorging along with the knot. The dog's cock is stretching deeper in me. The big piece of meat is lengthening almost another two inches up my ass. That turns a six inch cock into an eight incher and I can feel it elongating and coating my colon with hot dog cum as it slides deeper.
If you haven't cum yet, save it. I don't blame you if you crank one out while the dog pile drives you, or if you savagely stroke off a spew when he knots you up, but a better time to get your nut is coming, and once again, it's all about the knot. The fuck/knotting now comes to another splitting of the ways. You can either let your dog turn or you can hold him in place. I've had to hold a few dogs in place. The size of their knot shad me too afraid to let them turn. I was younger and alarmed by the massive size of the knot stretching my rectal space to extremes. I didn't want my asshole twisted and torn. Barring that I am a turn advocate.
If you hold your dog and don't let him turn, then the knotting will go something like this; You can hold the dog with one hand and jack off withe other, or you can choose to not beat your meat and just enjoy the knotting, or you might be one of those lucky fuckers that can cum just from being fuck filled and start shooting off. Whatever you do, the dog will continue to squirt you full of cum. Eventually if you keep him on your back, you will feel a loosening in your ass. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour to happen. He's finally through cumming in you. His knot will start to deflate. Different knots recede at differentiates. It will become small enough to come slopping out of your hole at some point if you don't let the dog go and he pulls it out still swollen instead. It'll come out sloppy wet and you will feel exhaustively loose in your asshole. Dog cum will run and trickle out of your not so tight asshole. Don't try and clamp your hole down on the cock to keep it all in. Your anal ring is knot shocked and not up to the task and your chute is cum washed anyway. Rest and let your sphincter recover some. That way you don't leave a cum trail when you get up and move. You'll be able to hold it in if there is any left. I'll get to that in a minute. Just don't worry,your asshole will close back up fairly fast.
Now what about those of us that let the dog turn? Well, first off, we have to squirm around and let the knot spin a full 180 degrees in our ass. It can happen quickly or with agonizing slowness depending on the size and shape of the knot. Sometimes the sides of a truly wide knot will press your prostate in such a way that cum will dribble out of your piss slit without you having an orgasm. It's nothing to be alarmed about. It just means you have a big wad backed up waiting to blow. At the end of the turn you will find yourself ass to ass with your hole feeling the steady pressure of the knot. The dog might try to pull away, but you can hold onto his back legs to keep him from knot ripping your rectum out through your asshole. Hold the hind legs right below the knee joint for best results. Even if the dog scrambles to break away, you can hold him this way without hurting him. As the dog starts cumming harder, he will most likely settle down and just pull enough to maintain the feel-good pressure around his knot. Yeah..., it is still all about the knot.
And how about that knot now? The squirt pulses of dog cum ejaculating through it are now pumping directly against your prostate, massaging it,making it thrum, radiating pleasure from your ass to your balls and even upwards into your cock. Many guys can orgasm by letting themselves become immersed in the raunchy carnal feeling of being bred and the ongoing prostate stimulation. I've had that happen a few times, mostly when I've saved up a load and not gotten off for several days. Otherwise, it is jack-off time. Try and keep your hands off your cock when you feel the throbbing jets of cum washing across your sex gland. I can't.
I yank my turgid prick loose from my jock's pouch and stroke-choke it until it bursts, erupting with cum and sending a knot enhanced orgasm exploding outward from my cock in waves of sexual ecstasy. I shudder with each wave and my asshole contracts involuntarily increasing the pressure of the knot on my prostate. The clenching spasms of my anal sphincter enervate the pleasure inducing nerves in the knot and the dog will squirt his wads more strongly. The licentious satisfaction doesn't end with the orgasm. It is still there in the pulses that knead your prostate with every spurt of dog cum that passes over it. The feeling will build up again. It will continue to titillate you until the dog quits cumming. I once was able to jack five orgasms out of my cock while knotted up by a big Rottweiler for more than an hour.
Alas, all good things eventually have to end and just like the guys that held their dog from turning, the one you are ass to ass with will have his knot start to shrink. Since you are ass to ass with a steady pull, your dog's knot will be wrenched out of your fuck loose hole. Sometimes this can bring a stab of pain, but it also brings a feeling of release. I usually fall forward face down and wait for my asshole to recover. And now... don't bypass this part, spread your legs. Most dogs have an amazing post-coital habit.
Every dog that has ever fucked me to completion has done it. It will end your fuck session the right way. Those of you that held your dog from turning can get in on this part too. Just make sure you spread your legs open some. Let the aroma of your cum oozing ass permeate the room. The dog will be drawn to it. He will slurp up the wet smears and cum leavings with determination. Your hole will benefit from the licks and swipes his tongue makes as he laps up his mess. The soft grainy sweeps of his tongue will soothe your aching asshole and it will speed its complete recovery.
And now you've had your dog fuck. Pass out and sleep if you want to. Grab a snack. Stretch the kinks out. Don't bother to get dressed yet. The dog will want to have another go at you in an hour or so. Can you handle it?
The End ?????
Single most informative piece I've ever read on the subject. I, too, have no actual experience (or prospects).Great How-to
Now I need a friend
Yeah. Right?!Thanks for sharing. Learned some details I've never would have thought about. Wanna try it out now haha
Yeah, isn't that absolutely superb?God damn now im blue balled! Excellent writeup!
A classic piece everybody should readYeah, isn't that absolutely superb?
Wow this was good read. I have her to experience my first knot. I am hopefully yeah it will happen soon.From: Mikhail Conrad EMAIL DELETED
Subject: It's All About the Knot This is a guide about sex between men and male dogs. If that offends you then leave now. If you are not of legal age to view pornography, then you need to leave too. This is my intellectual property and may not be posted in any way or used for anything other than personal reading without my express permission. Archive;'It's All About the Knot'{Mikhail Conrad}( dog M anal best )[1!?]
It's All About the Knot
The most common question I get from guys that find out I get dog fucked is; Does it hurt? The answer to that is; Yes..., it hurts...,exquisitely. I like to look at it as a trade-off. The pain leads to some over-the-top pleasure. The best orgasms of my life have come with my smarting asshole trapped around a big fat cum-pumping dog knot. Getting the knot positioned just right, with the knobby bottom side snug up against the far end of my prostate lump is the key. When the knot lodges firmly up against that gland, the feelings that radiant from it can make me tremble in lust. As the dog ejaculates, and he will..., a lot, the squirts pass through his urethra and bulge the vessel with each shot. The back base of a dog's knot has a place close to the surface that balloons out significantly with each discharge. That's what I want pressing into my prostate. That's why I always want to let the dog turn.
Having a dog knot twisting in your ass is a thing you have to experience to really understand. It can be a part of the pain that comes from getting screwed by a canine, especially if the knot is a big one, say eight inches around or more. But it is the only way to get that cum pulsing place on a dog's fuck tool implanted just right for maximum titillation. You'll know when you get it right. I did.
Why don't I just answer all the basics from start to finish. I don't want to get into the situational stuff, like how to find a willing dog or how to entice him. There's plenty of that kind of stuff in the stories. The questions I get asked the most after the hurt one and my personal experiences all concern pure mechanics, the step by step of what happens. So let's get started. We'll do a walk-through fuck. The biggest factor will be the dog's knot. It's all about the knot. Ready?
First, prep yourself and the space you are going to use. Clean yourself out. A rapidly plunging dog cock encountering a turd can make fora cramping unpleasant odorous fuck as well as a messy ending to a knotting. Pillows, cushions, knee pads, cell phone, video camera, lights, a bottle of water, poppers, lube, towels, all are some of the things you might want to consider. There will be quite a bit of wet sex slop involved. You don't want to do it on the bone white living room carpeting regardless of how thick and cushiony the under-pad is. A vinyl sheet or drop cloth with a washable blanket or quilt spread out on the carpet will make the white off-limit area usable. Make the area comfortable for both you and the dog(s). Then decide about lube.
The dog will provide plenty of lube for the fucking by himself. His cock will start spritzing a watery but slick pre-cum almost as soon as his sheath draws back. If you feel like you want a slicker fuck then try using something like J-Lube. It's a powder that readily mixes with water to make a totally inert and safe lube. It's a standard on farms and with vets and way more affordable than small containers of water-based lube. Some of this will be trial and error before you establish your own particulars. Have fun with it. I enjoy all the prep time. It gets me hard going through the steps knowing that I am going to be on the receiving end of an energetic beastfucking pretty soon.
As a side note, there is a way to make this all easier. It was years before I found it out, but it works; Have a buddy help you out. Someone to encourage the dog, help line things up, and hold the dog's hind end snug up to you for a smooth knotting can make the whole experience more rhythmic and freer flowing. It was a long time before I found anyone I would even think about sharing bestiality thoughts with, much less talk about the real happenings. Just saying...
The next basic step is getting down in a position to get mounted. There are just a couple that work for dogs and their physiology. Every one of them is from behind. You'll occasionally find the oddity of someone that thinks that they can straddle a dog on it's back,but take my word for it, the dog doesn't like it. It's uncomfortable on their spine. Then there are those that want to do it face to face. This is not a very good idea for several reasons. You have the problem of height positioning by having to be on your back without being able to adjust using your hips and legs. You might feel like you have more control this way, and you certainly do, but you've set the stage for an inferior fuck. The biggest drawback is that it is awkward for the dog. The physical dynamics are wrong for him to be able to clutch you firmly. That means he can't get the leverage he needs to deliver the rapid-fire fuck he is built to give. Another big impediment with a face to face/missionary coupling is the psychological one. A dog that is aggressively fucking you, one that wants to throw his knot and tie to you, has a need to dominate you. His testosterone driven urges require it. When you are in a position constantly being able to look at him, he feels uncomfortable. A stare in the animal kingdom is a challenge. If you are looking to get a good forceful vigorous screwing don't vie with the dog. Turn your butt over and present your hole to him the way he wants it. If you want to get fucked BY a dog, you really should get fucked LIKE a dog, and that means ass up.
This involves bending at the waist with one exception; Small dogs. If you want to be nailed by your Dachshund, Basset hound, or even Pekingese(Hey, who am I to judge? And Basset hounds do have enticingly huge knots),you will have to do it prone and face down. Use a pillow or cushion if you need a small height adjustment. That's the only way within reason to get your asshole low enough to engage with their cock. With regular size to large dogs the standard position is on your hands and knees. Knees and elbows, or knees and chest are acceptable options. With really large dogs,you might have to have a raised bench or even a table for some of the monsters like Great Danes. Stools or ottomans make for a more relaxed knotting since you can rest your weight on them while you're tied ass to ass.
Once you are down and have your ready asshole accessible, you can either keep your legs together or you can spread them. Either way will work, but spreading your legs open makes for a faster and easier knotting. Keeping your legs together is the best way to prevent the dog from plunging deep and forming his knot inside you. If you want a fuck where the dog pounds into your hole with his knot using it like a battering ram, then try it by starting with your legs together. Be warned: This way of getting fucked can be agony for your anus.
The dog is going to do its best to plant its knot in you and a dog's best is usually good enough. Knots can engorge to an intimidating size pretty fast. In the contest of knot versus asshole, the knot has a decided advantage. Think about it. Your butt hole is already designed to open and close. A dog cock with a burgeoning knot is intended to wrest open a hole and then seal it closed. A resisting hole is most often a losing hole. Don't decide at the last minute to try keeping the knot out by clamping down with your sphincter. That's how tears occur. Be smart and make sure you're committed and know what you're getting into, or in this instance, what's getting into you.
If you choose to keep your legs together then you need to position your asshole at canine cock-tip level by using your hips. Stretch out with your hips by leaning forward and you'll lower your ass. Bend tighter at the hips and your ass goes up. Bend even more and it starts to go back down again as your knees bend up under you and your butt lowers to your heels. Easy. What?s the best height? That depends on the dog. You'll probably feel the end of the dog cock and be able to judge its height. It packs a solid punch when it's humping for a hole. I'll get to that in a bit.
Now, if you choose to spread your legs apart, you can get your hole at the right height the same way you would as if you kept your legs together,OR... You can spread your knees apart to lower your hole and move them in closer to raise it. I use a combination of both hip angle and knee width to help a thrusting red rocket to find its target. Yep, I'm a legs apart guy. Let's move on. It's time to get some dick.
Now you're in place. You look around and glance at the horny dog about to fuck you silly. At this point he has already sniffed out your hole with whatever enticements you used. He's been licking your pucker. You've been moaning in ecstasy. And it's just beginning. The wetness of his saliva magnifies scents to him. As he slobbers over your hole, he isn't just tasting you, he's smelling you, the sexual muskiness of your bunghole, the pheromones wafting from your nut sack, the scent of lust in your sweat, the building tension in your breath. These things are real to him. You have to tear yourself away from the intoxicating sensuous swipes of dog tongue going across your sensitive anal ring. If you want to get fucked right,then you need to turn your head and look at the dog behind you. Make brief casual eye contact. Get his attention and slowly turn your head back looking forward.
This isn't pretense. Looking back at a rutting male behind you keys an instinctive urge to 'mount' in canines. And it will most likely get you mounted if the dog hasn't already started on his own. The dog might scramble around, jumping on and off if he's inexperienced. It might take you a good bit of time to get a sexually excited virgin male dog to stay on and hump. Or you could get speared on a wet red slab of dog cock with the first thrust of his hips. However it happens, this is where the real fucking begins.
Some dogs get nervous or anxious and need you to help them onto your back. Don't jerk or yank at their forelegs. If they struggle at all then let them go. Play with them some more. Tease them. Remember, an adult male dog with functioning testicles wants to fuck. Just like a male human, he wants to get a nut and like many male humans, he'll fuck anything compatible to get one.
He will latch onto you with his forelegs, usually right above your hips. Then he will hip-hump his cock at your ass seeking the warm smoothness of a fuck hole. Most dogs have dew claws so a mounting can involve some aggressive clawing and scratching as the dog clutches you trying to knot you up. Wearing a shirt of some kind can help prevent serious claw slashes here. Some people prep their dog by wrapping his paws in something soft like socks. Most dogs don't like it. The thrill of a fuck can distract them from the irritation, but I think that I get a better fuckout of an unfettered dog. Fuckee's personal choice here, I guess.
You might get a few small scratches on your lower legs when you get fucked by a dog. Keeping a dog's nails trimmed can alleviate this inconvenience. He will scramble, prance, and practically slam dance his way into your ass. He'll be pushing with his hind legs against anything his back paws encounter in his frantic haste to impale you on his knot. You'll feel like he's trying to crawl up your ass with his cock leading the way. He's aggressive, hormonal driven. He's not trying to hurt you; he's trying to fuck you.
Dogs don't fuck like we do. It's not a matter of in and out to stimulate a swollen dickhead with them. All those nerves you have in your little head are in a different place for dogs. They are on his knot,concentrated around the back curve that feels the clamping of your sphincter. We guys cum from our glans, dogs from their knot. That makes them fuck to bury the knot, not to stroke the cock head.
Dog phallus come in as many shapes and sizes as human ones. There is no easily discernible head on a dog's pecker. Their cocks have a blunt wedge-shaped glans with a nipple-like pointed tip for a urethral opening. That's where the good stuff comes out, the final unloading point for the dog's pre-cum and cum. Most dog cock shafts are thicker at the end than in the middle. There is usually a taper to a bulge. This part of a canine's penis is his prepuce. It is the shaft that the dog uses to penetrate you. In a bit I'll key you in on something I find really fucking hot about this shaft part of a dog's cock.
The bulging lump behind the shaft is the bulbus glandis or knot. It can grow into a truly out sized mass. I've seen knots that were the size of a lime all the way up to some as big around as softballs. It is the feel-good center of the fuck for the dog. Always handle a dog's knot with care. It's sensitive. He wants your ass lips wrapped around it. The clench of your knot conquered pucker on this part of his fuck tool is what makes him cum.
Behind the knot is the longest and thinnest part of the dog's penis. It is the flexure. It is a long tube of connective tissues that go from the dog's prostate to the knot. Most of this will never go in you, but it is where you will be connected to the dog that just fucked you for the duration of the tie. It is muscle spring loaded. This is the part that the dog actually shoves with when he fucks you. He bucks into you and compresses the muscles around his flexure. At the end of the fuck lunge he tightens his abductor muscles just like you do when you fuck something. That causes the muscles around his penis to elongate a bit and shoves all the rest of the penis in front of it, knot and prepuce,forward. This happens as fast as the dog can operate his hips. You know how fast a dog can run. That's how fast he can fuck. The same hip muscles drive both actions. Now that you know what's going in you, you probably want to know how it goes in.
A dog fuck is basically a shoving match. Like I explained, the dog uses his hips and hind legs to shove his cock into you. The dog's cock isn't the same type of hard-on that you get. At first the only thing hard about it is the bone. Yes, I said bone. There is a bone in a dog cock. Don't be surprised. Most mammals have them. Humans are one of the few that don't. It's called the os penis or baculum. It is harder than your most rigid hard-on by a lot. The lack of one has fueled a whole pharmaceutical industry around erectile dysfunction in men. Dogs don't have erectile dysfunction. Even a fixed dog that hasn't had his balls for year scan still fuck. His heart isn't in it, but he can still sling a mean stick. The bone is purely a penetration device. It can deliver a jab while thrusting for your hole that will make you see stars. One dog powered thrust with an os bone landing solidly on one of your nuts will make you puke. That's why I always wear a jockstrap now when I do dog, it keeps my nuts mostly out of the way. Be careful with the thing. You can use a hand to position the dog's pecker to your hole to prevent painful bonings. That helpful friend I talked about earlier can make a big difference at this point too.
Now we're making progress. Suddenly it happens. The dog finds his mark. You're impaled with a rampant pre-cum squirting dog dick. Sometimes a dog will slide out and fail to fully penetrate you. He might even jump down from his mount. Don't worry, he'll be right back. The prepuce shaft of a dog's cock is equipped with pressure sensitive nerves. The dog can feel when his cock is inside smooth tissue better than we can. It sets off a cascade of feelings in the dog that makes him want to bury his bone. Your ass is right there, ready and waiting so, you're going to get it. Once the dog does get his pecker securely in you, you go for a ride.
The dog starts fucking you like he's possessed. He is. He's possessed by a hormone release caused by stimulation to his prepuce. There are many words to describe how a dog fucks; jackhammer, reciprocating saw, piston,pile driver. However you think of it, it's fast, faster than you can fuck. You will feel the bone stiffened fuck meat as it plows into you. You can feel it many different ways; as the burn shattering pain of a cock too massive for your unready hole, as a gut stabbing punch from one that is extremely long, as a slash of sudden shock having your rectum suddenly stuffed full, or the way every guy always feels it, as a wet rampaging warmth.
There will be an ever-present heat the whole time that the dog has his schlong up your ass. He has a body temperature of a bit over 101 F, that's38 C. It's higher than yours and you can feel it in your ass. The heat radiates in your ass the whole time his member is in you. And it's going to get wet, really wet, slushy wet, cum oozing wet. If you have enough presence of mind, you can hear fuck slurping sounds coming from your cock pounded asshole as the dog squirts your rectum constantly with his pre-cum. This manic breakneck fucking won't last long so enjoy it. It's all about the knot. All the energy he puts into the fuck is to plant that bulging lump of fuck flesh up in your ass.
Now the fuck can go three ways from here; Four if you count bolting away in panic and ending it, but we took the committed route so it's down to three and they are once again all about the knot. It is either swelling up inside your rectum already fucked deep inside you, or it's plucking your fuck shocked hole open over and over as it plunges in and out getting bigger with each thrust, or lastly, it is slamming into your hole seeking to batter its way inside. I've had the bad fortune to try and keep a dog from knotting me at this point because the phone was ringing... I lost. I really did black out from the pain when the dog slam fuck forced his knot past my demolished sphincter. What I advise here is to take the knot. Push out. Back into it. Grind it into your hole. If it is wedged in your crack,then time the humping fucks of the dog and slam your ass back as he drives forward. It might hurt. It might hurt a lot, but it will get you knotted. Me, I try to take the knot before it can be used as a slam shattering torture device. I've had it that way and I prefer the non-victim route. I want to be a prisoner, not a victim. I want to be a conscious hostage to that cum dumping cock, not an injured blacked out victim. I spread for the dog's cock and let him fuck me deep. This puts the knot part of the penis inside as it swells to its full girth.
So now we're knotted. The tightness gets tighter. Once the fuck plug gets in you it keeps expanding. Now the dog is getting his nut. He'll most likely start panting heavily now as he orgasms and begins to spew sperm in you. You're now knot locked as the first spurts of real cum start saturating your guts. And there's another feeling too, another type of fullness. Remember your dog cock parts? This feeling is coming from the dog's shaft. It's the thing I find so nut churning hot. The fucking prepuce is engorging along with the knot. The dog's cock is stretching deeper in me. The big piece of meat is lengthening almost another two inches up my ass. That turns a six inch cock into an eight incher and I can feel it elongating and coating my colon with hot dog cum as it slides deeper.
If you haven't cum yet, save it. I don't blame you if you crank one out while the dog pile drives you, or if you savagely stroke off a spew when he knots you up, but a better time to get your nut is coming, and once again, it's all about the knot. The fuck/knotting now comes to another splitting of the ways. You can either let your dog turn or you can hold him in place. I've had to hold a few dogs in place. The size of their knot shad me too afraid to let them turn. I was younger and alarmed by the massive size of the knot stretching my rectal space to extremes. I didn't want my asshole twisted and torn. Barring that I am a turn advocate.
If you hold your dog and don't let him turn, then the knotting will go something like this; You can hold the dog with one hand and jack off withe other, or you can choose to not beat your meat and just enjoy the knotting, or you might be one of those lucky fuckers that can cum just from being fuck filled and start shooting off. Whatever you do, the dog will continue to squirt you full of cum. Eventually if you keep him on your back, you will feel a loosening in your ass. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour to happen. He's finally through cumming in you. His knot will start to deflate. Different knots recede at differentiates. It will become small enough to come slopping out of your hole at some point if you don't let the dog go and he pulls it out still swollen instead. It'll come out sloppy wet and you will feel exhaustively loose in your asshole. Dog cum will run and trickle out of your not so tight asshole. Don't try and clamp your hole down on the cock to keep it all in. Your anal ring is knot shocked and not up to the task and your chute is cum washed anyway. Rest and let your sphincter recover some. That way you don't leave a cum trail when you get up and move. You'll be able to hold it in if there is any left. I'll get to that in a minute. Just don't worry,your asshole will close back up fairly fast.
Now what about those of us that let the dog turn? Well, first off, we have to squirm around and let the knot spin a full 180 degrees in our ass. It can happen quickly or with agonizing slowness depending on the size and shape of the knot. Sometimes the sides of a truly wide knot will press your prostate in such a way that cum will dribble out of your piss slit without you having an orgasm. It's nothing to be alarmed about. It just means you have a big wad backed up waiting to blow. At the end of the turn you will find yourself ass to ass with your hole feeling the steady pressure of the knot. The dog might try to pull away, but you can hold onto his back legs to keep him from knot ripping your rectum out through your asshole. Hold the hind legs right below the knee joint for best results. Even if the dog scrambles to break away, you can hold him this way without hurting him. As the dog starts cumming harder, he will most likely settle down and just pull enough to maintain the feel-good pressure around his knot. Yeah..., it is still all about the knot.
And how about that knot now? The squirt pulses of dog cum ejaculating through it are now pumping directly against your prostate, massaging it,making it thrum, radiating pleasure from your ass to your balls and even upwards into your cock. Many guys can orgasm by letting themselves become immersed in the raunchy carnal feeling of being bred and the ongoing prostate stimulation. I've had that happen a few times, mostly when I've saved up a load and not gotten off for several days. Otherwise, it is jack-off time. Try and keep your hands off your cock when you feel the throbbing jets of cum washing across your sex gland. I can't.
I yank my turgid prick loose from my jock's pouch and stroke-choke it until it bursts, erupting with cum and sending a knot enhanced orgasm exploding outward from my cock in waves of sexual ecstasy. I shudder with each wave and my asshole contracts involuntarily increasing the pressure of the knot on my prostate. The clenching spasms of my anal sphincter enervate the pleasure inducing nerves in the knot and the dog will squirt his wads more strongly. The licentious satisfaction doesn't end with the orgasm. It is still there in the pulses that knead your prostate with every spurt of dog cum that passes over it. The feeling will build up again. It will continue to titillate you until the dog quits cumming. I once was able to jack five orgasms out of my cock while knotted up by a big Rottweiler for more than an hour.
Alas, all good things eventually have to end and just like the guys that held their dog from turning, the one you are ass to ass with will have his knot start to shrink. Since you are ass to ass with a steady pull, your dog's knot will be wrenched out of your fuck loose hole. Sometimes this can bring a stab of pain, but it also brings a feeling of release. I usually fall forward face down and wait for my asshole to recover. And now... don't bypass this part, spread your legs. Most dogs have an amazing post-coital habit.
Every dog that has ever fucked me to completion has done it. It will end your fuck session the right way. Those of you that held your dog from turning can get in on this part too. Just make sure you spread your legs open some. Let the aroma of your cum oozing ass permeate the room. The dog will be drawn to it. He will slurp up the wet smears and cum leavings with determination. Your hole will benefit from the licks and swipes his tongue makes as he laps up his mess. The soft grainy sweeps of his tongue will soothe your aching asshole and it will speed its complete recovery.
And now you've had your dog fuck. Pass out and sleep if you want to. Grab a snack. Stretch the kinks out. Don't bother to get dressed yet. The dog will want to have another go at you in an hour or so. Can you handle it?
The End ?????
Being a gay bottom trucker would love to experience a dog not that was quite informativeI gotta say that was amazingly erotic,i had to jerk off twice put down my phone once, dam got me thinking about muself wanting. Dam that was intense lol loved it man loved it