The feeling is bliss. I raised my dog from a pup, but i was a teenager and didnt know I was zoo yet, so we didnt do anything like that. But I loved him the same. He always slept in my bed and would sleep in my arms every night. We went everywhere together. It wasnt until a particularly horny afternoon, sometime after 4 years together, that I helped him release. Boy was he excited! It was explosive and erotic. We had biweekly ebcounters from then on, and I worked my way up to being knotted. It took a year afterwards. When it finqlly happened, I came so hard my vision blurred and I went into a transcendant state. But when I came back a few seconds later still knotted in missionary, I looked into his eyes and kissed his muzzle. An overwhelming feeling of love filled us that day, and our bond was truely locked in place and tied up. He was my first lover. Even before any human. Over his life I dated 2 or 3 times, but they didnt last. In the end, I came home to him. Ever loyal and always loving... He has passed in 2011 and my heart has never been the same since. My biggest regret is losing almost all my photos of him, on a hard drive that failed...