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Is this illegal and am I doing something bad?


By actively seeking out this site and its content, am I breaking the law? Could I get arrested?

Obviously, other users on the site take precautions like VPN or TOR and other methods of anonymity. I'm not talking about getting caught or being careful. Just flat out, is this illegal?

The rundown: I do not produce any zoo content nor do I participate in zoophilia in real life. I am not downloading or saving anything. So is it illegal to just view the content? I heard once that it's not illegal unless you participate in it or directly possess zoo content and that only viewing it is fine in the state of NC. However I can not find any laws or bills etc to confirm or deny this. If it's not legal for me to view this, then I'll try to put a stop to it completely in compliance with the law. First, though, I need to know if it is against the law. Any legal help?
No, at least not in the USA with the exception of the state of Oregon. You are only reading content and even possession of zoo porn is not illegal.

Edit: Added - with the exception of the state of Oregon
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By actively seeking out this site and its content, am I breaking the law? Could I get arrested?

Obviously, other users on the site take precautions like VPN or TOR and other methods of anonymity. I'm not talking about getting caught or being careful. Just flat out, is this illegal?

The rundown: I do not produce any zoo content nor do I participate in zoophilia in real life. I am not downloading or saving anything. So is it illegal to just view the content? I heard once that it's not illegal unless you participate in it or directly possess zoo content and that only viewing it is fine in the state of NC. However I can not find any laws or bills etc to confirm or deny this. If it's not legal for me to view this, then I'll try to put a stop to it completely in compliance with the law. First, though, I need to know if it is against the law. Any legal help?
It depends on what country you're in.
The act of viewing media files online is the same as downloading, as they have to be cached somewhere - people get caught out with that a lot in my country.
I’m also curious about Canada laws, but I don’t want that in my history too Lol
I know you can erase your browser history very easy but I don't know if it is still stored someplace inside your computer. I know that when I download any kind of porn it goes on an external hard drive and from my understanding that will not show up by an expert search of my computers hard drive.
By actively seeking out this site and its content, am I breaking the law? Could I get arrested?

Obviously, other users on the site take precautions like VPN or TOR and other methods of anonymity. I'm not talking about getting caught or being careful. Just flat out, is this illegal?

The rundown: I do not produce any zoo content nor do I participate in zoophilia in real life. I am not downloading or saving anything. So is it illegal to just view the content? I heard once that it's not illegal unless you participate in it or directly possess zoo content and that only viewing it is fine in the state of NC. However I can not find any laws or bills etc to confirm or deny this. If it's not legal for me to view this, then I'll try to put a stop to it completely in compliance with the law. First, though, I need to know if it is against the law. Any legal help?
Can't be answered without knowing the jurisdiction you're in. The laws vary wildly - At least one state in the US, you'll find it's a felony to possess zoo material. In another, posession is legal, but creating it is a felony. In yet another, there's no restrictions at all (other than the concept that MAKING it, by definition, involves violating laws forbidding the act without outlawing the resulting porn). And don't let's even get started on how the legality varies from one country to to the next. Basically, there's simply no way to give a meaningful answer without knowing your specific location. Which you'd be an idiot to give out in public.

Edit to fix a couple of typos
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Incorrect. In AT LEAST one state (Oregon, I'm looking at you) simple possession of zoo/beasty porn is a felony.
Yes, you are correct and I will edit my comment above. Oregon has some laws that are remarkably unamerican and I wonder if your constitutional rights are really valued there. I read once of a case where the state of Oregon actually imprisoned a person that was trying to live off the grid for collecting rain water and storing it in a tank on his own property. Somehow he was disrupting the natural order of nature.
Yes, you are correct and I will edit my comment above. Oregon has some laws that are remarkably unamerican and I wonder if your constitutional rights are really valued there. I read once of a case where the state of Oregon actually imprisoned a person that was trying to live off the grid for collecting rain water and storing it in a tank on his own property. Somehow he was disrupting the natural order of nature.
There are cities near here that have that law. Also, no farm animals in city limits. Scared of people becoming self sufficient I guess, if people were able to trade eggs for milk or something .
Also on the topic, I wonder if incognito mode helps with anything? I know it claims to disallow cookies and what not , but I’m curious if I should take extra precaution. Especially finding myself on others’ wifi’s while on the go (work) .
The other thing to keep in mind is even if possesion is illegal, the likely hood of getting caught is extremely low as the feds simply are not interested enough in tracking down people who have downloaded an image or 2 or even 200. Who they are after are the content creators. Quite honestly, you are more at risk getting caught by your significant other or other family member. That's not to say there aren't local enforcement officers or agencies that have a hair up their ass trying to nail zoos, it's just the risk is low.
There are cities near here that have that law. Also, no farm animals in city limits. Scared of people becoming self sufficient I guess, if people were able to trade eggs for milk or something .
Also on the topic, I wonder if incognito mode helps with anything? I know it claims to disallow cookies and what not , but I’m curious if I should take extra precaution. Especially finding myself on others’ wifi’s while on the go (work) .
Incognito mode still leaves an IP address trail. Really all it does is prevents cookies and browser history
Yes, you are correct and I will edit my comment above. Oregon has some laws that are remarkably unamerican and I wonder if your constitutional rights are really valued there. I read once of a case where the state of Oregon actually imprisoned a person that was trying to live off the grid for collecting rain water and storing it in a tank on his own property. Somehow he was disrupting the natural order of nature.
o_O That is harsh and ridiculous.
The other thing to keep in mind is even if possesion is illegal, the likely hood of getting caught is extremely low as the feds simply are not interested enough in tracking down people who have downloaded an image or 2 or even 200. Who they are after are the content creators. Quite honestly, you are more at risk getting caught by your significant other or other family member. That's not to say there aren't local enforcement officers or agencies that have a hair up their ass trying to nail zoos, it's just the risk is low.
Hoping so. Seems they’ve been trying to crack down on everything lately. Hard to even stream normal movies online like I used to.
And is there a way to deter that on a mobile device?
And certainly don't use your works wifi. They certainly will know and can track it to the specific device, even with incognito
Oh no, no worries there. I don’t work for others anymore luckily. My old workplace used to track not only that, but my work AND personal phone. They would know if I was using an app, but not what I was doing. Oh, and it tracks us physically. Vehicles were tracked too, if it was on longer than 10 minutes, hq would know.
Wont say who as it’s a global company and I don’t want to slowly reveal myself Lol
Oh no, no worries there. I don’t work for others anymore luckily. My old workplace used to track not only that, but my work AND personal phone. They would know if I was using an app, but not what I was doing. Oh, and it tracks us physically. Vehicles were tracked too, if it was on longer than 10 minutes, hq would know.
Wont say who as it’s a global company and I don’t want to slowly reveal myself Lol
big brother is always watching :cool:
Yes, you are correct and I will edit my comment above. Oregon has some laws that are remarkably unamerican and I wonder if your constitutional rights are really valued there. I read once of a case where the state of Oregon actually imprisoned a person that was trying to live off the grid for collecting rain water and storing it in a tank on his own property. Somehow he was disrupting the natural order of nature.
There are more than a few places where collecting rainwater is illegal. How can something that no one owns, which then falls onto your property, be considered property of the state (I use generalized definition of state here). It's nothing more than a power grab. How about multi-million dollar housing developments as disrupting the natural order? But I guess since the developers line their politicians pockets it's acceptable. I certainly hope people start waking up and realize they are slowly losing their freedoms and vote these assholes out of office. But, not to derail the subject at hand.
I know little to nothing about VPNs or TOR browsers other than they offer further protection. I myself aren't too worried about my ISP knowing my browsing history. Mostly they will find a bunch of electronics and guitar stuff, some zoo porn ;), and some news. Also, they would be more interested in knowing if someone is downloading pedophilia TBH.
True, and same with me on the guitar stuff.
I hate this quarantine, but at least I have my 8 string Ibanez <3
And my custom LP Epiphone. But that thing needs parts.
I don’t know anything about that either. Almost nothing on a computer, except websites and SEO. So I guess I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing ?
There are more than a few places where collecting rainwater is illegal. How can something that no one owns, which then falls onto your property, be considered property of the state (I use generalized definition of state here). It's nothing more than a power grab. How about multi-million dollar housing developments as disrupting the natural order? But I guess since the developers line their politicians pockets it's acceptable. I certainly hope people start waking up and realize they are slowly losing their freedoms and vote these assholes out of office. But, not to derail the subject at hand.
I know little to nothing about VPNs or TOR browsers other than they offer further protection. I myself aren't too worried about my ISP knowing my browsing history. Mostly they will find a bunch of electronics and guitar stuff, some zoo porn ;), and some news. Also, they would be more interested in knowing if someone is downloading pedophilia TBH.
Yes I am aware of "Rainwater Harvesting" laws and in New Mexico where I live water is precious but here "Rainwater Harvesting" is legal and highly encouraged as it should be in any rural location.

As far as computer stuff I'm not worried at all because I don't download anything questionable, and truthfully I don't view anything questionable either. I don't ever go on the "Dark Web" and probably wouldn't even if I knew how.
I know you can erase your browser history very easy but I don't know if it is still stored someplace inside your computer. I know that when I download any kind of porn it goes on an external hard drive and from my understanding that will not show up by an expert search of my computers hard drive.
Trust me I could find every picture and video that's ever been saved on your pc nomatter how many times you've tried to clean your browser it's all saved after you delete it untill you wipe your drive including your free space on that drive
Yes I am aware of "Rainwater Harvesting" laws and in New Mexico where I live water is precious but here "Rainwater Harvesting" is legal and highly encouraged as it should be in any rural location.

As far as computer stuff I'm not worried at all because I don't download anything questionable, and truthfully I don't view anything questionable either. I don't ever go on the "Dark Web" and probably wouldn't even if I knew how.
I'm planning on moving to AZ next year and you better believe I'll be saving rainwater.
Now on the flip side in OH where I'm at now, I'll pay you to take the water away from me. It has been raining here non stop all spring:mad:
I'm planning on moving to AZ next year and you better believe I'll be saving rainwater.
Now on the flip side in OH where I'm at now, I'll pay you to take the water away from me. It has been raining here non stop all spring:mad:
I’m pretty close by, I can attest to that.
Like... right now, lmao. Pissing rain here.
True, and same with me on the guitar stuff.
I hate this quarantine, but at least I have my 8 string Ibanez <3
And my custom LP Epiphone. But that thing needs parts.
I don’t know anything about that either. Almost nothing on a computer, except websites and SEO. So I guess I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing ?
My monster. Shit, derailing again... ok, back on topic:
One thing that I've done in the past to save stuff (mostly artwork and personal stuff) is the dump everything in a zip file and rename the extension. I know, super low security, but if you're jut trying to keep prying eyes away it works. I rename my stuff to a backup file for CAD files. They already cannot be read by any program so when I want to re open I just rename to the .zip extension.
Jesus... I can’t not comment on that axe, God damn.. is that an LTD??
Now I want to post in the non zoo ...
View attachment 74754
My monster. Shit, derailing again... ok, back on topic:
One thing that I've done in the past to save stuff (mostly artwork and personal stuff) is the dump everything in a zip file and rename the extension. I know, super low security, but if you're jut trying to keep prying eyes away it works. I rename my stuff to a backup file for CAD files. They already cannot be read by any program so when I want to re open I just rename to the .zip extension.
What about if you save a video to an external hard drive?
If whatever it was - legal, illegal, in between, doesn't matter - appeared on your screen, you downloaded it, and it's all but guaranteed that a forensic exam/recovery of your computer WILL show it. It might be blatantly visible - "pornoflick.mp4" sitting in your Downloads directory - It might be semi-hidden - "8A612B9E0F66CC2A094DA.dat" left sitting in your cache folder - It might be a deleted file entry in the disk catalog, but until the space it occupied gets overwritten (and in some cases, even after it HAS been overwritten - but that takes INCREDIBLY expensive tech to recover) it's still sitting on your drive. Doesn't matter if the drive is internal or external - if there's a situation where "they", whoever that might be, wants to bust you for something that might be on your computer, they're going to grab everything that might be called a storage device when they grab the computer itself. And if that storage device is based on magnetic media, there is absolutely no question whatsoever that *ANYTHING* *EVER* stored on it *CAN* be recovered if there's enough motivation and money to apply the needed techniques.

In other words, it doesn't matter where the drive is, inside or outside a computer, until it's been *PHYSICALLY DESTROYED* - as in run through a grinder and chopped into too many bits for any hope of reassembly before the heat-death of the universe - it's possible with the technology today to recover *ANYTHING THAT HAS EVER BEEN STORED ON A MAGNETIC-MEDIA STORAGE DEVICE FROM THE MOMENT THE MAGNETIC MEDIA WAS LAID DOWN ON THE PLATTERS*, and absolutely nothing but the total physical destruction of the platters can stop "them" from looking at every single byte of data that has ever been written to that device if "they" decide that they don't care what the cost of doing so might be.

The jury is still out on whether this is a true statement for the new "solid state" drives - including "thumb drives". I've seen literature saying that it's at least THEORETICALLY possible for some of the types of storage used in some of them, and I've seen other literature that says there's no chance at all, alongside literature that says "maybe, if it's this type, but definitely not if it's that type, but for this third type, maybe if the conditions are just right, and for a fourth type, there's no hope of recovering anything." You be the judge...