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Is it possible for a girl to have sex with a wolf?

A Real Wolf in a proper pack hierarchy is not a loner, and since his job is survival of the pack he'd be more likely to eat a human, than "Do" one. They have no reason to do anything else.
Yeah, because wolves are all bloodthirsty, ruthless monsters who care only about killing and have no other needs. /s :)
Yeah, because wolves are all bloodthirsty, ruthless monsters who care only about killing and have no other needs. /s :)

Whoever the Hell you are, bud, and in spite of your nick, you know nothing about wolves, to match your Nil knowledge of people. Putting words in my mouth is never wise, bud...I won't choke on them but idiots like you always do. That snappy statement you made has zero application to any thing I said or HAVE said about wolves, now or in the day when I used to get into fights defending the reintroduction of Wolves into Yellowstone. Try learning about what a pack is, and what it is not. Farley Mowat wrote a pretty interesting study years ago, though it was discredited, because he actually interacted with his study subjects. Postwar make-work project though it was, it was fairly insightful. Start there.
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idk man, I've seen some pretty real videos of wolves mating (for research purposes ofc ^^"), they do bite. idk if its in the same way as big cats but, seriously they do. I don't know if its just biting the fur or the actual flesh but i wouldn't wanna be on the receiving end.
Is that so? You claim to have found more than one, since wolves biting the neck during mating is apparently so common, so go ahead and link a few.
It's not only possible but also very common in some cultures. In fact, there are many cases of women having sexual relationships with wolves, especially in Africa where they are known as "wolf wives." These relationships often involve a strong bond between the woman and the wolf, which can be very intense and fulfilling for both parties.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
From where did you got this information? this sound pretty interesting.
From where did you got this information? this sound pretty interesting.
99.62 percent bullshit or fantasy. Grey Wolves are native to the northern parts of Africa, and Golden Jackals( now declared to be wolves) to the south. The Ethiopian Wolf is now considered a Jackal. None of them are involved in ritual matings with human females. A brief look at wiki would turn THAT up pretty quickly.
In the 1970s, when South African Defense Forces were "defending" their honor against the encroaching "Brown-out", wolves of North American strains were imported into the Wilds of South Africa. I suppose they thought the Natives would be terrified into staying in line. A) Didnt work
B) If they survive for long it will be an ecological disaster eventually. Introduced species generally are.