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Is it ok to have sex with a female dog during her first heat, or should you wait for the second?

Is it ok to have sex with a female dog during her first heat?

  • Yes, it is both perfectly ethical and safe.

    Votes: 16 16.8%
  • Inexperienced owners are risking their dog's wellbeing, but for experienced owners there is no risk.

    Votes: 8 8.4%
  • Even experienced owners put their dog's wellbeing to some risk by doing this. Always better to wait.

    Votes: 29 30.5%
  • It's not ethical, similar to having sex with a 13 year old girl on her first period. Never do this.

    Votes: 42 44.2%

  • Total voters
Remember, this is about the burden of bearing pups, not about sexual activity.
For a dog related organization sexual activity actually resembles the high "risk" or in this relation "wished outcome" for "offspring".

They would never include or describe sexual activity separated from this. Why, you might ask? Because they exclusively describe dog-dog-intercourses (which mostly establish in heat, as such with predictable outcome) and in no case dog-other species which are deemed inacceptable. ?‍♂️

This does not resemble that the only risks described by setting those recommendations are in terms of bearing offspring or comparable. It resembles all sorts of potential risks which are combined in recommending an acceptable breeding age.
I think most are missing my point here. I have never advocated for anyone to do what I did. What I am advocating for is to have the rules clarified in the actual Rules section, so that others here in the future don't unknowingly make the same mistake that I have made.

I don't think it's possible for me to miss your point - but I don't see a mistake on your side at the moment (aside stirring this up right here, as the decision is already "over"), as well. Because the rules are unclear - that's it so far. And without a clear rule I would neither see your deleted thread as a "problem" or a "breaking" of the rules.

But I am - with as well dozens of years of experience with dogs, wolves and comparable (raising them up, d'Oh) on the side of those that call first heat as too early for penetrative interaction with dogs. And wolves, but that's another topic. :ROFLMAO:

Rules are "good to have", but not unproblematic. To have them in a clear way, understandable - that's a good thing, fully approved. In regards of what you did: like I wrote - neither mod nor judging you for it, as even if my opinion is different from your decision, you did not break a written rule as far as I could follow the topic.

And without this the deletion stays as an individual decision of mods / admins, which is fine (and understandable for me due to the dog's first heat being in the middle of attention and not your - probably, I didn't see the media before deletion and don't know your handling ways - adequate and loving care for your dog).

As such it's quite an unfortunate situation, you miss your thread, others were .. negatively stressed? Angered? Anyway, the thread is gone and that's the status quo, as long as no clear age minimum is set in the rules.

That's why I wrote (maybe unclear, as I didn't write it extensively): Why don't you just post your experiences and loving cuddles, maybe the all-day commando training or whatever you experience (non-sexual) with your dog in a new thread, leave your personal sexual decisions out of it (after all many users don't approve of it, mods as well don't approve of it, tho - at the actual age of your dog. That's a reason which counts even without a clear rule) and begin to write or show media files about the sexual aspects in the second heat. Or the earliest minimum age, if that ever gets set into the rules..

As such all is fine and all can be happy. Remember: you didn't lose your dog or your experiences, just some uploaded media files and texts. That's not really important.

And don't care too much about "other users doing the same mistake" (or plain error) - they will still do this, IF a minimum age is set in numbers at the rules.. like always, there's not a week where no unfitting and abusive stuff gets reported.

Would seriously love to read about the further development of your dog and you in another thread, just: without sexual information added before she's at least in second heat. Or minimum age, if embedded at a later time - whatever comes later. As simple as it is.
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Why don't you just post your experiences and loving cuddles
Actually, I'm all for this as well. I've always seen Salty's positivity as a good thing. Conflict only arises for me because one of the reasons he is here is to impart his 51 years of wisdom to other dog owners, which is a problem when he is giving out or acting on wrong information. For example telling some poor fellow that a female dog expects him to last 15-40 minutes inside, and that he needs to do training so that he can properly satisfy her (real example).

I think this has been a good experience, and of course I believe Salty when he says he would never have done anything to harm his girl knowingly. Most people reading this thread will go away with a better understanding of why sex during the first heat is discouraged, and for me that is a huge win.
For example telling some poor fellow that a female dog expects him to last 15-40 minutes inside, and that he needs to do training so that he can properly satisfy her (real example)
Okay - not sure where that was written, but.. my experiences with female dogs nowadays with minimum > 2k copulative activities over the years taught me that at least my partners don't expect 15-40 minutes of humping.

They would quite often get overly sensitized, because they came (multiple times) and if they're zooming, it's not possible to continue copulation anyway without enforcing anything and this I would never do. Following is a cool-down-time of minutes to hours or even days. Not all of them zoom, still: overly sensitized tissue takes a while to recover.

At the end that's personal experience. I've not yet found a female dog which would prefer 30-40 minutes of humping over varying activities, cuddling, laying beneath one, fingering until orgasm, licking, maybe rest a while - that's all variable, but at the end the human partner with his / her interests plays a big role in suggesting ideas and watching how the dog reacts to it and establishing what the dog is interested in.

I don't think every human or his / her dog(s) are on a biological layer limited to the same, as such it's all possible, who knows.. ?‍♂️

I think this has been a good experience, and of course I believe Salty when he says he would never have done anything to harm his girl knowingly.
I don't know him in detail and am very careful saying something in regards of "what others might do", as you can only go wrong most of the times with such projections.

But that he wouldn't willingly do her any harm, that's thoroughly plausible from what he wrote the recent months and what I read.
Actually, I'm all for this as well. I've always seen Salty's positivity as a good thing. Conflict only arises for me because one of the reasons he is here is to impart his 51 years of wisdom to other dog owners, which is a problem when he is giving out or acting on wrong information. For example telling some poor fellow that a female dog expects him to last 15-40 minutes inside, and that he needs to do training so that he can properly satisfy her (real example).
Okay - not sure where that was written,

My girl will typically put an end to things if I haven't finished in 10. Not saying it can't happen that some female dogs might prefer long sessions, but the problem I had was with it being a generalization.
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I'm assuming this is a byproduct of your interaction with Saltydog?

I think most owner's attitudes are pretty unanimous when it comes to waiting until the 2nd heat at least before trying anything, for the girl's own physical and mental health.

While I'm not condoning what he's doing, he made it pretty clear he has her health in mind and decades of experience and it looks like his girl is happy so I'd just leave him be. You're only going to frustrate yourself more and reiterate what's already commonly accepted as a pretty strict rule in dog love.
Great advice!

My girl will typically put an end to things if I haven't finished in 10. Not saying it can't happen that some female dogs might prefer long sessions, but the problem I had was with it being a generalization.
Ah, I see.

From my experiences: 40 minutes are nothing near the common case and if you add foreplay (which all my past and actual partners love(d) a lot, some more than actual copulation - they can orgasm multiple times in quite a short time span, which wears their endurance down for a while and even without copulation it could make them sore or over-stimulated), then even under 10 minutes would be the limitation for my known dogs.

Without foreplay - why exactly should I start to hump a dog, then? After all I want her to enjoy the whole togetherness and I enjoy it if she lays twitching and panting, just stimulated there and enjoys her feelings. Surely the ones I have experiences with would keeping up with humping for a longer time, if no extensive foreplay was included.

Not a big surprise, they were less aroused, no orgasm before and so on. But even then more than 10 to maybe 15 minutes is quite rare and not the usual case.

Not to mention the zoomies - a zooming dog which just had an orgasm and wants to zoom around, there's no need (and without enforcing / holding her no way) to hump her further. Let her chill down, enjoy a rest, let her drink something(!), maybe even go pee after a few minutes.

The whole process with foreplay and everything can take a long time, that's no problem. There are resting breaks in-between. Playing and cuddling. And even the most horny female dog (beating me by miles) will get overly sensitized as my experience showed me.

But at the end: other people experience other dogs and they might get a different idea or "working scheme", who knows. Still: I don't see any real source or analysis in terms of "generalized are 40 minutes some duration that female dogs want" - that sounds to me like a brave wish.

This is all related to human-dog intercourse, tho. Probably everyone knows that dog-dog-intercourse has its longest time span after locking with the knot, if the individual sizes are a good fit - and that's not comparable to "humping her for XX minutes". If the sizes are a loose fit, then it's over quite quickly, as they could separate even with a swollen knot. ?‍♂️
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It's not as simple as "everything goes, as long as you don't see bleeding / screaming animals". It's necessary to keep protective rules in working order. To prevent exemplary cutting abusive videos together until the remains are not longer abusive, as they don't show what's happened. (This happened quite often, but thanks to people that knew the whole video still got removed.)
So what you are telling me is that regardless of age or breed that any form of contact with any animal is then defined as cruelty and abuse. This is regardless of whether or not both parties are consenting. I do realise that abusive people use what non abusive people say to justify their cause. I will never disagree with this. So in general or normal society we should then all be judged and pinned as being murderers, sadist or the like because a minority of people that have ill intentions and who are mentally unstable use what us normal people say and do to justify their ill intentions and doings. Sorry but you cant judge everyone by the ill actions of a few. You will never end cruelty or rid it from the face of this planet no matter how hard we try. I think it is obvious by the way people present themselves to determine who has cruel intentions and who doesnt. Who is loving and caring and who isnt. I cant see how we can all fall under the same banner. Theoretically if we are are judged under the same banner then theoretically ZV should be closed down immediately which would be a shame as there are so many genuine people on here with good intentions who are loving and caring towards their animals regardless of species. This is also a place of safety where they can share and learn from each other not to mention be part of a society where they can feel comfortable to be around people who share the same or similar interests. Unfortunately even if ZV bans people from this site they will only return under a different user name. Nothing is fool proof but I think its sad that innocent people have been judged and banned or had their posts removed for following rules which arent clear and concise. There has to be a better way to establish if a person has ill intentions. Maybe the moderators should send private messages to that person request further information before just deleting their posts or banning them from the site. It shouldnt be as simple as 1 person being the judge and exicutioner all in one. Could you imagine 1 person being judge and executioner in a court room. Heaven help us all. This is why we have juries. To try and work out who is guilty of a crime and who isnt. Even with that system innocent people end up inside prisons. Always remember one thing in life. What one person sees as being wrong doesnt always mean that it is wrong. The same goes for someone who thinks something is right but it doesnt always mean its right. Answer this question for me.... Whats the definition of cleanliness? This question was actually raised in a court room here in Australia. The judge determined that what one person views as being clean doesnt necessarily mean that is clean. Thats because we are all individuals and we perceive or see thing through different eyes and have different beliefs. If all of use see everything through the same set of eyes then what a boring and colorless world we would be living in. Not everything is cut and dry and not everything fits inside a square box. One has to look outside the box to find an answer. One has to ask questions before one finds an answer. If we dont experiment with things in life then we will never learn or advance. We need to be more open minded and accepting of people and what they do or say. We cant just pigeon hole people. Show some compassion. There are people here who have good intentions and do things without any malice. Its hard enough with general society crucifying ZOOs without us outing ourselves as well. All Im asking is that moderators/administrators be more clear and concise with the rules of this site and not to just delete posts because one person in the forum decides the post doesnt fit or suit their way of thinking. Thats just closed mindedness by one person. Read through the forum and see what the general reactions towards a post is before deleting it. Have a look at who is contesting the post and how many of the problems are coming from that person who is contesting what was posted. Also look at how aggressive that one person becomes and if they start to slander someones name and start to accuse them of being a rapist (as in the case of SaltyDog). Seriously that person who I wont name should be the one who should be banned or removed from this site. Also the Administrator shouldve picked up on that before deleting posts and shouldve acted upon the slander and accusations in an appropriate and timely manner to suppress and contain the situation. I believe in equality, fairness and for all to be treated with respect and that one person shouldnt be singled out and treated like a criminal especially when they havent done anything wrong. Why not reinstate the posts from SaltyDog and allow people to read what he had posted. See for themselves if he has broken any of the rules or not. Also these people have to read the rules with an open mind and judge for themselves if the rules are vague or not. Maybe hold a vote to get the general consensus if the rules are too relaxed and vague or if they are to strict or ok. Let the people decide and amend accordingly. Then if the posts fall outside of the rules then delete those posts. That sounds like a fare way to determine who is right and who is wrong. I havent commented to cause problems or arguments here. I just think its a shame that we have got to this point because one person complained about something that was posted with all good intentions and in good faith but was taken out of context and twisted to appear to be evil, cruel and abusive. If we have knee jerked reactions on here and our post get deleted that easily then why bother contributing to any forums by replying on what is posted or whats the point of being on this site at all. Even better why have this site at all if people arent allowed to post what they are thinking or what has worked for them. I do agree that abuse and cruelty shouldnt be condoned but where is the line that we shouldnt cross. Its not clear and concise.
Cruelty like you mention makes my skin crawl. I do feel sorry for animals in general as man in general is cruel and abusive by nature. I hate seeing animals suffer and yes they do cry just like us and they do have feelings. They also get physiologically scared if we dont treat them right or dont take their feelings into consideration. I love nature and I love animals and Ive saved many creatures in my life and I will continue to save them. So what I have written does come from a good place without any malice. It does bring a tear to my eye knowing that there is so much cruelty in this world.
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My girl will typically put an end to things if I haven't finished in 10. Not saying it can't happen that some female dogs might prefer long sessions, but the problem I had was with it being a generalization.
Isnt everything generalization including the laws that we live under and abide by?????????? Its all about how one person perceives something to be. It doesnt always mean thats the way it is. What you see through your eyes is not always what I see through mine. Saying that it was viewed by YOU as "generalization" is tunnel vision and I would contest that one person should be crucified because of your personal point of view or your personal belief which is also "generalization" yet Im not crucifying you for your generalization.
I never stated this as a "generalization". I was purely speaking from 2 points of my experiences.
If you keep reading from the link I provided, you very clearly intend it as a general statement. Here is the continued conversation:
Possibly it has been true of your dogs that they expect sex to last over 15 minutes, but it is not true in general. My girl in particular prefers long foreplay followed by short sexual encounters.
Actually, the reverse is true. How many dogs have you fucked? I've been doing this for just over 51 years with about 30 different dogs over the decades of my life. So, I just might know a thing or two.
If you only intended to speak from your own personal experiences, you would have agreed with me by writing something like: "I didn't intend it as a general statement, I was only talking about my own dogs." Instead you strongly disagreed with what I wrote. So tell me... if you were in agreement with me back then that one can't make the general claim that dogs expect sex to last over 15 minutes, what is it about my statement that you were disagreeing with?
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I never stated this as a "generalization". I was purely speaking from 2 points of my experiences.
1, most copulation between a male dog and a female dog is not under 10 mins. My parents were professional breeders and worked with the AKC for years. Typically, a tying between two dogs lasts somewhere between 15 to 20 mins and occasionally up to 30 mins. There are rare occasions of more than 30 mins.
2, I have discovered that "zoomies" after sex are often a display that they aren't finished getting their sexual satisfaction from you yet.

Now, I agree with you that this should not be mandated. I was simply trying to illustrate that a number of dogs really love sex with humans and it never hurts to explore to see if your girl wants more, or not. I was giving him encouragement to discover whether this was true for his girl. If you read further down the thread, he states that she was, in fact, responding favorably to having longer sessions with him and implied that her "zoomies" were diminishing.

I'd like to also add that, yes, I do get too enthusiastic when describing things. I should've taken the time to clarify things better. I never meant it as torturing your dog and making her endure you for long periods of time. And yet your objections make me sound this way. Yes, the 40 mins part was an over exaggeration on my part. Please pardon me for being human. And yet nobody in that thread had a problem understanding what I meant, with the exception of you. Yes, I fully agree that I must take more care when guiding others and not get too caught up in my side of things. And I also know that too many guys get locked into racing to their climax and don't spend enough time in pleasing her sexual needs first and foremost. As you read my posts, you'll know that I always focus on what's best for her, and that my "needs" always come secondary. Always.

Salty Loves His Golden... ?
I actually remember this part of the thread. Saltydog is right. That wasnt "generalization" or "what people should expect as rule of thumb" and you (SaltyDog) did state that this is/was your own personal experience and is not to be taken out of context. How this got twisted to being "generalization" is beyond me.

Also I have to agree with You (SaltyDog) on another front. If a person doesnt explore in a non cruel or non abusive way then how can one determine what the dog wants or is acceptable to or not to. From what I gather a person who doesnt explore in a kind gentle way and who doesnt take things at a slower pace would then constitute abuse and cruelty if not (dare I say it) rape of the animal. I for one believe in taking things slow and learning everything I can about my partner and her learning everything about me. She has to be accepting and willing to participate. The ridiculous idea that in this particular instance with the thread that it was abusive or even rape is down right offensive and demeaning to all parties envolved. I for one was offended by the comments from the individual who is very outspoken in the thread in question against SaltyDog and who is actively commenting within this thread for the accusations he has made and the turmoil he has created around this individual and subject. I personally suggest a public apology within ZV (this thead and the thread that was deleted) to be demanded and insisted on. The deleted/removed thread should be reinstated at the same time. As per what SaltyDog said above. No one and I mean NO one had any issue with the thread and knew exactly what SaltiDog was saying without trying to distort the facts or information bar one person who somehow managed to create turmoil and disharmony not just on that thread but also her in this thread. That person continues to push his own personal agenda of creating disharmony and confusion. How can we allow that person to continue on this site where we all come to associate with like minded people with similar interests. Always keep in mind that just because one person distorts what another person has said it doesnt mean that the person distorting the information is right in any way or form. Its all about the frame of mind they are in which potentially could be and personal issues they might be struggling with in their own person private lives. IE being a Zoophile or into beastiality. Maybe they could be the abusive and cruel type themselves and who is hiding behind the pretense of being anti cruelty or abuse. Maybe they have knowingly raped a bitch themselves and are now struggling with the phycological after effects themselves. This we will never know but this person would lash out in an attempt to make themselves feel better and to hide their guilt. This is why the accusation thats been made that someone has raped their girl offends me greatly as this never happened and its clear and evident that an innocent person has been and continues to be wrongly crucified. SaltDog you have every right to defend yourself with your thread as you took every precaution in approaching your girl in a timely caring considerate manner without any abuse or cruelty towards her. You have taken on board her body language and worked with her. NOT against her. I would like to know where the harm was in all that. Would that crucifying and slandering individual please announce who they are and step forward and explain themselves. This is a public callout for that individual to openly show themselves and stop hiding behind his keyboard. Lets deal with this as a collective. NOT just one person trying to protect his honor and what he has said. As SaltyDog said.... He is only human and if he made a mistake then he apologizes for it but I cant see any mistakes that he had done. It takes a man to step forward and apologize for something that he is NOT guilty of. Im calling out for the Administator/s to reinstate the thread that was removed and publicly apologize for the error in removing the thread and for the other unnamed individual to apologize for the crucifixion slander and ill treatment of SaltiDog. I think thats a fare resolution to all this disharmony on this part of the site. Lets see who has the balls to man up and correct this wrong.
@pet love

ur big wall of texts are super hard to read, to be honest after a few lines i given up - can u try to use paragraphs and such?
No. If you give up that easily then thats not my issue. We all have voices and Im expressing mine best I can. I dislike injustice and I feel that has happened so Im calling it out for what it is. Sorry if I bore you. Sorry I dont do one liners. One liners dont explain what Im trying to say or the point im trying to make.
So what you are telling me is that regardless of age or breed that any form of contact with any animal is then defined as cruelty and abuse. This is regardless of whether or not both parties are consenting.

What? No, quite the contrary. ?‍♂️
There are more-or-less (aside a clear minimum age number) clear factors, variables and those define which material is acceptable for ZooVille.

And still random (often new accounts) people (re)post abuse up to cruelty quite regularly, get reported and in the best cases banned.

But: this case we discuss about doesn't even reach the borders of "cruelty" or "abuse", it's "unnecessary risks and a young dog with unclear minimum age @ rules" due to a missing minimum age clarification in the rules. Not even a direct rule break, but a grey area, as many have stated - which gets grey area handling (individual decisions by those that decide), that's to expect.

Nothing more, nothing less. Independently of not being "cruelty" or "abuse", it's still something which people (user) don't necessarily want to get presented on this site. That's all.

You will never end cruelty or rid it from the face of this planet no matter how hard we try.

That's self-explanatory. But it doesn't imply that people have to accept it here on this forum, even if at the end the abusive crap will forever stay in the .nets. And it's somewhat off-topic here in this thread due to the specific grey area discussed about.

Unfortunately even if ZV bans people from this site they will only return under a different user name.

Probably. Some do, some don't. It's still no option to "just accept everything and let the whole forum get a dumpster fire". That's what rules and handling of those breaking them are for.

Nothing is fool proof but I think its sad that innocent people have been judged and banned or had their posts removed for following rules which arent clear and concise.

Which case do you talk about? As you can see: we (including original OP) actively discuss the topic and just the specific thread was removed. Granted, removal of the specific grey area posts would've been enough and I even support a partial deletion instead, but depending on how much work this generates or how confusing the remaining posts might be, it's the less problematic effort to remove it wholly.

Always remember one thing in life. What one person sees as being wrong doesnt always mean that it is wrong.

That is correct, but in this case it's to this time a grey area and the problematic age range is as well a given - not just a guess. Why else would the OP understand and actually support a clear age number limitation? Why would this thread with a discussion exist?

Answer this question for me.... Whats the definition of cleanliness?

In written text? Surely paragraphs and readability. ?‍♂️

We need to be more open minded and accepting of people and what they do or say. We cant just pigeon hole people. Show some compassion. There are people here who have good intentions and do things without any malice. Its hard enough with general society crucifying ZOOs without us outing ourselves as well.

That's basically the standard (non-)argument of all those which are outlined by rules: pedophiles, abusing or torturing enthusiasts, incest enthusiasts, those that think BDSM is fine with animals, those which want body modifications on their animals and so on.

No, just because "Zoophilia" is not accepted widely it doesn't mean that "anything should be accepted and welcomed". We as loving zoophiles are not the shit and waste of humanity, but for those with mentioned interests that's a different topic. And I am happy that they're mostly kept outside. ?‍♂️

Those which are respecting the rules instead partake in a discussion about why it was problematic or unclear, as @SaltyDog does.

All Im asking is that moderators/administrators be more clear and concise with the rules of this site and not to just delete posts because one person in the forum decides the post doesnt fit or suit their way of thinking. Thats just closed mindedness by one person.

There's a two person system established from what I've read in the past. And as you can see in regards of reports: there are more people than "Just one" which actually found the specific intercourse with copulation to be too far on the "not acceptable" side of rules grey areas.

Read through the forum and see what the general reactions towards a post is before deleting it.

Uh. Should I state it in easier words? "That's hot!" "Such a nice girl!" "A lovely pair!" and so on.

The same sort of comments you find under quite clearly abusive videos quite often. Like bound horses. Leashed dogs which are pulled on their tails (a sensitive extension of the backbone!). And so on.

It's impossible to judge based on the comments coming out of horniness of random fappers. ?‍♂️

.. and start to accuse them of being a rapist (as in the case of SaltyDog).

Where? :unsure:

I love nature and I love animals and Ive saved many creatures in my life and I will continue to save them. So what I have written does come from a good place without any malice. It does bring a tear to my eye knowing that there is so much cruelty in this world.

A good stance of mind if you mean it like you write it. Then you should understand why grey area rules are problematic and lead to unclear outcome. ?‍♂️

No one and I mean NO one had any issue with the thread ..

Uhm. It got reported multiple times, as you can read a bit earlier. ?

One liners dont explain what Im trying to say or the point im trying to make.

That's fine, but one empty line between paragraphs would ease up the readability by universes.
I actually remember this part of the thread. Saltydog is right. That wasnt "generalization" or "what people should expect as rule of thumb" and you (SaltyDog) did state that this is/was your own personal experience and is not to be taken out of context. How this got twisted to being "generalization" is beyond me.
I'm really not sure why you think you can just outright lie when it's such a simple matter for people to read it for themselves... as a matter of fact, that's how we'll settle it. Nobody here has to take my word for it, everyone who is interested please just read the discussion for yourself and reach your own conclusion. Once again, the link:

tldr sorry, not my language

My dogs also like short sex. The stroking can be a lot, but after 5-10 minutes of penetration, they don't want more. I adjust my orgasm to this as well, luckily it's easy because I usually cum in 5-10 minutes.

I think this is due to the mechanics of their reproduction, the male dog moves little and then becomes lumpy and motionless. The active part lasts 1 minute, they are anatomically built for this and I think the sensory nerve endings in the vagina are also tuned for this stimulation. If you move a lot in it, it will be uncomfortable for them.

It probably also depends on how big the penis, the vagina, the speed, how many times it is during slowly, etc. Female dogs are not the same.
Curious for safety: Is it ok to penetrate a spayed dog? Will it hurt them?

This question pops up almost each week, somehow.

Common response aka long story short:
Not recommended, high risks. If dog and human both kno/ew their sexual activities well over a long time and know how such a surgery can change and open up new risks as well as behavior changes and maybe not even any interest (anymore), it is sometimes possible, if the dog is still interested.

In those threads and many others are more extensible experiences and thoughts stated. And remember: each animal is an individual, different.

Not spaying-related, but might have experiences from owners of spayed female dogs:

For further topics, please check this subforum: