pet love
Citizen of Zooville
I for one would love to know how and who is determining what is a good age to start copulation. As per every situation in life what works for one doesnt always work for all. As per the human race..... just because some person gets placed in a position of power it doesnt mean that they know what they are talking about. Look at our political scene as a perfect example. Everyone who is in a position of authority and power big notes themselves and implements rules and regulations to control the masses of people. These rules makers are only working on assumptions and general rule of thumb and what they believe themselves and dont take into consideration the exemption to the rule. They dont like variations and never see outside the closed box that they create for all to abide by. There is never any allowances for the exception to the rules. I thought the threads here was for open discussion so we can all determine what is general consensus and if ones scenario falls outside of the general consensus then dont we have the right to know how to deal with that scenario/situation in our own person lives. Arent we all equals here and have a right to help each other along without condemnation. I believe that comments should be removed if they are defamatory/threatening or aggressive in nature. Deleting post because its open discussion and doesnt fully conform to one persons rules or thought pattern which are left open to interpretation is just wrong. If we are expected to follow rules then close the room for error by being more specific in the terms and conditions and clarify to the fullest extent of what we can and cant comment on and how we can and cant post on this site. I appreciate that administrators have a place on these forums but I have seen so much verbal abuse that it disgusts me. Funny how those posts dont get removed. Im sure that everyone here would like to know what experiences people have had and what has and not worked for them. We cant just judge one person and delete their post because they have decided to share with us what success they have had and continue to have. Sharing your experience and having it deleted because one person/reader finds it unacceptable because of jealousy or their own personal failing is a form discrimination. If this is how we judge people the in theory ZV shouldnt exist at all which would be a shame as it fully closes the door of communication for all ZOOs. Do we really want this to be the way for ZOOs. I for one say lets be adults about this and lets listen to all experiences and make an informed decision for and on our own personal situations based on what information is shared in good faith. How can we be proud ZOOs if we out each other in a forum like this. I dont think SaltyDog deserved to have his posts removed as his experience/s werent offending and he does seem to care for his new companion and he has taken all steps to make sure that she is comfortable and willing to participate in copulating with his girl. If this is as bad as what one individual has made it out to be then I for one am very disappointed with this site for deleting his posts. There is enough discrimination against ZOO in society. Please dont allow that to creep into ZV as well. This is meant to be a safe space for all of us. Just for the record I DONT condone cruelty to animals. There is so much of it in general society. 2 consenting and willing participants isnt cruelty and shouldnt be judged as such. Chill and stop attacking each other as we all have the same common interests here.Yes, it is. But this thread doesn't actually judge about your actions, from what I've read?
The discussion was based on the individual thoughts of users in this regards.
It's an open poll reflecting the opinions of users.
If there's an interest in clarifying the rules specifically in regards of "numbers", it's easy to open up a poll with numbered amounts of months, each user can vote once and leave a feedback in regards to a clear numbered minimum age.
If it ends in the rules, who knows?! At least it could reflect the minimum age users have in their mind regarding dog-human sexual interactions.
That would be the precise variant of this one, I assume.
Edit: Why M/F copulation? Nah, dog / human copulation. Why differ between sexes?
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