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Is it illegal to have sex with an animal?

Hey there! Don't know if this has been posted before, but take a look at the zoophilia.wiki page on legality. There's a very comprehensive guide on the legality and punishments for bestiality or possession of pornographic material that depicts it.
Legality of Bestiality by Country
View attachment 512475View attachment 512476
Just try your best to keep in mind that, PARTICULARLY IN THE USA, "LEGAL" only means there is no explicit "you're a criminal if you stick your johnson in an animal/allow an animal to stick his johnson in you" law on the books to charge you with. Expect that if you get busted, you're still pretty well fucked (and not in a good way) 'cause they're gonna throw everything that even kinda-sorta-almost seems applicable - starting with some variation of "animal cruelty", "animal abuse", "animal mistreatment", or similar - at you, and you can pretty well guarantee that at least one of the charges they dream up WILL "stick", putting you on the sex-offender list, probably barring you from having any unsupervised-by-an-approved-person contact of any kind with any animal, and more than likely resulting in the critter involved being killed.
Just try your best to keep in mind that, PARTICULARLY IN THE USA, "LEGAL" only means there is no explicit "you're a criminal if you stick your johnson in an animal/allow an animal to stick his johnson in you" law on the books to charge you with. Expect that if you get busted, you're still pretty well fucked (and not in a good way) 'cause they're gonna throw everything that even kinda-sorta-almost seems applicable - starting with some variation of "animal cruelty", "animal abuse", "animal mistreatment", or similar - at you, and you can pretty well guarantee that at least one of the charges they dream up WILL "stick", putting you on the sex-offender list, probably barring you from having any unsupervised-by-an-approved-person contact of any kind with any animal, and more than likely resulting in the critter involved being killed.
That's why you should read the wiki page! I just wanted to present a general guide.
That's why you should read the wiki page! I just wanted to present a general guide.
Thanks, but after pretty near 50 years, I have little need for a wiki page to know that just because something isn't explicitly "illegal", you can just go ahead an do it without expecting the sky to fall on you if you get caught at it.
Thanks, but after pretty near 50 years, I have little need for a wiki page to know that just because something isn't explicitly "illegal", you can just go ahead an do it without expecting the sky to fall on you if you get caught at it.
OP is clearly new to this, though. They need it.
OP is clearly new to this, though. They need it.
Ok Ill Allow It GIF - Ok Ill Allow It Okay GIFs
Nice, first time seeing it?I guess my country falls under 'determined by judge' so to translate it means 'bribe the judge'?.... interesting Uganda,DRC, Mozambique and Madagascar seems legal? could be because they have bigger issues to worry about like food security and etc. although wouldn't recommend being zoo in those 'zoo legal' African countries, they still religious as hell and follow the bible like it's a manuscript. You might get stoned *not in the fun way *
Do note that the legality isn't decided by the judge, the punishment is.
I'm sorry if this question is stupid and I know that most countries banned sex with animals but I'm just wondering is it still illegal if the animal is willingly having sex with you for example: you get on all fours and a dog mounts you, not because you forced him to but because he wants to.
No it's not a stupid question. Any sexual act is illegal in today's world. Even if you prove the animal mounted of their own free will. Even if a large majority of zoo sex is consensual through body language. Doesn't matter to the courts. It's still considered a "crime against nature" even though interspecies mating is a PART OF NATURE. Ya I know right? Dumbass people and their archaic laws. You can thank Christianity for that one. They effectively stopped various cultures before them from publicly continuing the acceptance of a sexuality that has been around since prehistoric times. There is ancient cave paintings that depict it!! The Greeks, Egyptians, and Mesopotamian cultures as well as Aztec and other ancient cultures around the world viewed sex with animals not only as acceptable but as a sacred rite of passage into sexuality and even something to bring them closer to the Gods. As you can imagine a: "im above you all religion came along" and here we are. I guess illegality resulting in jail time is better than the penalty they used for it during the dark ages. Which was death for the person and animal. If you really think about that. It's fucked up. They took an act that was completely natural and responded by being destructive. Life ending destructive. Solely because they wanted to erase any culture that did not sit well with their faith. Even if it was done by killing but it isn't surprising considering they killed anyone who stood in their way for 250 years while they developed their bullshit religion. A religion that still influences politics and law, even societal mindsets to this day. It's beyond fucking irritating.
No it's not a stupid question. Any sexual act is illegal in today's world. Even if you prove the animal mounted of their own free will. Even if a large majority of zoo sex is consensual through body language. Doesn't matter to the courts. It's still considered a "crime against nature" even though interspecies mating is a PART OF NATURE. Ya I know right? Dumbass people and their archaic laws. You can thank Christianity for that one. They effectively stopped various cultures before them from publicly continuing the acceptance of a sexuality that has been around since prehistoric times. There is ancient cave paintings that depict it!! The Greeks, Egyptians, and Mesopotamian cultures as well as Aztec and other ancient cultures around the world viewed sex with animals not only as acceptable but as a sacred rite of passage into sexuality and even something to bring them closer to the Gods. As you can imagine a: "im above you all religion came along" and here we are. I guess illegality resulting in jail time is better than the penalty they used for it during the dark ages. Which was death for the person and animal. If you really think about that. It's fucked up. They took an act that was completely natural and responded by being destructive. Life ending destructive. Solely because they wanted to erase any culture that did not sit well with their faith. Even if it was done by killing but it isn't surprising considering they killed anyone who stood in their way for 250 years while they developed their bullshit religion. A religion that still influences politics and law, even societal mindsets to this day. It's beyond fucking irritating.

Now I can speak a lot about religion and why I don't want to be a part of it but it's off topic and I don't know if I'll get banned xd. But yeah I agree with you.

Are you forcing an animal to have sex? Are you hurting the animal? Will the animal have anykind of health problems now or later because of the sex? If the answer to any of this question is yes then you should be punished but if all of them are no then I see no reason why it should be punishable, but I guess people are too short minded and will never change, like people that hate furries just because they are different.

It always was like this and it always will be like this. It's in our nature: strong people look down on weak people, rich people despise poor people, straight people hate LGBTQ people and so on... Somethings will never change. Sadly.
Hey there! Don't know if this has been posted before, but take a look at the zoophilia.wiki page on legality. There's a very comprehensive guide on the legality and punishments for bestiality or possession of pornographic material that depicts it.
Legality of Bestiality by Country
View attachment 512475View attachment 512476
I think its safe to say we've seen it. Since wikis are user-editable, I would not bet the farm that this map is errorless, and Note: "Not illegal" is not the same as "legal" That cannot be overstated. No jurisdiction anywhere in the World is going to look kindly on our hobby. They have nothing to gain by doing so. Critters do not vote, neither do they produce Campaign donations.
Saw many videos where a stallion fucked a guy in the ass but all of them where fine. I guess he didn't prepare enough or the drilling was too extreme or maybe some other factors idk.
I mean it's a high-risk activity no matter which way you look at it.
Nooooo, what you saw was what the videographer wanted you to see.... your own imagination contributed much of the detail you "saw". Trompe l' oeil is one of the oldest art concepts of all; it existed a very long time before photography. Cameras foreshorten or lengthen the focal plane, lighting, camera angle....all this plays a role. Magicians say..."The Hand is quicker than the eye". They are correct.
Saw many videos where a stallion fucked a guy in the ass but all of them where fine. I guess he didn't prepare enough or the drilling was too extreme or maybe some other factors idk.
As to this specific case, the victim had no one looking out for him, and the group of them was fencehopping. They had much to lose, ALL of them, in the commission of crimes. Pinyan got a perforated gut....was afraid it would expose him. He apparently feared losing his job.The enablers obviously feared exposure but also losing their easy access, and possibly prosecution for injuries to the animals. The group involved was never exposed, but there were at least several names that never made the papers. I have wondered for years about who they were. They could easily have been neighbors when I lived in that town.
As to this specific case, the victim had no one looking out for him, and the group of them was fencehopping.
Idk if it was their first time fencehopping but if it was why did the stallion even want to mount and fuck a stranger? Aren't they easily scared and don't trust strangers? How did they even get him horny or did I understand this wrong?
Idk if it was their first time fencehopping but if it was why did the stallion even want to mount and fuck a stranger? Aren't they easily scared and don't trust strangers? How did they even get him horny or did I understand this wrong?
Do yourself a favor and just walk away - Suffice to say, somebody was where he shouldn't have been, trying to do something with a critter that wasn't his, against strong advice not to make the attempt, and he caught a bad case of dead as a result. There's a whole lot of history involved that really doesn't need to be stirred up for another go-round. All that anyone REALLY needs to know is what has already been said. Anything beyond that is just verberans equus mortuus.