Wouldnt be a good place to go, for a Dolphin phancier. The Japanese eat them.
The Pinyan thing was only incidental. It gained its notoriety from a death which could easily be called Negligent Homicide. No one was charged, because the laws in Washington did not cover such things, and among the Lawyers and legislators it was considered that he brought it on himself. The majority of legal changes, since then, have been a broadening of abuse law coverage. Many States have only slowly adopted straight bestiality laws, making such acts specifically illegal; some still have no laws dedicated to this. I many of those states, the mention of Pinyan, or Mr Hands would simply draw a "Huh?"
The majority of activity in the Legal field regarding this is directly related to the internet and access to porn. Couple that with the rightward shift in politics and the injection of religious values into places they do not belong and you have the reasons for the issues surrounding our hobby.