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Is it gay?

Well it's a problem in some societies and people start to treat you badly slowly. You become the no.1 topic like a front news of a newspaper.Even though you will be alone but after that you will see no one besides you nor in your phone contact list. So you will turn yourself into bad works like getting paid to get fucked as everyone knows you like that.Or in the worst case you have to commit suicide.

I have no knowledge about these ,some of questions will sound stupid but I want to know the answer. I have seen in videos saying the sperms when get absorbed by a male turns the person's behaviour into a girl, you know how one walks talks wears clothes etc. Is it true?

The question is so silly that it's good for a laugh.

But, I do give you credit for asking.

Some guys like a tickle in the rear. I do. There is a market for butt plugs.

A human penis can be attractive, but the problem is, there's a man attached to it. Oh, drama and romance.
Being a male human, is it gay to get fucked and knotted by male dog?
I don't feel attracted to male human even thinking about makes me feel weird but when I see a female human being fucked by an animal I feel to have the same.
i want to experience this
What is the big problem with being 'gay'? I mean U were done by a dog!? If U think it is morally wrong to be gay, dont even think about the animal fucker aspect.

I think the question is more along the lines of I find tits and pussy to be sexually exciting. Can I add dicks to be be sexually exciting to my repertoire. I don't think there is a moral reference, I think it is more an ID question.

In most cases tits and pussy is all that is interesting. I know reading these sort of forums has a huge turn off when some one is posting nice pussy pics and someone chimes in with screw her arse or I want a male to take me.

For Gay people I think it easier to step into zoo lifestyle as they have already crossed the this ain't normal sex (Hetro) line.

For others whom are Bi they can cross either line equally easily.

For some people sex is about the chase can you get a female wet enough to crave sex with a male, especially a male of a different species. This level of excitement feeds back and forth until you are giving her wants she wants.
Yes. Mutual sharing of balls and their counterpart is gay :gsd_laughing:

Whatever species; doesn't matter. I see people saying homosexuality is a human idealism about sex between people by definition. That much may be true. Although homosexual tendencies span throughout the entire animal kingdom. We are the only species that really overthink it and give ourselves a label/even find it "abnormal" ('unnatural': it occurs in nature ?)

{Might as well drop a few definitions; Unnatural is defined as:
1. Not in accordance with what usually occurs in nature
2. contrary to the ordinary course of nature
3. not existing in nature}

That's just like our attraction to animals is "unnatural". Wrong. The truth of it is cross species mating is a course of nature (whether people find it "ordinary" or not it's persistent enough to be considered common) for example it exists across several types of plants (different mechanisms involved, but either way) and between animals (some species of hybrid animals wouldn't exist if this weren't the case) and whether society likes it or not, HUMANS and animals.

Animals have been mounting people and vice versa since before we first discovered hitting rocks together makes fire, there is ancient cave paintings depicting bestiality. if it so "unnatural" why has it persisted for thousands of years? Countless numbers of people are/have been intimately attracted to animals; bestiality is a sexual urge/preference that has existed for a very, very long time. Even with bigots desperately trying to weed out everything that differs from what they perceive as "normal" ??

Be like an animal. Embrace the Gay, Be free :gsd_wink:
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Being a male human, is it gay to get fucked and knotted by male dog?
I don't feel attracted to male human even thinking about makes me feel weird but when I see a female human being fucked by an animal I feel to have the same.

In my opinion: yes, it makes you kinda gay
Because you like to be fucked by a male animal with a dick.

Now if somebody asks your sexuality you could honestly say "I'm hetero sexual to human and proudly animal-gay, mam :) "
Being a male human, is it gay to get fucked and knotted by male dog?
I don't feel attracted to male human even thinking about makes me feel weird but when I see a female human being fucked by an animal I feel to have the same.

No, it isn't. As "gay" per definition means attraction to male humans by male humans (counterexample: Lesbian is attraction to female humans by female humans, so same-sex is not totally equivalent to gay)

Yes it is, as gay means sex between males.

Pick your own choice, because really it doesn't matter at all; unless you need it to mean one or the other thing because someone implanted into your head that being gay is evil for all your childhood.
What was it the Romans or the Greeks view on it was its only gay if you bottom. But that would be gay being a pejorative synonym for effeminate. You could still maintain your masculine status and fuck dudes. Im a fan of the culture.