Barb Dwyer
Well it's a problem in some societies and people start to treat you badly slowly. You become the no.1 topic like a front news of a newspaper.Even though you will be alone but after that you will see no one besides you nor in your phone contact list. So you will turn yourself into bad works like getting paid to get fucked as everyone knows you like that.Or in the worst case you have to commit suicide.
I have no knowledge about these ,some of questions will sound stupid but I want to know the answer. I have seen in videos saying the sperms when get absorbed by a male turns the person's behaviour into a girl, you know how one walks talks wears clothes etc. Is it true?
The question is so silly that it's good for a laugh.
But, I do give you credit for asking.
Some guys like a tickle in the rear. I do. There is a market for butt plugs.
A human penis can be attractive, but the problem is, there's a man attached to it. Oh, drama and romance.