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is anyone here a system?

are you a system?

  • yes

  • i/we don't know/maybe

  • no

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Citizen of Zooville
for anyone who may not know what a system is, it refers to dissociative identity disorder and other complex dissociative disorders (formerly called multiple personality disorder) in which instead of developing one identity, repeated trauma as a child caused you to develop two or more. some systems feel like entirely different people (DID, osdd-1b, sometimes osdd-1a), some feel like different versions of the same person (osdd-1a, sometimes the other two).

we don't talk about it much here but it is on our profile, just wondered how many others there are here and if the rate is higher or lower than the general population
for anyone who may not know what a system is, it refers to dissociative identity disorder and other complex dissociative disorders (formerly called multiple personality disorder) in which instead of developing one identity, repeated trauma as a child caused you to develop two or more. some systems feel like entirely different people (DID, osdd-1b, sometimes osdd-1a), some feel like different versions of the same person (osdd-1a, sometimes the other two).

we don't talk about it much here but it is on our profile, just wondered how many others there are here and if the rate is higher or lower than the general population
Yep, pretty big one at that too
As far as I know the absolute majority of these online especially tiktok are fakers.
As far as I know the absolute majority of these online especially tiktok are fakers.
just because someone's weird doesn't mean they're faking. mental illness makes you weird. i advise you look up the actual symptoms and statistics (more than 1.5% of people have DID. in comparison, 0.06% of the population lives in my country.)

also, faking implies actively pretending to have symptoms of an illness. and for what? for people to hate you and treat you and your trauma like some joke?

most people faking a disorder won't fake something so easily recognised by medical professionals to be something else. those faking a disorder will go for things that give them positive attention, not negative (as a system let me tell you, people fucking hate us.)

sources for DID:

where i got the statistic from: https://www.healthline.com/health/h...iative amnesia and depersonalization disorder.

a good research site for all things DID related: https://did-research.org
just because someone's weird doesn't mean they're faking. mental illness makes you weird. i advise you look up the actual symptoms and statistics (more than 1.5% of people have DID. in comparison, 0.06% of the population lives in my country.)

also, faking implies actively pretending to have symptoms of an illness. and for what? for people to hate you and treat you and your trauma like some joke?

most people faking a disorder won't fake something so easily recognised by medical professionals to be something else. those faking a disorder will go for things that give them positive attention, not negative (as a system let me tell you, people fucking hate us.)

sources for DID:

where i got the statistic from: https://www.healthline.com/health/how-common-is-did#:~:text=DID is a dissociative disorder,dissociative amnesia and depersonalization disorder.

a good research site for all things DID related: https://did-research.org
I don't think everyone is fake, however i have seen video's of this kinda thing online where i can clearly tell they are faking it for clicks/views/etc... Now I also have a friend who actually is something sort of like this, and its super weird, because one of his personalities is female, but hes a dude. When he is himself, he is a guy, he likes chicks, etc. But when that switch flips, he dresses feminine, and is an absolute man hore, he will chase anything with a cock, and im not exaggerating, he has tried to get me to "play" but its a hard pass for me, I am quite well cemented in my sexual orientation. I only play with females, even if i am not cemented on one species of them. It's weird, because his mannerisms also change completely, he would fit right in at a gay bar, the gestures and all. We remain friends because what can you do, but he is definitely a lot more level headed when he is himself, the other personality is quite intense, loud, talk talk talk, honestly quite annoying at times.

I don't know if he is a "system", or if its some kind of un-diagnosed Traumatic Brain Injury, or something like early mental trauma, or even some kind of weird bi-polar, or some crap, no idea, he hasn't told me anything that would indicate a possible cause, other than to tell me he sometimes flips, and doesn't know why. I do know the second personality can be dangerous though, never towards me yet, but one time at a bar while he was in that other mode, some guy turned down his attention and said something threatening, go away or ill beat the shit out of you or something along those lines...., probably because he was doing his intense thing kinda noticeably coming onto the guy hard, and i think the guy was very much not interested, and without any warning he pulled a knife and flicked it open. I grabbed his arm pretty firmly to prevent him doing anything even more stupid and took it from him and we got the heck outa there.

We made a new rule that night, if he is hanging out with me, or we are in the same place, if he brings any form of weapon with him, he will not be welcome ever again. He agree'd without issue once he thought about what could have happened, and there has not been a repeat since...