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Intro to Animalsex


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
An Introduction to sex with Animals

There are a lot of different kinds, sizes, and shapes of animals and there are many different kinds of sex so we are not going to be specific in this guide. Instead we are going to overview the subject and try to make the many choices more sensible for those that haven't made them yet.

First, the limitations:
  • No matter how well you bond and communicate with your animal other humans will not share that communication. They will not welcome your animal (even if (s)he fits) in public places or on public transportation. Most will not even welcome the two of you into their home.
  • Almost no animal will live as long as you. In fact, you will probably outlive several lovers. No extreme measures will be taken to preserve their life in the event of an accident or illness.
  • Some animals will require expensive facilities and licenses. Lions, for example, are simply not welcome in most neighborhoods and if you haven't won a hundred million dollar lottery don't even dream of a dolphin. Even horses are beyond the means of most young people.
  • Forget about trips and vacations. Someone has to feed your darlings and turning them over to other people has special risks for us.
  • Even with the utmost care and total affection animals can injure you. I have had my arm broken by a playful St Bernard. Imagine how much that danger increases if you like elephants.
Then, the advantages:
  • Unless you teach them how, animals don't lie. Their natural abilities to read body language and scent make lying nearly impossible among themselves.
  • If you do not share your animals with other humans they are very unlikely to harbor any infection that you can catch. Diseases that are transmissible between animal and human are what vets are required by law to vaccinate against.
  • Many animals are truly super by human standards. You like big males? Show me any human equal to even a mini horse.
  • There is absolutely no chance of any kind that either of you will ever get pregnant.
  • There is no chance at all that an animal will wreck your car or empty your bank account (at least not directly).
Some basics:
  • The animal must be imprinted on humans. An animal that was not raised by humans will see you as either a threat or food. Neither is sexually interesting and both can be quite dangerous for you.
  • Besides straight intercourse, outercourse, oral, anal, and manual sex are all possible. But if you want a standard orgasm you will need to maintain a certain compatibility of size.
  • Some animals will prefer human sensitivity and control to the natural sex of their species. Others will not. For example, male herbivores are almost always one thrust wonders. Female herbivores almost always appreciate anyone who isn't.
  • Males are nearly always ready to go. It may take some time for him to fully understand what is being offered but once he does, he has more spare time than you do.
  • Females may or may not be interested in sex outside of their normal heat cycle. Your chances that she will be are considerably improved if you make sure that she enjoys herself.
  • The more that you and the animal know about each other, the safer you will be. You can douse yourself in cow scent and every bull that you meet will be willing to mount you, but you will still look like a grease spot when he is done. If you want a relationship with an animal larger and stronger than yourself expect to spend years working up to consummation.
  • Another simple safety tip is to obtain some fluids from the animal you plan to have sex with and apply a small amount to some sensitive skin and look for an allergic reaction. It's inconvenient but it beats the hell out of anaphylaxis.
  • Steel toed shoes are essential around large animals. Even the most foot aware get distracted during sex.
  • Either trim claws and hooves or wear substantial protection. The marks can be a badge of honor or evidence at a trial.
  • Some animals bite as a normal part of sex. Since you are not as tough as their usual partner you might want to wear some protection.
  • Cleanliness can save your life. If something goes wrong and you are injured, not having debris or bacteria in the wound could be important. If you go anal, enema and enema again.
Be very careful who you listen to when advice is offered. There are far more people with theoretical knowledge than those with real experience. For example, horses typically flare far larger during orgasm than masturbation. Someone that has never actually had a horse flare in them might not know that. Reputation and agreement between independent sources are your only protections. There are “guides” out there that are more masturbation aids than anything useful.

At the other extreme are the anti groups that will promise you everything from cancer to hairy palms if you lust after a non-human. The reality is that we are all mammals with the same basic body chemistry. The big differences are things like height and weight. Animal body fluids are less dangerous to you than human because they can't carry nearly as many infectious agents.

Once you decide to cross the big divide, think long and hard about security. Nanny cams, security cameras, and night vision can ruin your life. Close the drapes and lock the doors. Add up the time needed for the act, preparation, and cleanup then double it. If you can't count on that much for sure alone time, don't do it.

Pay extra attention to your cyber security. Use a good VPN and keep your legal, personal, and sexual identities completely separate to the point of using different users on your devices for each purpose. Do not keep pics or vids with anything identifiable in them and do not leave anything unencrypted. Think about what a stolen phone with “candid” pics of you and an animal could lead to. Consider being “Doxed”.

You think I’m being paranoid? There is a case of a famous (infamous) Zoo who outed himself all the way to Federal prison by the simple expedient of using the same avatar on Zoo and str8 web forums. At least his animals were seized, neutered, and adopted out. There are people in this world who consider driving you to suicide to be an ideal solution. Our enemies know that torturing animals to death is a misdemeanor IF you can get anyone prosecuted.

And NEVER, EVER fencehop. Any possibility of a defense goes out the window when you are on someone else's property with someone else's animals. If they catch you in the act and shoot you, the cops will help them clean up the mess. Judges consider “but I’m in love!” to be a confession. And even if they never catch you they can still sell, move, neuter, or butcher your lover and there's nothing you can do about it. It's never worth the risk.

One of the big pitfalls is explaining to friends and family why you don't have a human wife and kids. Mothers especially will never stop trying to match you up with the “right” girl even if they know about your “other species” preferences. “Normal” humans will simply not understand what you are feeling or why.

If you have a choice, choose “normal”. Contrary to fundie propaganda, it's not an easy way out. Most of us who live this lifestyle are doing it because we tried the “normal” way and it didn't work for us. A human mate could get a job, contribute money, help with housework, and do all those little things that make domestic life easier. We still have to live in human society and pay our taxes and bills. Add to that the legal and extralegal stalkers we have to endure and you can easily see how this kind of life isn't something you would choose to avoid effort.

If,‭ ‬after a lot of careful thought,‭ ‬you choose to go ahead with a non-human lover or partner,‭ ‬you should learn everything that you can from responsible people in sensible venues before you‭ “‬get physical‭”‬.‭ ‬A big part of the fun hanging with animals is that they aren’t human.‭ ‬They’re variations of the theme‭ “‬mammal‭”‬.‭ ‬Making sense to each other makes things ever so much safer and more fun.#

This guide is copyright and may be copied and distributed as long as it remains entire and unaltered with attributions.



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An Introduction to sex with Animals

There are a lot of different kinds, sizes, and shapes of animals and there are many different kinds of sex so we are not going to be specific in this guide. Instead we are going to overview the subject and try to make the many choices more sensible for those that haven't made them yet.. . .


I redacted for brevity --

This was a great essay IMO. As one-half of a couple who made the conscious decision over a period of reflection to become more involved as a lifestyle, it really hit home and was good to read some considerations we didnt' think of. It's really difficult when one can't find a community from which to solicit advice or guidance; your term of a "sensible venues" describes Zooville as a valuable find for us. Any of our experiences were from "solo practitioners" as so to speak, and of course in other countries where one can easily "zoo culture" among males, esp., in Mex-SA. One's U.S. gf participating outside the US in rural areas really is appreciated by the locals. Not much of a community experience though, especially for a couple.

Thanks for taking the time to put that together and share it.
Very,very good info!

I was gonna single out a few things, that I realy agree with but that list would be as long as original post.(cause Caikgouch is batting 100%)

In my experience, most experienced zoo's have their animal needs met and tend to not give 2 craps about newbies to the life style.(kinda like me) I know.. I'm an ass.

I would say read this twice!(original post)
Forget about trips and vacations. Someone has to feed your darlings and turning them over to other people has special risks for us.
I do not actually see what risks you are talking about. As long as you do not have a lion, there is almost always going to be someone able enough to temporarily take limited care of your animal.
I can only speak about dogs, but most dogs understand that they have sex with you and maybe a few other individuals and do not try to hump other people. Even if they do, most non-zoo people just push them away and do not jump to any conclusions.

Then, the advantages
1. I would add that at least in case of dogs, if you treat your dogs well, they will never stop loving you in contrast to people.
2. 98% of animals do not get significantly uglier as they age :D.
An Introduction to sex with Animals

There are a lot of different kinds, sizes, and shapes of animals and there are many different kinds of sex so we are not going to be specific in this guide. Instead we are going to overview the subject and try to make the many choices more sensible for those that haven't made them yet.

First, the limitations:

  • No matter how well you bond and communicate with your animal other humans will not share that communication. They will not welcome your animal (even if (s)he fits) in public places or on public transportation. Most will not even welcome the two of you into their home.
  • Almost no animal will live as long as you. In fact, you will probably outlive several lovers. No extreme measures will be taken to preserve their life in the event of an accident or illness.
  • Some animals will require expensive facilities and licenses. Lions, for example, are simply not welcome in most neighborhoods and if you haven't won a hundred million dollar lottery don't even dream of a dolphin. Even horses are beyond the means of most young people.
  • Forget about trips and vacations. Someone has to feed your darlings and turning them over to other people has special risks for us.
  • Even with the utmost care and total affection animals can injure you. I have had my arm broken by a playful St Bernard. Imagine how much that danger increases if you like elephants.

Then, the advantages:

  • Unless you teach them how, animals don't lie. Their natural abilities to read body language and scent make lying nearly impossible among themselves.
  • If you do not share your animals with other humans they are very unlikely to harbor any infection that you can catch. Diseases that are transmissible between animal and human are what vets are required by law to vaccinate against.
  • Many animals are truly super by human standards. You like big males? Show me any human equal to even a mini horse.
  • There is absolutely no chance of any kind that either of you will ever get pregnant.
  • There is no chance at all that an animal will wreck your car or empty your bank account (at least not directly).

Some basics:

  • The animal must be imprinted on humans. An animal that was not raised by humans will see you as either a threat or food. Neither is sexually interesting and both can be quite dangerous for you.
  • Besides straight intercourse, outercourse, oral, anal, and manual sex are all possible. But if you want a standard orgasm you will need to maintain a certain compatibility of size.
  • Some animals will prefer human sensitivity and control to the natural sex of their species. Others will not. For example, male herbivores are almost always one thrust wonders. Female herbivores almost always appreciate anyone who isn't.
  • Males are nearly always ready to go. It may take some time for him to fully understand what is being offered but once he does, he has more spare time than you do.
  • Females may or may not be interested in sex outside of their normal heat cycle. Your chances that she will be are considerably improved if you make sure that she enjoys herself.
  • The more that you and the animal know about each other, the safer you will be. You can douse yourself in cow scent and every bull that you meet will be willing to mount you, but you will still look like a grease spot when he is done. If you want a relationship with an animal larger and stronger than yourself expect to spend years working up to consummation.
  • Another simple safety tip is to obtain some fluids from the animal you plan to have sex with and apply a small amount to some sensitive skin and look for an allergic reaction. It's inconvenient but it beats the hell out of anaphylaxis.
  • Steel toed shoes are essential around large animals. Even the most foot aware get distracted during sex.
  • Either trim claws and hooves or wear substantial protection. The marks can be a badge of honor or evidence at a trial.
  • Some animals bite as a normal part of sex. Since you are not as tough as their usual partner you might want to wear some protection.
  • Cleanliness can save your life. If something goes wrong and you are injured, not having debris or bacteria in the wound could be important. If you go anal, enema and enema again.

Be very careful who you listen to when advice is offered. There are far more people with theoretical knowledge than those with real experience. For example, horses typically flare far larger during orgasm than masturbation. Someone that has never actually had a horse flare in them might not know that. Reputation and agreement between independent sources are your only protections. There are “guides” out there that are more masturbation aids than anything useful.

At the other extreme are the anti groups that will promise you everything from cancer to hairy palms if you lust after a non-human. The reality is that we are all mammals with the same basic body chemistry. The big differences are things like height and weight. Animal body fluids are less dangerous to you than human because they can't carry nearly as many infectious agents.

Once you decide to cross the big divide, think long and hard about security. Nanny cams, security cameras, and night vision can ruin your life. Close the drapes and lock the doors. Add up the time needed for the act, preparation, and cleanup then double it. If you can't count on that much for sure alone time, don't do it.

Pay extra attention to your cyber security. Use a good VPN and keep your legal, personal, and sexual identities completely separate to the point of using different users on your devices for each purpose. Do not keep pics or vids with anything identifiable in them and do not leave anything unencrypted. Think about what a stolen phone with “candid” pics of you and an animal could lead to. Consider being “Doxed”.

You think I’m being paranoid? There is a case of a famous (infamous) Zoo who outed himself all the way to Federal prison by the simple expedient of using the same avatar on Zoo and str8 web forums. At least his animals were seized, neutered, and adopted out. There are people in this world who consider driving you to suicide to be an ideal solution. Our enemies know that torturing animals to death is a misdemeanor IF you can get anyone prosecuted.

And NEVER, EVER fencehop. Any possibility of a defense goes out the window when you are on someone else's property with someone else's animals. If they catch you in the act and shoot you, the cops will help them clean up the mess. Judges consider “but I’m in love!” to be a confession. And even if they never catch you they can still sell, move, neuter, or butcher your lover and there's nothing you can do about it. It's never worth the risk.

One of the big pitfalls is explaining to friends and family why you don't have a human wife and kids. Mothers especially will never stop trying to match you up with the “right” girl even if they know about your “other species” preferences. “Normal” humans will simply not understand what you are feeling or why.

If you have a choice, choose “normal”. Contrary to fundie propaganda, it's not an easy way out. Most of us who live this lifestyle are doing it because we tried the “normal” way and it didn't work for us. A human mate could get a job, contribute money, help with housework, and do all those little things that make domestic life easier. We still have to live in human society and pay our taxes and bills. Add to that the legal and extralegal stalkers we have to endure and you can easily see how this kind of life isn't something you would choose to avoid effort.

If,‭ ‬after a lot of careful thought,‭ ‬you choose to go ahead with a non-human lover or partner,‭ ‬you should learn everything that you can from responsible people in sensible venues before you‭ “‬get physical‭”‬.‭ ‬A big part of the fun hanging with animals is that they aren’t human.‭ ‬They’re variations of the theme‭ “‬mammal‭”‬.‭ ‬Making sense to each other makes things ever so much safer and more fun.#

This guide is copyright and may be copied and distributed as long as it remains entire and unaltered with attributions.

An Introduction to sex with Animals

There are a lot of different kinds, sizes, and shapes of animals and there are many different kinds of sex so we are not going to be specific in this guide. Instead we are going to overview the subject and try to make the many choices more sensible for those that haven't made them yet.

First, the limitations:

  • No matter how well you bond and communicate with your animal other humans will not share that communication. They will not welcome your animal (even if (s)he fits) in public places or on public transportation. Most will not even welcome the two of you into their home.
  • Almost no animal will live as long as you. In fact, you will probably outlive several lovers. No extreme measures will be taken to preserve their life in the event of an accident or illness.
  • Some animals will require expensive facilities and licenses. Lions, for example, are simply not welcome in most neighborhoods and if you haven't won a hundred million dollar lottery don't even dream of a dolphin. Even horses are beyond the means of most young people.
  • Forget about trips and vacations. Someone has to feed your darlings and turning them over to other people has special risks for us.
  • Even with the utmost care and total affection animals can injure you. I have had my arm broken by a playful St Bernard. Imagine how much that danger increases if you like elephants.

Then, the advantages:

  • Unless you teach them how, animals don't lie. Their natural abilities to read body language and scent make lying nearly impossible among themselves.
  • If you do not share your animals with other humans they are very unlikely to harbor any infection that you can catch. Diseases that are transmissible between animal and human are what vets are required by law to vaccinate against.
  • Many animals are truly super by human standards. You like big males? Show me any human equal to even a mini horse.
  • There is absolutely no chance of any kind that either of you will ever get pregnant.
  • There is no chance at all that an animal will wreck your car or empty your bank account (at least not directly).

Some basics:

  • The animal must be imprinted on humans. An animal that was not raised by humans will see you as either a threat or food. Neither is sexually interesting and both can be quite dangerous for you.
  • Besides straight intercourse, outercourse, oral, anal, and manual sex are all possible. But if you want a standard orgasm you will need to maintain a certain compatibility of size.
  • Some animals will prefer human sensitivity and control to the natural sex of their species. Others will not. For example, male herbivores are almost always one thrust wonders. Female herbivores almost always appreciate anyone who isn't.
  • Males are nearly always ready to go. It may take some time for him to fully understand what is being offered but once he does, he has more spare time than you do.
  • Females may or may not be interested in sex outside of their normal heat cycle. Your chances that she will be are considerably improved if you make sure that she enjoys herself.
  • The more that you and the animal know about each other, the safer you will be. You can douse yourself in cow scent and every bull that you meet will be willing to mount you, but you will still look like a grease spot when he is done. If you want a relationship with an animal larger and stronger than yourself expect to spend years working up to consummation.
  • Another simple safety tip is to obtain some fluids from the animal you plan to have sex with and apply a small amount to some sensitive skin and look for an allergic reaction. It's inconvenient but it beats the hell out of anaphylaxis.
  • Steel toed shoes are essential around large animals. Even the most foot aware get distracted during sex.
  • Either trim claws and hooves or wear substantial protection. The marks can be a badge of honor or evidence at a trial.
  • Some animals bite as a normal part of sex. Since you are not as tough as their usual partner you might want to wear some protection.
  • Cleanliness can save your life. If something goes wrong and you are injured, not having debris or bacteria in the wound could be important. If you go anal, enema and enema again.

Be very careful who you listen to when advice is offered. There are far more people with theoretical knowledge than those with real experience. For example, horses typically flare far larger during orgasm than masturbation. Someone that has never actually had a horse flare in them might not know that. Reputation and agreement between independent sources are your only protections. There are “guides” out there that are more masturbation aids than anything useful.

At the other extreme are the anti groups that will promise you everything from cancer to hairy palms if you lust after a non-human. The reality is that we are all mammals with the same basic body chemistry. The big differences are things like height and weight. Animal body fluids are less dangerous to you than human because they can't carry nearly as many infectious agents.

Once you decide to cross the big divide, think long and hard about security. Nanny cams, security cameras, and night vision can ruin your life. Close the drapes and lock the doors. Add up the time needed for the act, preparation, and cleanup then double it. If you can't count on that much for sure alone time, don't do it.

Pay extra attention to your cyber security. Use a good VPN and keep your legal, personal, and sexual identities completely separate to the point of using different users on your devices for each purpose. Do not keep pics or vids with anything identifiable in them and do not leave anything unencrypted. Think about what a stolen phone with “candid” pics of you and an animal could lead to. Consider being “Doxed”.

You think I’m being paranoid? There is a case of a famous (infamous) Zoo who outed himself all the way to Federal prison by the simple expedient of using the same avatar on Zoo and str8 web forums. At least his animals were seized, neutered, and adopted out. There are people in this world who consider driving you to suicide to be an ideal solution. Our enemies know that torturing animals to death is a misdemeanor IF you can get anyone prosecuted.

And NEVER, EVER fencehop. Any possibility of a defense goes out the window when you are on someone else's property with someone else's animals. If they catch you in the act and shoot you, the cops will help them clean up the mess. Judges consider “but I’m in love!” to be a confession. And even if they never catch you they can still sell, move, neuter, or butcher your lover and there's nothing you can do about it. It's never worth the risk.

One of the big pitfalls is explaining to friends and family why you don't have a human wife and kids. Mothers especially will never stop trying to match you up with the “right” girl even if they know about your “other species” preferences. “Normal” humans will simply not understand what you are feeling or why.

If you have a choice, choose “normal”. Contrary to fundie propaganda, it's not an easy way out. Most of us who live this lifestyle are doing it because we tried the “normal” way and it didn't work for us. A human mate could get a job, contribute money, help with housework, and do all those little things that make domestic life easier. We still have to live in human society and pay our taxes and bills. Add to that the legal and extralegal stalkers we have to endure and you can easily see how this kind of life isn't something you would choose to avoid effort.

If,‭ ‬after a lot of careful thought,‭ ‬you choose to go ahead with a non-human lover or partner,‭ ‬you should learn everything that you can from responsible people in sensible venues before you‭ “‬get physical‭”‬.‭ ‬A big part of the fun hanging with animals is that they aren’t human.‭ ‬They’re variations of the theme‭ “‬mammal‭”‬.‭ ‬Making sense to each other makes things ever so much safer and more fun.#

This guide is copyright and may be copied and distributed as long as it remains entire and unaltered with attributions.

Thank you, thank you for taking the time to post this. Priceless info!!
The animal must be imprinted on humans. An animal that was not raised by humans will see you as either a threat or food. Neither is sexually interesting and both can be quite dangerous for you.

I am not sure what you mean by imprinting, If you mean the stupid idea of Dr. Millers of imprinting a foal to accept humans then you need to look at the research on that. If you feel that an animal must grow up with human contact to accept sex with humans you need to get out more. Most ewes rarely see humans before someone decides they are mature enough and cute enough for some love.

I purchased a couple of Llamas 2 years ago born in the wild and run wild with sheep as herd guards. The mother was happy to have sex within weeks of arriving at my place. I just approached her like a horny male and she knew what to do.

Body language is key, If you understand your lovers species you will go far.
I do think there is some validity to the idea of imprinting. I have had my German Shepard since he was a pup and I certainly feel a bond and we are imprinted on each other
I am not sure what you mean by imprinting, If you mean the stupid idea of Dr. Millers of imprinting a foal to accept humans then you need to look at the research on that. If you feel that an animal must grow up with human contact to accept sex with humans you need to get out more. Most ewes rarely see humans before someone decides they are mature enough and cute enough for some love.

I purchased a couple of Llamas 2 years ago born in the wild and run wild with sheep as herd guards. The mother was happy to have sex within weeks of arriving at my place. I just approached her like a horny male and she knew what to do.

Body language is key, If you understand your lovers species you will go far.
I think they mean the animal trusts you many animals will trust you more if they've been with you or other humans from a young age than if they've been around humans at an older age but in the case of undomestic mammals this "process" has to be done almost since birth which is actually quite cruel as it causes emotional distress to the animal both baby and commonly mom and also can lead to health problems behavioral problems and not uncommonly death
They mean

Dog lovers call it socialization and realize that simply being around an unimprinted predator is extremely dangerous. Horse trainers failed to understand the importance for many years and adopted the open range method of horse rearing giving rise to "breaking" horses as a routine. That works for most purposes but it will complicate our goals greatly.

Numerous studies have shown that animals imprinted on humans will adopt some human traits and will be able to communicate better with humans. For example, horses and dogs will learn to follow a pointed finger but no amount of training can teach that to wild or feral animals.

The sexual consequences of imprinting are well known enough that the FFA warns parents about keeping project animals to full maturity.
Horse trainers failed to understand the importance for many years and adopted the open range method of horse rearing giving rise to "breaking" horses as a routine. That works for most purposes but it will complicate our goals greatly.

Have a look a Zoltan the wolfmans life story. He has shown that what people think is wild and dangerous is just natural order and it is the humans that are stupid. He separates fights between wolves by putting his face in the fight. These animals are not imprinted to humans he just knows their body language.

You should look into the management and training of brumbies and mustangs, domesticated horses that run wild all their life. Dr. Brian Hampson did his doctorate on their lives and hoof structure. They did not need breaking in to human concepts like being ridden or transported 2500-3000km. Brian would catch 2 horses and within 30 minutes load them onto a horse trailer to head back to the University. He would stop every 4 hours to unload and feed/water the horses with road trains driving by and they were as calm as any experienced horses.

At a conference he caught 6 horses the day before and 3 conference attendees trained their assigned horse in 3 x 30 minute sessions over 3 days. These horses learned to be haltered, bridled, saddled and ridden in 90 minutes total no imprinting necessary.
I can only speak about dogs, but most dogs understand that they have sex with you and maybe a few other individuals and do not try to hump other people. Even if they do, most non-zoo people just push them away and do not jump to any conclusions.

1. I would add that at least in case of dogs, if you treat your dogs well, they will never stop loving you in contrast to people.
2. 98% of animals do not get significantly uglier as they age :D.
#2 is subjective...
# 1 is also....in contrast to "PEOPLE"? So their owner/ companion is chopped liver?....Dogs are loyal, but they CAN make their own choices...especially these days when "a one man" dog is not desireable. The issue isnt that "they stopped loving you", its the possibility that they will expand their circle on their own.
As to the rest of your argument, You give a dog too much credit for discernment. You may think he or she will "cleave only unto you" unless encouraged. Take a good look at the number of stories here that advocate for fence hopping and using "strays"....The dog that you so carefully taught to do you has a trick....doing tricks gets treats....ummmm?
Never ever ask an animal to do or be more than he or she is.
An Introduction to sex with Animals

There are a lot of different kinds, sizes, and shapes of animals and there are many different kinds of sex so we are not going to be specific in this guide. Instead we are going to overview the subject and try to make the many choices more sensible for those that haven't made them yet.

First, the limitations:

  • No matter how well you bond and communicate with your animal other humans will not share that communication. They will not welcome your animal (even if (s)he fits) in public places or on public transportation. Most will not even welcome the two of you into their home.
  • Almost no animal will live as long as you. In fact, you will probably outlive several lovers. No extreme measures will be taken to preserve their life in the event of an accident or illness.
  • Some animals will require expensive facilities and licenses. Lions, for example, are simply not welcome in most neighborhoods and if you haven't won a hundred million dollar lottery don't even dream of a dolphin. Even horses are beyond the means of most young people.
  • Forget about trips and vacations. Someone has to feed your darlings and turning them over to other people has special risks for us.
  • Even with the utmost care and total affection animals can injure you. I have had my arm broken by a playful St Bernard. Imagine how much that danger increases if you like elephants.

Then, the advantages:

  • Unless you teach them how, animals don't lie. Their natural abilities to read body language and scent make lying nearly impossible among themselves.
  • If you do not share your animals with other humans they are very unlikely to harbor any infection that you can catch. Diseases that are transmissible between animal and human are what vets are required by law to vaccinate against.
  • Many animals are truly super by human standards. You like big males? Show me any human equal to even a mini horse.
  • There is absolutely no chance of any kind that either of you will ever get pregnant.
  • There is no chance at all that an animal will wreck your car or empty your bank account (at least not directly).

Some basics:

  • The animal must be imprinted on humans. An animal that was not raised by humans will see you as either a threat or food. Neither is sexually interesting and both can be quite dangerous for you.
  • Besides straight intercourse, outercourse, oral, anal, and manual sex are all possible. But if you want a standard orgasm you will need to maintain a certain compatibility of size.
  • Some animals will prefer human sensitivity and control to the natural sex of their species. Others will not. For example, male herbivores are almost always one thrust wonders. Female herbivores almost always appreciate anyone who isn't.
  • Males are nearly always ready to go. It may take some time for him to fully understand what is being offered but once he does, he has more spare time than you do.
  • Females may or may not be interested in sex outside of their normal heat cycle. Your chances that she will be are considerably improved if you make sure that she enjoys herself.
  • The more that you and the animal know about each other, the safer you will be. You can douse yourself in cow scent and every bull that you meet will be willing to mount you, but you will still look like a grease spot when he is done. If you want a relationship with an animal larger and stronger than yourself expect to spend years working up to consummation.
  • Another simple safety tip is to obtain some fluids from the animal you plan to have sex with and apply a small amount to some sensitive skin and look for an allergic reaction. It's inconvenient but it beats the hell out of anaphylaxis.
  • Steel toed shoes are essential around large animals. Even the most foot aware get distracted during sex.
  • Either trim claws and hooves or wear substantial protection. The marks can be a badge of honor or evidence at a trial.
  • Some animals bite as a normal part of sex. Since you are not as tough as their usual partner you might want to wear some protection.
  • Cleanliness can save your life. If something goes wrong and you are injured, not having debris or bacteria in the wound could be important. If you go anal, enema and enema again.

Be very careful who you listen to when advice is offered. There are far more people with theoretical knowledge than those with real experience. For example, horses typically flare far larger during orgasm than masturbation. Someone that has never actually had a horse flare in them might not know that. Reputation and agreement between independent sources are your only protections. There are “guides” out there that are more masturbation aids than anything useful.

At the other extreme are the anti groups that will promise you everything from cancer to hairy palms if you lust after a non-human. The reality is that we are all mammals with the same basic body chemistry. The big differences are things like height and weight. Animal body fluids are less dangerous to you than human because they can't carry nearly as many infectious agents.

Once you decide to cross the big divide, think long and hard about security. Nanny cams, security cameras, and night vision can ruin your life. Close the drapes and lock the doors. Add up the time needed for the act, preparation, and cleanup then double it. If you can't count on that much for sure alone time, don't do it.

Pay extra attention to your cyber security. Use a good VPN and keep your legal, personal, and sexual identities completely separate to the point of using different users on your devices for each purpose. Do not keep pics or vids with anything identifiable in them and do not leave anything unencrypted. Think about what a stolen phone with “candid” pics of you and an animal could lead to. Consider being “Doxed”.

You think I’m being paranoid? There is a case of a famous (infamous) Zoo who outed himself all the way to Federal prison by the simple expedient of using the same avatar on Zoo and str8 web forums. At least his animals were seized, neutered, and adopted out. There are people in this world who consider driving you to suicide to be an ideal solution. Our enemies know that torturing animals to death is a misdemeanor IF you can get anyone prosecuted.

And NEVER, EVER fencehop. Any possibility of a defense goes out the window when you are on someone else's property with someone else's animals. If they catch you in the act and shoot you, the cops will help them clean up the mess. Judges consider “but I’m in love!” to be a confession. And even if they never catch you they can still sell, move, neuter, or butcher your lover and there's nothing you can do about it. It's never worth the risk.

One of the big pitfalls is explaining to friends and family why you don't have a human wife and kids. Mothers especially will never stop trying to match you up with the “right” girl even if they know about your “other species” preferences. “Normal” humans will simply not understand what you are feeling or why.

If you have a choice, choose “normal”. Contrary to fundie propaganda, it's not an easy way out. Most of us who live this lifestyle are doing it because we tried the “normal” way and it didn't work for us. A human mate could get a job, contribute money, help with housework, and do all those little things that make domestic life easier. We still have to live in human society and pay our taxes and bills. Add to that the legal and extralegal stalkers we have to endure and you can easily see how this kind of life isn't something you would choose to avoid effort.

If,‭ ‬after a lot of careful thought,‭ ‬you choose to go ahead with a non-human lover or partner,‭ ‬you should learn everything that you can from responsible people in sensible venues before you‭ “‬get physical‭”‬.‭ ‬A big part of the fun hanging with animals is that they aren’t human.‭ ‬They’re variations of the theme‭ “‬mammal‭”‬.‭ ‬Making sense to each other makes things ever so much safer and more fun.#

This guide is copyright and may be copied and distributed as long as it remains entire and unaltered with attributions.

Excellent work, as usual, Cai....looks like a good bit of wishful thinking in the replies...also as usual. Domesticates are already " imprinted" on one level, or they would not be Domesticates. A basic understanding of that process, why it works, AND why it doesn't.....why only ten or so species are and so many other species are NOT is an important bit of why WE are who we are. Of course, that'd be too much thinking for some of the folks....just hand them the keys to the barn or kennel and go away. Thats all they want to know....It doesnt have to be Rocket science, but for some folks it can never be anything else.
An Introduction to sex with Animals

There are a lot of different kinds, sizes, and shapes of animals and there are many different kinds of sex so we are not going to be specific in this guide. Instead we are going to overview the subject and try to make the many choices more sensible for those that haven't made them yet.

First, the limitations:

  • No matter how well you bond and communicate with your animal other humans will not share that communication. They will not welcome your animal (even if (s)he fits) in public places or on public transportation. Most will not even welcome the two of you into their home.
  • Almost no animal will live as long as you. In fact, you will probably outlive several lovers. No extreme measures will be taken to preserve their life in the event of an accident or illness.
  • Some animals will require expensive facilities and licenses. Lions, for example, are simply not welcome in most neighborhoods and if you haven't won a hundred million dollar lottery don't even dream of a dolphin. Even horses are beyond the means of most young people.
  • Forget about trips and vacations. Someone has to feed your darlings and turning them over to other people has special risks for us.
  • Even with the utmost care and total affection animals can injure you. I have had my arm broken by a playful St Bernard. Imagine how much that danger increases if you like elephants.

Then, the advantages:

  • Unless you teach them how, animals don't lie. Their natural abilities to read body language and scent make lying nearly impossible among themselves.
  • If you do not share your animals with other humans they are very unlikely to harbor any infection that you can catch. Diseases that are transmissible between animal and human are what vets are required by law to vaccinate against.
  • Many animals are truly super by human standards. You like big males? Show me any human equal to even a mini horse.
  • There is absolutely no chance of any kind that either of you will ever get pregnant.
  • There is no chance at all that an animal will wreck your car or empty your bank account (at least not directly).

Some basics:

  • The animal must be imprinted on humans. An animal that was not raised by humans will see you as either a threat or food. Neither is sexually interesting and both can be quite dangerous for you.
  • Besides straight intercourse, outercourse, oral, anal, and manual sex are all possible. But if you want a standard orgasm you will need to maintain a certain compatibility of size.
  • Some animals will prefer human sensitivity and control to the natural sex of their species. Others will not. For example, male herbivores are almost always one thrust wonders. Female herbivores almost always appreciate anyone who isn't.
  • Males are nearly always ready to go. It may take some time for him to fully understand what is being offered but once he does, he has more spare time than you do.
  • Females may or may not be interested in sex outside of their normal heat cycle. Your chances that she will be are considerably improved if you make sure that she enjoys herself.
  • The more that you and the animal know about each other, the safer you will be. You can douse yourself in cow scent and every bull that you meet will be willing to mount you, but you will still look like a grease spot when he is done. If you want a relationship with an animal larger and stronger than yourself expect to spend years working up to consummation.
  • Another simple safety tip is to obtain some fluids from the animal you plan to have sex with and apply a small amount to some sensitive skin and look for an allergic reaction. It's inconvenient but it beats the hell out of anaphylaxis.
  • Steel toed shoes are essential around large animals. Even the most foot aware get distracted during sex.
  • Either trim claws and hooves or wear substantial protection. The marks can be a badge of honor or evidence at a trial.
  • Some animals bite as a normal part of sex. Since you are not as tough as their usual partner you might want to wear some protection.
  • Cleanliness can save your life. If something goes wrong and you are injured, not having debris or bacteria in the wound could be important. If you go anal, enema and enema again.

Be very careful who you listen to when advice is offered. There are far more people with theoretical knowledge than those with real experience. For example, horses typically flare far larger during orgasm than masturbation. Someone that has never actually had a horse flare in them might not know that. Reputation and agreement between independent sources are your only protections. There are “guides” out there that are more masturbation aids than anything useful.

At the other extreme are the anti groups that will promise you everything from cancer to hairy palms if you lust after a non-human. The reality is that we are all mammals with the same basic body chemistry. The big differences are things like height and weight. Animal body fluids are less dangerous to you than human because they can't carry nearly as many infectious agents.

Once you decide to cross the big divide, think long and hard about security. Nanny cams, security cameras, and night vision can ruin your life. Close the drapes and lock the doors. Add up the time needed for the act, preparation, and cleanup then double it. If you can't count on that much for sure alone time, don't do it.

Pay extra attention to your cyber security. Use a good VPN and keep your legal, personal, and sexual identities completely separate to the point of using different users on your devices for each purpose. Do not keep pics or vids with anything identifiable in them and do not leave anything unencrypted. Think about what a stolen phone with “candid” pics of you and an animal could lead to. Consider being “Doxed”.

You think I’m being paranoid? There is a case of a famous (infamous) Zoo who outed himself all the way to Federal prison by the simple expedient of using the same avatar on Zoo and str8 web forums. At least his animals were seized, neutered, and adopted out. There are people in this world who consider driving you to suicide to be an ideal solution. Our enemies know that torturing animals to death is a misdemeanor IF you can get anyone prosecuted.

And NEVER, EVER fencehop. Any possibility of a defense goes out the window when you are on someone else's property with someone else's animals. If they catch you in the act and shoot you, the cops will help them clean up the mess. Judges consider “but I’m in love!” to be a confession. And even if they never catch you they can still sell, move, neuter, or butcher your lover and there's nothing you can do about it. It's never worth the risk.

One of the big pitfalls is explaining to friends and family why you don't have a human wife and kids. Mothers especially will never stop trying to match you up with the “right” girl even if they know about your “other species” preferences. “Normal” humans will simply not understand what you are feeling or why.

If you have a choice, choose “normal”. Contrary to fundie propaganda, it's not an easy way out. Most of us who live this lifestyle are doing it because we tried the “normal” way and it didn't work for us. A human mate could get a job, contribute money, help with housework, and do all those little things that make domestic life easier. We still have to live in human society and pay our taxes and bills. Add to that the legal and extralegal stalkers we have to endure and you can easily see how this kind of life isn't something you would choose to avoid effort.

If,‭ ‬after a lot of careful thought,‭ ‬you choose to go ahead with a non-human lover or partner,‭ ‬you should learn everything that you can from responsible people in sensible venues before you‭ “‬get physical‭”‬.‭ ‬A big part of the fun hanging with animals is that they aren’t human.‭ ‬They’re variations of the theme‭ “‬mammal‭”‬.‭ ‬Making sense to each other makes things ever so much safer and more fun.#

This guide is copyright and may be copied and distributed as long as it remains entire and unaltered with attributions.

Hello there. Thanks for the read. As I was thinking a lot about getting a dog I’m asking for a bit of advice. I hadn’t the time to fully care for a dog until now. And was always against the notion seeing him as a sextoy. As I found a partner who shares my interest I’d gladly take in a dog as a family member who gets treaded respectful and with lovingly care. A friend, a pet, a family member and well, a sex partner.

I’d be thankful if you’d write me and share your advice.

Sorry for the bad English
An Introduction to sex with Animals

There are a lot of different kinds, sizes, and shapes of animals and there are many different kinds of sex so we are not going to be specific in this guide. Instead we are going to overview the subject and try to make the many choices more sensible for those that haven't made them yet.

First, the limitations:

  • No matter how well you bond and communicate with your animal other humans will not share that communication. They will not welcome your animal (even if (s)he fits) in public places or on public transportation. Most will not even welcome the two of you into their home.
  • Almost no animal will live as long as you. In fact, you will probably outlive several lovers. No extreme measures will be taken to preserve their life in the event of an accident or illness.
  • Some animals will require expensive facilities and licenses. Lions, for example, are simply not welcome in most neighborhoods and if you haven't won a hundred million dollar lottery don't even dream of a dolphin. Even horses are beyond the means of most young people.
  • Forget about trips and vacations. Someone has to feed your darlings and turning them over to other people has special risks for us.
  • Even with the utmost care and total affection animals can injure you. I have had my arm broken by a playful St Bernard. Imagine how much that danger increases if you like elephants.

Then, the advantages:

  • Unless you teach them how, animals don't lie. Their natural abilities to read body language and scent make lying nearly impossible among themselves.
  • If you do not share your animals with other humans they are very unlikely to harbor any infection that you can catch. Diseases that are transmissible between animal and human are what vets are required by law to vaccinate against.
  • Many animals are truly super by human standards. You like big males? Show me any human equal to even a mini horse.
  • There is absolutely no chance of any kind that either of you will ever get pregnant.
  • There is no chance at all that an animal will wreck your car or empty your bank account (at least not directly).

Some basics:

  • The animal must be imprinted on humans. An animal that was not raised by humans will see you as either a threat or food. Neither is sexually interesting and both can be quite dangerous for you.
  • Besides straight intercourse, outercourse, oral, anal, and manual sex are all possible. But if you want a standard orgasm you will need to maintain a certain compatibility of size.
  • Some animals will prefer human sensitivity and control to the natural sex of their species. Others will not. For example, male herbivores are almost always one thrust wonders. Female herbivores almost always appreciate anyone who isn't.
  • Males are nearly always ready to go. It may take some time for him to fully understand what is being offered but once he does, he has more spare time than you do.
  • Females may or may not be interested in sex outside of their normal heat cycle. Your chances that she will be are considerably improved if you make sure that she enjoys herself.
  • The more that you and the animal know about each other, the safer you will be. You can douse yourself in cow scent and every bull that you meet will be willing to mount you, but you will still look like a grease spot when he is done. If you want a relationship with an animal larger and stronger than yourself expect to spend years working up to consummation.
  • Another simple safety tip is to obtain some fluids from the animal you plan to have sex with and apply a small amount to some sensitive skin and look for an allergic reaction. It's inconvenient but it beats the hell out of anaphylaxis.
  • Steel toed shoes are essential around large animals. Even the most foot aware get distracted during sex.
  • Either trim claws and hooves or wear substantial protection. The marks can be a badge of honor or evidence at a trial.
  • Some animals bite as a normal part of sex. Since you are not as tough as their usual partner you might want to wear some protection.
  • Cleanliness can save your life. If something goes wrong and you are injured, not having debris or bacteria in the wound could be important. If you go anal, enema and enema again.

Be very careful who you listen to when advice is offered. There are far more people with theoretical knowledge than those with real experience. For example, horses typically flare far larger during orgasm than masturbation. Someone that has never actually had a horse flare in them might not know that. Reputation and agreement between independent sources are your only protections. There are “guides” out there that are more masturbation aids than anything useful.

At the other extreme are the anti groups that will promise you everything from cancer to hairy palms if you lust after a non-human. The reality is that we are all mammals with the same basic body chemistry. The big differences are things like height and weight. Animal body fluids are less dangerous to you than human because they can't carry nearly as many infectious agents.

Once you decide to cross the big divide, think long and hard about security. Nanny cams, security cameras, and night vision can ruin your life. Close the drapes and lock the doors. Add up the time needed for the act, preparation, and cleanup then double it. If you can't count on that much for sure alone time, don't do it.

Pay extra attention to your cyber security. Use a good VPN and keep your legal, personal, and sexual identities completely separate to the point of using different users on your devices for each purpose. Do not keep pics or vids with anything identifiable in them and do not leave anything unencrypted. Think about what a stolen phone with “candid” pics of you and an animal could lead to. Consider being “Doxed”.

You think I’m being paranoid? There is a case of a famous (infamous) Zoo who outed himself all the way to Federal prison by the simple expedient of using the same avatar on Zoo and str8 web forums. At least his animals were seized, neutered, and adopted out. There are people in this world who consider driving you to suicide to be an ideal solution. Our enemies know that torturing animals to death is a misdemeanor IF you can get anyone prosecuted.

And NEVER, EVER fencehop. Any possibility of a defense goes out the window when you are on someone else's property with someone else's animals. If they catch you in the act and shoot you, the cops will help them clean up the mess. Judges consider “but I’m in love!” to be a confession. And even if they never catch you they can still sell, move, neuter, or butcher your lover and there's nothing you can do about it. It's never worth the risk.

One of the big pitfalls is explaining to friends and family why you don't have a human wife and kids. Mothers especially will never stop trying to match you up with the “right” girl even if they know about your “other species” preferences. “Normal” humans will simply not understand what you are feeling or why.

If you have a choice, choose “normal”. Contrary to fundie propaganda, it's not an easy way out. Most of us who live this lifestyle are doing it because we tried the “normal” way and it didn't work for us. A human mate could get a job, contribute money, help with housework, and do all those little things that make domestic life easier. We still have to live in human society and pay our taxes and bills. Add to that the legal and extralegal stalkers we have to endure and you can easily see how this kind of life isn't something you would choose to avoid effort.

If,‭ ‬after a lot of careful thought,‭ ‬you choose to go ahead with a non-human lover or partner,‭ ‬you should learn everything that you can from responsible people in sensible venues before you‭ “‬get physical‭”‬.‭ ‬A big part of the fun hanging with animals is that they aren’t human.‭ ‬They’re variations of the theme‭ “‬mammal‭”‬.‭ ‬Making sense to each other makes things ever so much safer and more fun.#

This guide is copyright and may be copied and distributed as long as it remains entire and unaltered with attributions.

I've just read through your 22pgs, I've been looking for so long for a decent instruction guide. Is your pdf book finished? I'd really like to get a copy if possible, I've been interested for a while now but scared of the unknowns.

Curious G
An Introduction to sex with Animals

There are a lot of different kinds, sizes, and shapes of animals and there are many different kinds of sex so we are not going to be specific in this guide. Instead we are going to overview the subject and try to make the many choices more sensible for those that haven't made them yet.

First, the limitations:

  • No matter how well you bond and communicate with your animal other humans will not share that communication. They will not welcome your animal (even if (s)he fits) in public places or on public transportation. Most will not even welcome the two of you into their home.
  • Almost no animal will live as long as you. In fact, you will probably outlive several lovers. No extreme measures will be taken to preserve their life in the event of an accident or illness.
  • Some animals will require expensive facilities and licenses. Lions, for example, are simply not welcome in most neighborhoods and if you haven't won a hundred million dollar lottery don't even dream of a dolphin. Even horses are beyond the means of most young people.
  • Forget about trips and vacations. Someone has to feed your darlings and turning them over to other people has special risks for us.
  • Even with the utmost care and total affection animals can injure you. I have had my arm broken by a playful St Bernard. Imagine how much that danger increases if you like elephants.

Then, the advantages:

  • Unless you teach them how, animals don't lie. Their natural abilities to read body language and scent make lying nearly impossible among themselves.
  • If you do not share your animals with other humans they are very unlikely to harbor any infection that you can catch. Diseases that are transmissible between animal and human are what vets are required by law to vaccinate against.
  • Many animals are truly super by human standards. You like big males? Show me any human equal to even a mini horse.
  • There is absolutely no chance of any kind that either of you will ever get pregnant.
  • There is no chance at all that an animal will wreck your car or empty your bank account (at least not directly).

Some basics:

  • The animal must be imprinted on humans. An animal that was not raised by humans will see you as either a threat or food. Neither is sexually interesting and both can be quite dangerous for you.
  • Besides straight intercourse, outercourse, oral, anal, and manual sex are all possible. But if you want a standard orgasm you will need to maintain a certain compatibility of size.
  • Some animals will prefer human sensitivity and control to the natural sex of their species. Others will not. For example, male herbivores are almost always one thrust wonders. Female herbivores almost always appreciate anyone who isn't.
  • Males are nearly always ready to go. It may take some time for him to fully understand what is being offered but once he does, he has more spare time than you do.
  • Females may or may not be interested in sex outside of their normal heat cycle. Your chances that she will be are considerably improved if you make sure that she enjoys herself.
  • The more that you and the animal know about each other, the safer you will be. You can douse yourself in cow scent and every bull that you meet will be willing to mount you, but you will still look like a grease spot when he is done. If you want a relationship with an animal larger and stronger than yourself expect to spend years working up to consummation.
  • Another simple safety tip is to obtain some fluids from the animal you plan to have sex with and apply a small amount to some sensitive skin and look for an allergic reaction. It's inconvenient but it beats the hell out of anaphylaxis.
  • Steel toed shoes are essential around large animals. Even the most foot aware get distracted during sex.
  • Either trim claws and hooves or wear substantial protection. The marks can be a badge of honor or evidence at a trial.
  • Some animals bite as a normal part of sex. Since you are not as tough as their usual partner you might want to wear some protection.
  • Cleanliness can save your life. If something goes wrong and you are injured, not having debris or bacteria in the wound could be important. If you go anal, enema and enema again.

Be very careful who you listen to when advice is offered. There are far more people with theoretical knowledge than those with real experience. For example, horses typically flare far larger during orgasm than masturbation. Someone that has never actually had a horse flare in them might not know that. Reputation and agreement between independent sources are your only protections. There are “guides” out there that are more masturbation aids than anything useful.

At the other extreme are the anti groups that will promise you everything from cancer to hairy palms if you lust after a non-human. The reality is that we are all mammals with the same basic body chemistry. The big differences are things like height and weight. Animal body fluids are less dangerous to you than human because they can't carry nearly as many infectious agents.

Once you decide to cross the big divide, think long and hard about security. Nanny cams, security cameras, and night vision can ruin your life. Close the drapes and lock the doors. Add up the time needed for the act, preparation, and cleanup then double it. If you can't count on that much for sure alone time, don't do it.

Pay extra attention to your cyber security. Use a good VPN and keep your legal, personal, and sexual identities completely separate to the point of using different users on your devices for each purpose. Do not keep pics or vids with anything identifiable in them and do not leave anything unencrypted. Think about what a stolen phone with “candid” pics of you and an animal could lead to. Consider being “Doxed”.

You think I’m being paranoid? There is a case of a famous (infamous) Zoo who outed himself all the way to Federal prison by the simple expedient of using the same avatar on Zoo and str8 web forums. At least his animals were seized, neutered, and adopted out. There are people in this world who consider driving you to suicide to be an ideal solution. Our enemies know that torturing animals to death is a misdemeanor IF you can get anyone prosecuted.

And NEVER, EVER fencehop. Any possibility of a defense goes out the window when you are on someone else's property with someone else's animals. If they catch you in the act and shoot you, the cops will help them clean up the mess. Judges consider “but I’m in love!” to be a confession. And even if they never catch you they can still sell, move, neuter, or butcher your lover and there's nothing you can do about it. It's never worth the risk.

One of the big pitfalls is explaining to friends and family why you don't have a human wife and kids. Mothers especially will never stop trying to match you up with the “right” girl even if they know about your “other species” preferences. “Normal” humans will simply not understand what you are feeling or why.

If you have a choice, choose “normal”. Contrary to fundie propaganda, it's not an easy way out. Most of us who live this lifestyle are doing it because we tried the “normal” way and it didn't work for us. A human mate could get a job, contribute money, help with housework, and do all those little things that make domestic life easier. We still have to live in human society and pay our taxes and bills. Add to that the legal and extralegal stalkers we have to endure and you can easily see how this kind of life isn't something you would choose to avoid effort.

If,‭ ‬after a lot of careful thought,‭ ‬you choose to go ahead with a non-human lover or partner,‭ ‬you should learn everything that you can from responsible people in sensible venues before you‭ “‬get physical‭”‬.‭ ‬A big part of the fun hanging with animals is that they aren’t human.‭ ‬They’re variations of the theme‭ “‬mammal‭”‬.‭ ‬Making sense to each other makes things ever so much safer and more fun.#

This guide is copyright and may be copied and distributed as long as it remains entire and unaltered with attributions.

i have a criticism about one thing.

i noticed animals can like other people better than their owners. animals can imprint on anybody at any time. for these animals animosity towards others is actually a trained behavior. may be from an intentional lack of socialization.

people can also like other peoples animals even in public places. not liking other peoples animals is also a trained behavior. it might be trained by the owners themselves who act badly to make people dislike them and their animals.
the thought that animals are only interested in their owners or well known people is a cultural expectation of property or monogamous wishful thinking.
An Introduction to sex with Animals

There are a lot of different kinds, sizes, and shapes of animals and there are many different kinds of sex so we are not going to be specific in this guide. Instead we are going to overview the subject and try to make the many choices more sensible for those that haven't made them yet.

First, the limitations:

  • No matter how well you bond and communicate with your animal other humans will not share that communication. They will not welcome your animal (even if (s)he fits) in public places or on public transportation. Most will not even welcome the two of you into their home.
  • Almost no animal will live as long as you. In fact, you will probably outlive several lovers. No extreme measures will be taken to preserve their life in the event of an accident or illness.
  • Some animals will require expensive facilities and licenses. Lions, for example, are simply not welcome in most neighborhoods and if you haven't won a hundred million dollar lottery don't even dream of a dolphin. Even horses are beyond the means of most young people.
  • Forget about trips and vacations. Someone has to feed your darlings and turning them over to other people has special risks for us.
  • Even with the utmost care and total affection animals can injure you. I have had my arm broken by a playful St Bernard. Imagine how much that danger increases if you like elephants.

Then, the advantages:

  • Unless you teach them how, animals don't lie. Their natural abilities to read body language and scent make lying nearly impossible among themselves.
  • If you do not share your animals with other humans they are very unlikely to harbor any infection that you can catch. Diseases that are transmissible between animal and human are what vets are required by law to vaccinate against.
  • Many animals are truly super by human standards. You like big males? Show me any human equal to even a mini horse.
  • There is absolutely no chance of any kind that either of you will ever get pregnant.
  • There is no chance at all that an animal will wreck your car or empty your bank account (at least not directly).

Some basics:

  • The animal must be imprinted on humans. An animal that was not raised by humans will see you as either a threat or food. Neither is sexually interesting and both can be quite dangerous for you.
  • Besides straight intercourse, outercourse, oral, anal, and manual sex are all possible. But if you want a standard orgasm you will need to maintain a certain compatibility of size.
  • Some animals will prefer human sensitivity and control to the natural sex of their species. Others will not. For example, male herbivores are almost always one thrust wonders. Female herbivores almost always appreciate anyone who isn't.
  • Males are nearly always ready to go. It may take some time for him to fully understand what is being offered but once he does, he has more spare time than you do.
  • Females may or may not be interested in sex outside of their normal heat cycle. Your chances that she will be are considerably improved if you make sure that she enjoys herself.
  • The more that you and the animal know about each other, the safer you will be. You can douse yourself in cow scent and every bull that you meet will be willing to mount you, but you will still look like a grease spot when he is done. If you want a relationship with an animal larger and stronger than yourself expect to spend years working up to consummation.
  • Another simple safety tip is to obtain some fluids from the animal you plan to have sex with and apply a small amount to some sensitive skin and look for an allergic reaction. It's inconvenient but it beats the hell out of anaphylaxis.
  • Steel toed shoes are essential around large animals. Even the most foot aware get distracted during sex.
  • Either trim claws and hooves or wear substantial protection. The marks can be a badge of honor or evidence at a trial.
  • Some animals bite as a normal part of sex. Since you are not as tough as their usual partner you might want to wear some protection.
  • Cleanliness can save your life. If something goes wrong and you are injured, not having debris or bacteria in the wound could be important. If you go anal, enema and enema again.

Be very careful who you listen to when advice is offered. There are far more people with theoretical knowledge than those with real experience. For example, horses typically flare far larger during orgasm than masturbation. Someone that has never actually had a horse flare in them might not know that. Reputation and agreement between independent sources are your only protections. There are “guides” out there that are more masturbation aids than anything useful.

At the other extreme are the anti groups that will promise you everything from cancer to hairy palms if you lust after a non-human. The reality is that we are all mammals with the same basic body chemistry. The big differences are things like height and weight. Animal body fluids are less dangerous to you than human because they can't carry nearly as many infectious agents.

Once you decide to cross the big divide, think long and hard about security. Nanny cams, security cameras, and night vision can ruin your life. Close the drapes and lock the doors. Add up the time needed for the act, preparation, and cleanup then double it. If you can't count on that much for sure alone time, don't do it.

Pay extra attention to your cyber security. Use a good VPN and keep your legal, personal, and sexual identities completely separate to the point of using different users on your devices for each purpose. Do not keep pics or vids with anything identifiable in them and do not leave anything unencrypted. Think about what a stolen phone with “candid” pics of you and an animal could lead to. Consider being “Doxed”.

You think I’m being paranoid? There is a case of a famous (infamous) Zoo who outed himself all the way to Federal prison by the simple expedient of using the same avatar on Zoo and str8 web forums. At least his animals were seized, neutered, and adopted out. There are people in this world who consider driving you to suicide to be an ideal solution. Our enemies know that torturing animals to death is a misdemeanor IF you can get anyone prosecuted.

And NEVER, EVER fencehop. Any possibility of a defense goes out the window when you are on someone else's property with someone else's animals. If they catch you in the act and shoot you, the cops will help them clean up the mess. Judges consider “but I’m in love!” to be a confession. And even if they never catch you they can still sell, move, neuter, or butcher your lover and there's nothing you can do about it. It's never worth the risk.

One of the big pitfalls is explaining to friends and family why you don't have a human wife and kids. Mothers especially will never stop trying to match you up with the “right” girl even if they know about your “other species” preferences. “Normal” humans will simply not understand what you are feeling or why.

If you have a choice, choose “normal”. Contrary to fundie propaganda, it's not an easy way out. Most of us who live this lifestyle are doing it because we tried the “normal” way and it didn't work for us. A human mate could get a job, contribute money, help with housework, and do all those little things that make domestic life easier. We still have to live in human society and pay our taxes and bills. Add to that the legal and extralegal stalkers we have to endure and you can easily see how this kind of life isn't something you would choose to avoid effort.

If,‭ ‬after a lot of careful thought,‭ ‬you choose to go ahead with a non-human lover or partner,‭ ‬you should learn everything that you can from responsible people in sensible venues before you‭ “‬get physical‭”‬.‭ ‬A big part of the fun hanging with animals is that they aren’t human.‭ ‬They’re variations of the theme‭ “‬mammal‭”‬.‭ ‬Making sense to each other makes things ever so much safer and more fun.#

This guide is copyright and may be copied and distributed as long as it remains entire and unaltered with attributions.

Thanks for information