If scientists meeting for new anti cancer measures developments is a -1 on the "unfiltered carefree horniness" scale, PornHub is a 20.
And sites which offer the slightest amount of zoophilia media are water jet cutting in numbers. So around 300-400 MPa in rough pressure. ?
Nah, it is not his fault that technology is limited by countermeasures and even billions-of-dollar movie companies can't prevent extraction of their copy protective measures and public sharing of the videos for a long timespan.
Either: publish it in slightly different variants (cuts) to different private friend circles as some here do it already. Expel those that proven to share it further.
Or add scrolling banners with changing outlines hard to remove, which all the time show an anti acceptance message for the big unwanted portal(s), making it effectively worthless for those. Will not prevent them to cut even two second patterns out in worse quality just to show something in compilations, unfortunately. Neither the private sharing / collecting. And it will unfortunately make the videos less attractive.
Or record your videos as anonymous as possible and don't care much about their further sharing through thirds. Maybe add some banners on the most interesting positions making it hard to remove those and that's it.
Unfortunately it's not preventable that people are a$$hats and re-upload the stuff without asking the owners for permission. A shame.
Hate that as well but I wouldn't go as far as to say: don't upload your amateur porn due to it. Stay true to yourself. If you love creating such videos and sharing those, take some measures against illicit re-usage and that's it.
@Zeekwitt : Thank you for the time and work to create the videos at least and for the limited time sharing, it's more than most would do and I am sure many viewers are happy you gave them the possibility to watch those.