One of my friends, which we consider eachother best friends, has always been by my side during my bad moments, took care of my stray while I was in a mental hospital, came to visit every day to the hospital and always has my back. The feeling is mutual, I always helped him out, I went to his farm to help out when his farmkeeper disappeared, helped him pass his exams, etc. Yestarday, our group got together and I went to his house to go with him to one of our friend's house where we met and played games all day as the last gettogether of the year (they're all going on vacations except for me) and when he was driving me back home, we joked about some psychology stuff and I asked him to do an analysis on myself since we've met up until now.
He told me he sees lots of affections towards my dogs (my current ones and my previous ones), how they really trust me, how they're very happy with me and destroy shit when I'm not with them (my stray behaved very very bad when she was with him but he always saw my house impeccable and my stray always laying on my bed when I wasn't at home) and he told me that he sees that I've been through very tough times and that I'm a very trustworthy person but I have trust issues myself. I always listen to people's issues and give them a hand without asking questions or opening my mouth but I never open up and he noticed after the situations I've been through that I have something I keep hidden from everyone. He also told me that he doesn't fully understand why I attempted suicide and why I still insist on having dogs even though every single one of my family members throw shit at me for having them. He says that he sees me very happy with dogs, that I was very depressed without them, and how all of my dogs behaved with me, noticing how they only trust me and respond to me, no one else. Yesterday we had an incident with my husky where I was making tea at home and she jumped on the table, spilling a cup with boiling water on herself (not a single drop touched the tablecloth, it all went on her) and she immediately began to scream like hell and jumped on me, clawing my shoulders and holding on tight while one of my friends rushed to get a bucket of cold water and the other one a rag to dip in the bucket and dry her out/refresh her
So I'm going to invite him for coffee at Starbucks and go full Morpheus by buying cherry halls and mint halls, telling him to take the red one if he wants to hear the story or the blue one if he doesn't. If he takes the red one, I'm going to tell him. If he takes the blue one, I'm going to chat about random stuff like a regular day, finish the coffee, and go back home.
Your thoughts? I've known him for three years, almost four now and I've never had a friend closer than him in my life, same with him. He was bullied throught his entire life and when he met me he felt safe and relaxed and opened up to form the friend group we have today.