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Im a zoophile and Im disgusted by it

I hope what I am saying makes sense to someone. Please reason and tell me because it shocks me you guys can't see this immediately. I think I have hit the hammer on the nail head on.
Well, pardner....youre right about one thing.....if you only own a hammer, amazingly, EVERY PROBLEM looks like a nail.
You built quite a scenario there...sorry if you are living that one, or lived it. But the original poster here NEVER claimed to be a zoo. He said he was THINKING about fucking a dog or a horse, not DOING it. That tells me he's got serious issues IF he's real. The help he needs isnt here....your heart may be in the right place, but your head isnt.
Well, pardner....youre right about one thing.....if you only own a hammer, amazingly, EVERY PROBLEM looks like a nail.
You built quite a scenario there...sorry if you are living that one, or lived it. But the original poster here NEVER claimed to be a zoo. He said he was THINKING about fucking a dog or a horse, not DOING it. That tells me he's got serious issues IF he's real. The help he needs isnt here....your heart may be in the right place, but your head isnt.
I built a scenario that is realistic and honest I believe that many should be able to relate to. To assume everyone responds the same would be foolish sure, but I certainly can say I understand how this would happen. Also he did say he was a zoophile, you missed the title brother!
I'm horrified by the fact that I would even think of fucking a dog or horse, its the thing I hate most about myself and I need some way to stop.
Try replacement therapy. Every time that you think of it, immediately replace that image with something else. You could also try to embrace it.
Therapists are a bad idea. They report any illegal activity to law enforcement.
Right, and being real here, they won't understand. Would an alcoholic go to someone who has never drank if he desired to figure out how to stop drinking?
In other words, even if he had the guts to say it, and somehow didn't get in law trouble for it. What did that even accomplish? He came to the right place if people are willing to care to help truly. Where else can he go?
Right, and being real here, they won't understand. Would an alcoholic go to someone who has never drank if he desired to figure out how to stop drinking?
To be honest, I don't think that we can quit. I think it is just a part of who we are. I remember in the 1980s and 1990s there was this support group to help gay men to become straight and it never did work.
To be honest, I don't think that we can quit. I think it is just a part of who we are. I remember in the 1980s and 1990s there was this support group to help gay men to become straight and it never did work.
I don't know if one can remove the desires(unless he got rid of his of her "parts"), I think one could replace them. Like I said, I really do believe the Bible, and I believe I am wrong for such but I also know the whole point of the law according to the Bible itself was to make sure everyone was equally in the wrong. That every mouth would be stopped. Reason I bring this up again is because that is where the pain went away for me. I realized the whole reason Jesus died was because we are all guilty and he forgave me of everything forever more simply by trusting him.
Hopefully I am not hated or blocked or posting this, it might be against the rules I am not sure but hopefully if so the admin can see I am trying to help assuming the reader comes back. It is NOT religion though, the Bible never was religion, The solution is forgiveness! Forgiveness is the solution. How many ways can I say it I firmly believe that is the real thing that will give you or anyone here peace of mind no matter if it is zoophilia or maybe just a liar, or even a murderer or anything! If God forgave me, I ought to forgive myself.
I don't know if one can remove the desires(unless he got rid of his of her "parts"), I think one could replace them. Like I said, I really do believe the Bible, and I believe I am wrong for such but I also know the whole point of the law according to the Bible itself was to make sure everyone was equally in the wrong. That every mouth would be stopped. Reason I bring this up again is because that is where the pain went away for me. I realized the whole reason Jesus died was because we are all guilty and he forgave me of everything forever more simply by trusting him.
Hopefully I am not hated or blocked or posting this, it might be against the rules I am not sure but hopefully if so the admin can see I am trying to help assuming the reader comes back. It is NOT religion though, the Bible never was religion, The solution is forgiveness! Forgiveness is the solution. How many ways can I say it I firmly believe that is the real thing that will give you or anyone here peace of mind no matter if it is zoophilia or maybe just a liar, or even a murderer or anything! If God forgave me, I ought to forgive myself.
No, you will not be blocked or banned. We are "Free Speech" around here.
No, you will not be blocked or banned. We are "Free Speech" around here.
Good, because I know that can help any one. Whether in pain or not, but definitely for those hurting about anything anywhere. And I am sure I can go to any forum on the internet and someone is hurting inside somewhere there, if not most.
I built a scenario that is realistic and honest I believe that many should be able to relate to. To assume everyone responds the same would be foolish sure, but I certainly can say I understand how this would happen. Also he did say he was a zoophile, you missed the title brother!
And once more...Zoophile doesn't mean DOG fucker or Horse boinker....it means any number of levels
of feeling for animals, from observing them in natural habitats to what appears to be marriage. 31 words, and YOU filled in ALL his blanks. Oh...33 if you count contractions as two. Unless you have a second nick and you wrote those words, you're making HIM out to be YOU. And STILL all he's talked about in that brief line was about thoughts and self-loathing. This ISN't a job for you no matter how well-meaning you may be. You messaged him....Did he respond?

You may not think so, dude, but I'm trying to look out for him as IF HE IS REAL. If he isn't he's probably laughing his head off, like a couple of the other nits we've had in lately. Since all this is going to do is go in circles, I'll let you have the last word.
Therapists are a bad idea. They report any illegal activity to law enforcement.
Depends on the Therapist. I know one who is also a zoo. Not someone who hangs out here....this person has far too much to lose. Not all people in the Psychology/Psychiatry/ Therapy fields are so slavish as to report first and ask questions later. Any one of those who jumps to a conclusion would be more of a threat than the client might be. if that's how one makes a living, TRUST is a serious issue, and not something to rupture lightly. Same with a Priest....they'd have to weigh Patient or Congregant Confidentiality against the potential for harm. Self-Harm isn't the same, for instance, as presenting a Public Danger.
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I'm horrified by the fact that I would even think of fucking a dog or horse, its the thing I hate most about myself and I need some way to stop.

Then stop watching beast porn lol. Don't buy into the "zoophile" labeling crap because animal sex is an entirely different type of life change, so if you're truly disgusted by fucking a dog or horse then acknowledge it and move on. Don't listen to the guys who replied to you because they use peer pressure like the gay community rather than actually look at things from your perspective.

You're not a zoophile and you don't have to label yourself as one all because you had sudden sexual thoughts. Moreover since you hate yourself for having these thoughts, the best thing to do is to listen to yourself and move on. I have sex with animals because I love it, but it's definitely only for a small group. You don't need therapy because you've technically just had disturbing thoughts. Not acting on them will help a lot because the last thing you want is to be burdened with extreme guilt and sex addiction. Thats one thing these "zoophile bros" will never tell you
Then stop watching beast porn lol. Don't buy into the "zoophile" labeling crap because animal sex is an entirely different type of life change, so if you're truly disgusted by fucking a dog or horse then acknowledge it and move on. Don't listen to the guys who replied to you because they use peer pressure like the gay community rather than actually look at things from your perspective.

You're not a zoophile and you don't have to label yourself as one all because you had sudden sexual thoughts. Moreover since you hate yourself for having these thoughts, the best thing to do is to listen to yourself and move on. I have sex with animals because I love it, but it's definitely only for a small group. You don't need therapy because you've technically just had disturbing thoughts. Not acting on them will help a lot because the last thing you want is to be burdened with extreme guilt and sex addiction. Thats one thing these "zoophile bros" will never tell you

"Like the gay community"

Oh brother, give me a break. There's another one. :rolleyes:
"Like the gay community"

Oh brother, give me a break. There's another one. :rolleyes:

Right lol? To be fair I was one of the very first who rejected "zoophilia is the new gay sex" because i refused to be recategorized, relabeled, and be forced to tolerate sexism and animal abuse from gay guys and the straight & bi incels who follow their suit. Everything else you all did it to yourselves and that's why "other ones" noticed similarities between the two annoying communities.

Thank you so much for highlighting how knowledgeable I am. You didn't even mention self awareness which means I'm right on the money
why would he be trolling? He is not the only one who wishes he was different? Sex is addicting, I wish I knew how to love women?! where else do you think he would go to get help for such? It is embarrassing to me too and I am probably much older than OP and none know I even have any homosexuality or other desires. I don't say that to be against anyone here, I am not against anyone as an individual no matter who they are but what he is doing is right. He was perfectly logical to come here! Where else is he going to find people who understand? This desire is much rarer, and to go to the people who also have the desire you'd think you guys can have some care. And I see a lack of understanding being shown and a lack of care from many here. Leave the guy alone if you don't have anything to help him!
Seriously?...Why *else* do people troll? It's attention seeking prankster behavior of course. Are you really that naive?

Over the years I have seen countless threads in these forums dealing with the struggle we have all gone thru as zoophiles with accepting this sexuality in a society that hates us as deviant perverts, and this is the only one I have seen where the OP is conspicuously absent from the conversation. And not only that, he just joined two days ago and has a total of 1 post!

What are we up to in this thread now, 72+posts now? Where is the OP? Don't you think he'd be here responding to all this by now if he was real? Or at least responding to some of us via PM?

I'm not saying it's out of the range of possibility that he is sincere, I'm just saying the evidence so far strongly suggests otherwise, and all of us (myself included) are just feeding the troll with each and every post.
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I mean, you're not even doing it, you're thinking about it. It's a fantasy. Never hate yourself for your fantasies or your attractions, only you're actions - and only hate those actions that cause harm.
Seriously?...Why *else* do people troll? It's attention seeking prankster behavior of course. Are you really that naive?

Over the years I have seen countless threads in these forums dealing with the struggle we have all gone thru as zoophiles with accepting this sexuality in a society that hates us as deviant perverts, and this is the only one I have seen where the OP is conspicuously absent from the conversation. And not only that, he just joined two days ago and has a total of 1 post!

What are we up to in this thread now, 72+posts now? Where is the OP? Don't you think he'd be here responding to all this by now if he was real? Or at least responding to some of us via PM?

I'm not saying it's out of the range of possibility that he is sincere, I'm just saying the evidence so far strongly suggests otherwise, and all of us (myself included) are just feeding the troll with each and every post.
I think most of us were aware of that possibility when commenting.
Personally I think it was worth trying to say something helpful, on the off chance the post was genuine, or maybe that (however unlikely) someone who genuinely felt that way came across it.
Given the length of time and lack of a reply since the post... yeah it's probably a troll, but nobody lost anything by trying to stop and help.
OP is a massive infiltrated sabotage antizoo troll. And you all fell for it smh
Amazing he ain't blocked and barred already
Agreed, but then they'd have to hunt down the rest of them, instead of letting us smoke them out.....tbh, we have an "person of issue" and then we have a 'savior' ...something I'm seeing on other threads, when some nit or other snaps his straps, when he finds his specious or ulteriorly-motivated logic is refuted with little difficulty, no matter how hard he tries. Here, the poor lad comes singing " HERE I come to save the DAAAAAAY!" and then discovers Oilcan Harry is six steps ahead at every curve. I think they're ALL screwy, but a couple are proselytizing for some obscure church or other. I think the same guy is both the 'pro' and the 'anti' in POV....one slipped and used the same phrase as two supposedly separate people. Still, the number of pro-religionistas does bother me....it feels like cross-hairs.
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You can’t control what you’re into, sadly. If we could, I’m sure we would all be “normal” people, but we’re not. Most of us have been this way since we were kids. I will not deny that it’s a perversion. I will also never deny how much happiness it brings me. Not just sexually but also the bond with the animal. My furry partner is the closest friend I’ve ever had. If it still bothers you, I’d consider the therapist like everyone was suggesting, but you shouldn’t beat yourself up because of it. You didn’t ask for it; it’s not your fault. Something that makes me feel better about it is the fact that it can be done ethically and a beautiful friendship can come from it. I wish you the best with your struggle.