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If you ran into your younger self...

And never marry someone without sleeping with them first.
Holy crap... please tell me people dont do this... I am older but that would have been a fucking stupid idea even for people from my era... I dont have the words to describe how idiotic that would be after having now experienced a fair whack of life and watched marriages fail left and right (including my own).

religious beliefs aside (not going there), sex is incredibly important to a long term relationship and there is no possible way you should be playing russian roulette by getting married first...

apologies if i am ranting.
Holy crap... please tell me people dont do this... I am older but that would have been a fucking stupid idea even for people from my era... I dont have the words to describe how idiotic that would be after having now experienced a fair whack of life and watched marriages fail left and right (including my own).

religious beliefs aside (not going there), sex is incredibly important to a long term relationship and there is no possible way you should be playing russian roulette by getting married first...

apologies if i am ranting.
I wholeheartedly agree 💯 with you on everything you said there. 👍👍👍
Honestly? I feel like there are a lot of things I wish I could say, but I don't think my younger self would be in a good environment or accepting headspace for any of it,

Almost all of the things I've discovered about myself in the past few years have been done so with a good deal of exposure and introspection (and a lot of emotional and mental pain) 🥹
What would you tell the younger version of yourself if you meet them today?
I'd clear up a few delusions about the future and send him hopefully onto a better path, not only out of altruistic but also totally selfish reasons.

Nothing really, I genuinely don't know of a decision I've made that I regret.
Lucky you! I wish I could say the same.

I new about Bitcoin when it was cheep, but I was too young to buy any and I couldn't convince my parents to buy any as it was against their religion.
Which religion could possibly want to miss out on a get-rich-quick-scheme?
I’ve thought about this since I was a kid if I could go back in time I would fuck and suck myself and tell myself to find that one person who enjoys the depraved part of myself