I'm a bitch with an Asian body
I'm a bitch in the literal sense of the word
For me, there's a big difference between being a bitch and not being a bitch, even when I'm alone.
I can live like a bitch for hours, days
But I have to brush my own teeth and flush the shit I take out in the bath down the toilet.
But you don't have to do those things if you're not indoors but in nature, where no humans can come.
I think that if you try to explain yourself to people, it will only end up being a waste of time, but I still think it's good to be able to vent things like this.
I realized that there is no one like me after all.
I want to be a full-time bitch, not a part-time bitch.
This wish will never change in the end
The answer wasn't even here
But thank you for listening
I will continue to live my life