I have never...

IHN gone skydiving. I know I'm a bit young to have a bucket list, but I have one anyway and it's on there!
IHN been to Vladivostok

Been to Hell and Back.
Been “Around The World“ with a $2 whore and a pack of cigarettes one weekend in the valley of the damned.
Been to the woods to watch the sunrise and swallow my pistol, only to see the Sunset.
Been to the Sandwich Islands and eaten roasted Pig.
Been to the Pig Sea and eaten a Sandwich.
Been to Wonderland and Neverland in the plain tan walls of the Cukoo’s Nest.
I’ve swum in the North Sea and seen the Selkies.
I’ve eaten the flesh off the dead and dreamt their final thoughts.
I’ve been raped and abused and beaten, I’ve beaten and neglected and debated in bars and academia.
IHN WANTED to see Vladivostok.
IHN been trained to fire a gun properly, yet I'm somehow deadly accurate at mid range. Maybe it was all the Call of Duty... :ROFLMAO: