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I have a general question. In all countries it is legal to torture and kill animals for meat! But in most countries it is forbidden to love animals!


I have a general question. In all countries it is legal to torture and kill animals for meat and other stuff! But in most countries it is forbidden to love animals! How can that make sense? I couldn't hurt an animal if it didn't try to hurt me. But I'm supposed to be a bad person if I find horses attractive :/
A lot of it is due to the prominence of religion in society. If you think, it wasn't really that long ago that the catholic church ruled in Europe, and beastiality is not allowed in Christianity. This is mostly responsible for setting the societal norms and for making beastiality taboo. This has simply extended into the modern world and become a part of the laws. However, since eating animal meat is something that has happened for a long long time and is allowed by all major religions (at least some meat is), society has deemed it acceptable and modern laws reflect that.
In most if not all it is not illegal to love your pet/companion as love is an emotion. It is in most illegal to have physical relations with your animal. As stated above religion has much to do with it. My personal opinion at least with a woman and at least a k9 I believe many men are threatened by the fact that a woman can realize pleasure and enjoy it. I have chatted with more than a few woman that have tier boy friend or spouse push them to it and than come to resent the fact that she enjoys it and indulges without him.
I read it wasn’t illegal in Portugal but can’t swear to it.

It’s also not illegal in West Virgina at least on the books though the state has tried the last two years and failed. That does not mean there are not statutes that may prevent it from being brought up on cruelty to animals.

Still even if it is legal some where unless your attempting to do porn video’s or open a beastiality brothel if you keep your private life private you should be fine. This will never be accepted in society as gay and lesbian has.
In most if not all it is not illegal to love your pet/companion as love is an emotion. It is in most illegal to have physical relations with your animal. As stated above religion has much to do with it. My personal opinion at least with a woman and at least a k9 I believe many men are threatened by the fact that a woman can realize pleasure and enjoy it. I have chatted with more than a few woman that have tier boy friend or spouse push them to it and than come to resent the fact that she enjoys it and indulges without him.
and lots of women hate it because it is direct competition to them, or they use the pet as a substitute for failing to have family. My employer is not zoo, yet his girl friend is competing with his female dog!
Every thing is illegal, only if caught.

IE they will pull some thing out of their ass. look at how infringed the 2nd amendment in the states are despite clearly stated shall not be infringed.
Money. Plus humans require meat to live and there's way too many of us for nature to feed.
Than maybee not castrate animals castrate humans. BTW i dont think humans need meet and even if they eat less you have much more plant based food for all.
Every thing is illegal, only if caught.

IE they will pull some thing out of their ass. look at how infringed the 2nd amendment in the states are despite clearly stated shall not be infringed.
Texas are the best in 2 amendmet i guss and NYC the wörst? What can i tell in germany! Say something to criminals and i get trouble :( criminal stuff expolde and german governmend forbid even knifs pepper sprays.... but only law beliver follow these rould and not criminals! Most rules from human have more or less some evel ideas behind it to make more money and get more power.
i'm sure you like your narrative, do keep in mind torture is not legal anywhere.
What do you call than industrieal meet production? Even some small people have animals and at some day they kill them and eat them. But like or love animals is not ok! Something, some people do to the animals in meet production and other products from them are illigal, but get totaly ignored by nearly everyone :(
I saw a map some places have no bann so its legal
"No ban" means exactly that - There's no specific "sex with an animal is illegal" law they can charge you under. That doesn't mean it's LEGAL. It only means that if you get caught with your pecker in one of Rover's or Dobbin's holes, they don't have a specific "sex with an animal" charge to hit you with. But you can bet your last <insert small-value coin here> that they'll come up with some flavor of "animal abuse", "animal mistreatment", "Crimes against nature", "sodomy", or some similar variation to charge you with, and assuming the jurisdiction they catch you in has one, you'll be put on the sex-offender list to go along with whatever else they manage to hit you with.
you do know you can just reply to everyone in a single post, don't you?
You do know that not everybody reads a thread the same way, and few do the "OK, I'll read the thread, then I'll do a single reply" thing, rather than "Oh, there's something I have a reply for - Lemme get that written before I go any further..." that's pretty much standard, don't you?

I'd assume you also know that your bellyaching about it doesn't do anything but clutter the thread, don't you?
What do you call than industrieal meet production? Even some small people have animals and at some day they kill them and eat them. But like or love animals is not ok! Something, some people do to the animals in meet production and other products from them are illigal, but get totaly ignored by nearly everyone :(
For one to live, another MUST die, that other can be plant, usually both, you die if you do not eat.

You do not die from lack of sex. and sex in their mind makes animals equal to them, and that is the big issue for most, arrogance and fantasy, some call it religion.

The issue is how they treat them during that in between part, Just because they are food doesn't mean they do not deserve love and respect, and that entails a duty to make the transition as stress free and pain free as possible, sadly some lack any capacity for that and aut to be banned from having any animal at all including children being around and or producing them, sadly you can't per-emptively sort those defective people out.

So you just got to use your brain and be very careful as sadly bulk of humanity is dumber than a lead brick and twice as dense.

Practical things to make life as a zoo easier is demand very strong private property laws, demand very strong privacy laws, very strong trespass laws as you'll be hard pressed to find any farmer who would disagree with that, so that way when the worst happens, the guy reporting you is arrested for violation of your privacy and trespass!
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