I don’t think he meant to imply that his frustration comes from the desire to merely “have an experience” or simply to get laid. I totally understand where he is coming from. It is extremely frustrating, I mean here we are, we have this desire, this very intense yearning that is extremely hard to have satisfied. We come across a viable, intelligent way of being able to communicate w/ others that share the same desire, yet for many reasons are always just out of reach. I get it I really do, yes we are all more the the sum of or sexual desires and wants. Yes we have value and validation that goes well beyond the confines of a bedroom. No we are not freaks or simple amusement when bored or merely jack off material. I treat people w/ absolute respect and regard on here just as I do if I had met them in person w/ no knowledge of their sexual interests. I can say I am just as interested in their day as I am their night. This isn’t a dating site,specifically speaking. It’s merely a forum in which people that enjoy similar interests, specifically zoo interests, can talk and communicate and not have to worry that someone is going to unfairly judge or label them. We don’t have to hide this part of us that truly enjoy this lifestyle. Naturally because of this we seek to not only engage people in the conversation of these desires but also in the actual application of them. I want to be treated and respected the same as I would be if a person had no knowledge of my enjoyment of the zoo world. I am someone of worth and I will not allow myself to be degraded or spoken to as less (unless I’m in that kinda mood hahahaha) but let’s not kid ourselves or continue in this ridiculous lie that we are not all here the same exact thing. We all enjoy a certain amount of sexually charged perversion that the mainstream foolishly can not accept. We all enjoy the pleasure that comes from either the physical act of or the inclusion of having sex outside of our species and we are all looking for others, whether it be just one or many, to share that desire w/. No one is here merely to say, I enjoy zoo sex, I want to talk to others that do too, share stories, not to become aroused by them but just because. We are all here because we want to be able to meet people that understand this lifestyle, that respect it, people that can help guide each other in a way that is safe and healthy for all involved, and yes, people that we can actually enjoy and experience this lifestyle w/. I’m in no way trying to imply that simply because someone enjoys sex w/ animals that they are easy, desperate or whatever. They are just as complex and intricate in life as if they were not apart of this lifestyle. I would expect a women to interact and engage w/ the same amount of consideration on here as she would if I approached her at a super market. That said I also must admit the unfortunate reality that a lot of guys on here as inconsiderate assholes, on here just as they are at the super market. They lack the common sense and decency of knowing how to engage a person respectfully or intelligently. Those guys are assholes period and should be ferreted out the same as you would meeting them in any type of forum easily enough. There are a lot of genuinely good guys and girls on here that either lack the knowledge of experience both in the actual action of act or in the vocabulary and protocols of this community that easily become discouraged because they are made to feel like they aren’t good enough or that they aren’t worthy in one way or another. I understand and respect the specific nature of this lifestyle demands a certain level of safety, maturity and discretion. That aside I also understand that regardless of the exact desire, we just want to feel comfortable and interested in the people we talk to period. Whether we’re talking about zoo sex or talking about stamp collecting. If your not into someone or something you’re just not simple as that, but frustration builds not from not getting laid or finding just some random girl to fuck a dog In Front of me or not hooking up. My frustration comes from the fact that the very thing that brings me here, and others. The reason why we have to hide our faces and use phones made up names.The number one most important thing that coming here allows us, not being judged or looked down upon, a shared mutual acceptance of self. Is often times not actually given. Again I make the point that we are all on here because of a very specific interest. We all (for the most part) have these clever little handles referencing our desires and approval of the lifestyle, have pics and videos we’ve watched or uploaded, blogs, comments, etc that we’ve written or read attached to our profiles and the very purpose, the very reason this whole site exists is for the purpose of interacting w/ each other safely and intelligently in a manner that should naturally allow for real world interaction. Whether it be on an intimate level or simply a coffee and conversation level but one that allows us to be among people that we do not need to defend our tastes and desires w/. However this seems to never really happen. At least in my own years of experience on here and similar sites. I like to think myself a descent and respectable guy, I’m honest in my conversations, I in no way assume just because I’m talking w/ someone that it’s going to lead to an actual encounter of any kind much less an actual sexual one. I try to actively make my conversations interesting and about things that are not even related to sex or zoo interests at all unless the moment is such that it is appropriate. I read and follow people that I find interesting and genuine and I read about these experiences in which it seems everyone is having within this community but me and that’s the frustration. It’s like being told about a party that everyone is going to, that everyone is talking about and being the only one that isn’t invited to. The frustration is w/ the fact that you are constantly made feel like an outsider in a place that boasts community, being a guy, im automatically seen as someone just trying to get laid, to make things even worse because I am a heterosexual man w/ no desire to engage w/ an animal myself I am look down on as someone that is merely looking to get off or see some crazy sex shit or whatever. I’m not even worthy really to be on here except to find material to jerk off to, that I’m not just as worthy or deserving as someone that actually does seek physical interaction w/ animals. Fuck that! Why am I so easily dismissed as being a valid member of this lifestyle same as those that actually are on the physical side of it. I’m here, same as most, looking for those that enjoy the things I enjoy, to make friends both online as well as in person that enjoy the same things I do. To have relationships and experiences w/ people that think the same as I do, in bed same as out of bed. To go to shows, concerts, talk about books/ movies, debate politics and opinions and yes enjoy the many many pleasureable aspects of sex w/ animals. I don’t think his frustration comes from simply not getting laid or watching someone fuck an animal in front of him or not being able to get off. I think his frustration comes from not being taken seriously enough to be considered worthy enough to enjoy those things in real time. Sorry if I made this to long and drawn out, I honestly just meant to write a sentence or two and that was it but…. All I can say is this my friend, there are a lot of seemingly cool and knowledgeable people on here w/ great information to share and can guide you in certain directions for even more knowledge whether it be reading articles, safe websites to go on, for both porn or debate. There are some pretty cool artwork both written or drawn on here and some really fun and interesting conversations that are totally unrelated to zoo interests altogether. My advice is enjoy those things about this site but if you’re seeking to have personal interaction in real time good luck w/ that. You’re more then likely going to continue to be frustrated and disappointed. Not to say that it’s impossible but certainly don’t make your only reasoning to enjoy this site or the people apart of it be based off a hope of real time interaction.