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I can't persuade my partner. She just thinks it's disgusting

Very open but she just thinks it's disgusting to fuck a dog.

All I can tell you is that if she does cave in and do it for you then she would be doing it for the wrong reason. She has to do it because she wants to and she has to do it for herself. For her own well being have you even thought of how she will feel about herself afterward?

If she thinks it's disgusting now how do you think she'd feel after actually doing it?

It is not for everyone. It takes a profound commitment and and a boat load of courage for a woman to do this to begin with. Watching it in a video and actually doing it for real are two vastly different things.
All I can tell you is that if she does cave in and do it for you then she would be doing it for the wrong reason. She has to do it because she wants to and she has to do it for herself. For her own well being have you even thought of how she will feel about herself afterward?

If she thinks it's disgusting now how do you think she'd feel after actually doing it?

It is not for everyone. It takes a profound commitment and and a boat load of courage for a woman to do this to begin with. Watching it in a video and actually doing it for real are two vastly different things.
Most people are going to share the disgusted outlook because that's what humans have been taught to think and feel towards the subject of mating with animals! So regardless of why they think it's gross, could be moral or religious or fear of being judged by others if they were to find out it's going to be tough to change that opinion. Maybe they think animals are just dirty in general like no filthy mutt is going to cum inside me that's yuck lol

Obviously if she tried it she might like it, but no need to force it or push the issue! Like Renegade said it would be better for her to decide to try on her own merit than to be constantly badgered about it! I wouldn't expect her decision to just change overnight
But hey sometimes persistence pays off so keep trying I guess right lol
Best I can think is to say hey from what I've seen the people getting licked or fucked seem to enjoy it and hope that makes her consider wanting to try someday
I haven’t read but one post here but it’s not your place to convince, let alone try to bend someone to YOUR WILL. My partner and I disagree on abortion, politics and fire arms. Neither of us is ever going to alter our beliefs, we agree to dis agree you either accept it or you lose.
Yep,either accept they think differently, or move on
It isnt just of late....this kind of post has been showing up for YEARS....all the lil boys who interpret what they see here as a lot of people getting something THEY want and aren't.... forgetting the old saw "It takes two to Tango"....Hell, they don't know if EITHER of the tango-ers is willing but they'll push for it anyway. They think theyre missing what everybody else has, when its only around five percent here( both sexes/ solo). The fraction of people who can share with another human is miniscule. The type used to haunt B/F, ELITE, and even Yahoo rooms...Im sure there were others, but I can speak for the mentioned ones. Fir those people, all one can say is"Grow up...."

Some of the teenagers will grow up. A few of the others, maybe.
This fetish/ lifestyle really isn’t for everyone. You should respect her wishes
Yes, but that is so hard to realize. "I want it and I am so sure that she wants it too she just does not know that she wants it". Gay men also used to believe that all other guys were more or less gay too, just hadn't realized yet. That mistake has caused many busy dentists.

It is a hard lesson to learn that everyone does not have the same wishes and fehishes as oneself. Lessons learned the hard way may be well deserved.
I can totally understand the way she feels. I feel like a lot of people who are established in this lifestyle often underestimate just how shocking and outside of the norm being taken by a dog is. A dogs penis really doesn't help matters and can be somewhat disgusting in a certain sense. But a good type of disgusting. The type that makes you want it even more.

You can't force this kink onto people. A lot of people cant get past the taboo fact of it all and never even try. Others like myself feel compelled to act on it, to take things further and commit unspeakable acts with dogs.
Yes, but that is so hard to realize. "I want it and I am so sure that she wants it too she just does not know that she wants it". Gay men also used to believe that all other guys were more or less gay too, just hadn't realized yet. That mistake has caused many busy dentists.

It is a hard lesson to learn that everyone does not have the same wishes and fehishes as oneself. Lessons learned the hard way may be well deserved.

I have no idea where you got the idea that gay men thought other guys were gay but didn't realize it. I've known a number of gays and heard several joke about people telling them they just hadn't met the right woman, saying it was as ridiculous as them telling a straight guy he just hadn't met the right man.
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Some lines are impossible to cross, we all probably have our "yes's" and "no's" sorted out (and a healthy pile of "maybe's" stacked up in the corner), but if this is well across the line for your partner, it's a fool's errand to try and change that in their mind. Sad, really, because once thisw want takes hold, it doesn't let go.
One thing that many do not see. There are people and more people in this world and each one with their ideas, their projects and their discoveries. It is natural that she act like this, as it is also natural that a certain touch of curiosity can lead her along this new path that concerns us here. With my wife it happened like this. She heard comments from friends or a hidden video and was curious. Based on the trust she had with me, she asked me if it would be possible. I confirmed and explained how she could be her but at no point did I urge her down that path. I know there are many ways to get there, but if not, be patient. You can't force someone who has a negative image implanted in her brain. See that this may even change one day; It's possible, but don't force it. In a favor that you do her and yourself too. I suggest that she try to create slight innuendos, but without implying that she is behind them. Maybe it could be the only way out.
One thing that many do not see. There are people and more people in this world and each one with their ideas, their projects and their discoveries. It is natural that she act like this, as it is also natural that a certain touch of curiosity can lead her along this new path that concerns us here. With my wife it happened like this. She heard comments from friends or a hidden video and was curious. Based on the trust she had with me, she asked me if it would be possible. I confirmed and explained how she could be her but at no point did I urge her down that path. I know there are many ways to get there, but if not, be patient. You can't force someone who has a negative image implanted in her brain. See that this may even change one day; It's possible, but don't force it. In a favor that you do her and yourself too. I suggest that she try to create slight innuendos, but without implying that she is behind them. Maybe it could be the only way out.
Married for 50 yrs. My wife knows my interests and she does not judge me. We have had a good sex life (shall I say interesting) always been able to talk openly. I am happy chatting with like-minded people on sites like these. There are enough genuine people if you can get past the rubbish.
I can empathize with your situation, I ended up in a similar one. But yea, you just can't force or try to persuade someone to do something they aren't interested in or comfortable with. You need to look at other options.