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How to maximize the pleasure of your dog when it comes to masturbation?


Hello! Sorry to bother you all again with this but...

In this article I received some tips on how to have oral sex on my dog, however, can someone give me some tips for masturbation in general?

The little I know is that:
1. The shaft is super sensitive, do not touch it with bare hands.
2. Behind the knot, it's the heaven for them. (as much as I find it difficult to stimulate this area since it doesn't seen enough space to stimulate.)

And one more question!

What is most pleasurable for the dog? Oral Sex, Anal Sex or Masturbation?
Hello! Sorry to bother you all again with this but...

In this article I received some tips on how to have oral sex on my dog, however, can someone give me some tips for masturbation in general?

The little I know is that:
1. The shaft is super sensitive, do not touch it with bare hands.
2. Behind the knot, it's the heaven for them. (as much as I find it difficult to stimulate this area since it doesn't seen enough space to stimulate.)

And one more question!

What is most pleasurable for the dog? Oral Sex, Anal Sex or Masturbation?
The shaft is indeed sensitive and be careful about your nails or any dirt/hair from your hands that could get stuck to his penis. With oral sex - teeth can be the problem you have to be careful about. Also, you can't really do much other than let your mouth being humped. They are not really that into sucking already inflated penis, despite what can be seen most in crappy porn. Out of these three techniques, anal is best for both in my opinion. It is stimulating for him, it is safe to his skin, and by being held by the sphincter it probably gives him most pleasure, as the knot has many nerves at its lowest part, that is directly pushing and rubbing towards the sphincter.
Don't take things for granted, just like humans, maybe he will enjoy things differently, than others. Enjoy each other, try things, and keep in mind safety of both of you.
The shaft is indeed sensitive and be careful about your nails or any dirt/hair from your hands that could get stuck to his penis. With oral sex - teeth can be the problem you have to be careful about. Also, you can't really do much other than let your mouth being humped. They are not really that into sucking already inflated penis, despite what can be seen most in crappy porn. Out of these three techniques, anal is best for both in my opinion. It is stimulating for him, it is safe to his skin, and by being held by the sphincter it probably gives him most pleasure, as the knot has many nerves at its lowest part, that is directly pushing and rubbing towards the sphincter.
Don't take things for granted, just like humans, maybe he will enjoy things differently, than others. Enjoy each other, try things, and keep in mind safety of both of you.
If you hold the knot in your hand and lick just the tip of the penis for a while they do like it, at least mine do, and you get a lot of doggy juices squirted into your face. Just dont do it for too long. But yeah anal is best.
Hello! Sorry to bother you all again with this but...

In this article I received some tips on how to have oral sex on my dog, however, can someone give me some tips for masturbation in general?

The little I know is that:
1. The shaft is super sensitive, do not touch it with bare hands.
2. Behind the knot, it's the heaven for them. (as much as I find it difficult to stimulate this area since it doesn't seen enough space to stimulate.)

And one more question!

What is most pleasurable for the dog? Oral Sex, Anal Sex or Masturbation?
A little bit more practical knowledge. :p
A little bit more practical knowledge. :p
Great wisdom here!
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My Mal Lab prefers giving me anal. I have let him hump my mouth and his cum hitting the back of my throat is more of a rush. His cum taste like lime juice. I can feel the thickness of his precum, then sperm and last very watery semen.
The shaft is indeed sensitive and be careful about your nails or any dirt/hair from your hands that could get stuck to his penis. With oral sex - teeth can be the problem you have to be careful about. Also, you can't really do much other than let your mouth being humped. They are not really that into sucking already inflated penis, despite what can be seen most in crappy porn. Out of these three techniques, anal is best for both in my opinion. It is stimulating for him, it is safe to his skin, and by being held by the sphincter it probably gives him most pleasure, as the knot has many nerves at its lowest part, that is directly pushing and rubbing towards the sphincter.
Don't take things for granted, just like humans, maybe he will enjoy things differently, than others. Enjoy each other, try things, and keep in mind safety of both of you.
Thanks for the advise
The shaft is indeed sensitive and be careful about your nails or any dirt/hair from your hands that could get stuck to his penis. With oral sex - teeth can be the problem you have to be careful about. Also, you can't really do much other than let your mouth being humped. They are not really that into sucking already inflated penis, despite what can be seen most in crappy porn. Out of these three techniques, anal is best for both in my opinion. It is stimulating for him, it is safe to his skin, and by being held by the sphincter it probably gives him most pleasure, as the knot has many nerves at its lowest part, that is directly pushing and rubbing towards the sphincter.
Don't take things for granted, just like humans, maybe he will enjoy things differently, than others. Enjoy each other, try things, and keep in mind safety of both of you.
This was actually a good question and brilliant answer... I'm learning loads.