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How often do you masturbate to Zoo porn?

I don't think about pet-sex much usually and then out of nowhere - boom - something will trigger me and I will find myself surprised to be hankering for cross pollination of species via image - the sight of dog cock, or horse cock or even mythical anthropomorphic beings like centaurs and satyrs. GAME ON.
I also find it ultra arousing just to be talking to people who identify as zoophiles to one degree or another. When that happens I will have my hands down my pants for days at a time. I will l have a sleep and be back at it the next day. I don't quite understand my libido. It has a life of its own. I don't mind, because it feels so good. But I find it surprising. And very pleasurable when it comes to town.
Daily if I'm home. No sex with partner anymore so use my hand. This site really get me hard watching all subjects. Please show more vids!!
It becomes everyday for me, was in the beginning of the last year (2022). When i was younger i saw some zoo videos and not captured all my attention but i don't know how the last year becomes one of my favourites categories in porn. I eventually started searching on the web more information about the zoofilic behaviours in human history, i'm very curious.

Then, just a couple days ago, i found this useful community with a lot of information and media, happy to be here :giggle:
Well, you can't easily explain this to a normal guy/girl. Would say about 90% wouldn't even think about trying it.
You know, there was actually a study done where 12% of women admitted to at least experiment with animals and 10% of men. That was Americans only and it was done quite a long time ago so I'm curious if it changed much.