Esteemed Citizen of ZV
And also supremely stupid.
That's something which relates to anyone combining "zoophilia related website" and "personal meet & greet" nowadays.
As such not really surprising.
And also supremely stupid.
Some of these people, I have to believe they are smarter in the real world than they are online, or they couldn't survive.That's something which relates to anyone combining "zoophilia related website" and "personal meet & greet" nowadays.
As such not really surprising.
Perhaps not but to those that have little to none, it's a substantial sum. I'm well aware how inflation and the cost of real estate has skyrocketed in my lifetime. Back when I retired almost 18 years ago my monthly income was over $6K per month and I wasn't living opulently. I shudder to think what a comfortable working wage has to be today. Since the pandemic of 2020 I've seen the cost of most equine feeds escalate by nearly 50%! It's a killer for those on fixed, retirement incomes...By itself it's just a number without any real meaning.
And $100K isn't really a lot of money if you think about it.
They’re literally public. What the fuck?In USD. All responses are confidential.