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How much do you masturbate?

The limit does not exist, sometimes its 3-4, sometimes well over 10. Easily needed to bust 4 times within a span of an hour, being hypersexual with no cooldown is something else ???
so I don't masturbate all that often anymore, about once to twice a week. My partner gets the brunt of my "frustration" now lol. She lives for it after all
Not much anymore honestly. Pent up as fuck.

S/O like a fucking idiot peeks in a hard to get to bottom steel drawer. Sees a nice “assortment” and gave me shit for it.

Haven’t had a moment of privacy and been wallowing in shame since.

The moment they are away I might make up for lost time.
Not much anymore honestly. Pent up as fuck.

S/O like a fucking idiot peeks in a hard to get to bottom steel drawer. Sees a nice “assortment” and gave me shit for it.

Haven’t had a moment of privacy and been wallowing in shame since.

The moment they are away I might make up for lost time.
Yeah, sex toys and accoutrements can be difficult to hide. I hid mine from a partner for about a month by leaving them in her closet, in a bag. She never found it. I was able to sneak the bag away to my own place I was able to get and had them on display in a glass cabinet. She came over and saw them. Didn't say anything. Animal themed dildos and all.
I used to masturbate everyday but my [new] partner wears me the frick out about twice a week. Also I like to save some the day before so I might come 4 times a week solo... although I'm a bit of horny tiger and get an extra one in.
Of course, I only mentioned when I cum. If we talk about non-completion ones, oh, hell yeah, more. 3 times a day maybe. I don't have privacy either (roommate) so I might do it more if I was alone.
When it gets warmer out, I'll lady fap on the back patio while getting baked. Good times.
Used to be daily. Then my wife switched schedules at work and is now home most nights. Now I'm getting laid 3 maybe for time a week. Don't have time to anymore except on the two nights she works.