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How many people you have had sex with?

How many people you have had sex with?
Pretty average I would say. 3 long term relationships and not a cheater. But did let loose in-between. Maybe total 20 range give or take but am into 40years so. Got what I needed to figure myself out. And she sayd about same but I say double it on her. You would know if could show haha. ?‍?️
Six women, two men.

At least half the women were only a couple times; each able to be counted on one hand.

One of the guys was twice, the other was only once.
Pretty average I would say. 3 long term relationships and not a cheater. But did let loose in-between. Maybe total 20 range give or take but am into 40years so. Got what I needed to figure myself out. And she sayd about same but I say double it on her. You would know if could show haha. ?‍?️
Ok no same same for both about same nr touched a nerve I was insensitive about it.
Only with 1 woman, I had a relationship for about 6 months, enough to assure I'm zoo exclusive.

I don't like casual sex or hook ups, and I only got into that short relationship because it required 0 effort from my side and all my classmates at uni were thinking I was gay.

PS: I'm reading the rest of the thread, and I can't even process how many people here had sex with hundred of others. That kind of reassure my sex exclusiveness, since lots of human must be bags full of STIs :husky_laughing:
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Some of the numbers here astound me, and also make me kinda sad.

Some of you are pulling in mad amounts of ass, and I can't even get someone to give me the time of day. Even just trying to pay people compliments gets me weird looks, at best.
I mean I'm ballparking the low nr of 20ish. Who counts this stuff. Some are mistakes some not. Spans many years. Frequently have that oh forgot bout that encounter 15 years ago. Someone once told me always divide the guys nr by 3 and multiply the girls nr by 3 :D. But who knows everyone's different. I'm serial monogamist can't rack up nr when with people :)
I’ve had sex with 8 women, but the number goes up if we are talking sexual acts not just intercourse.