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How many people you have had sex with?

I'm a 23-year-old male who considers myself a gay leaning bisexual. I've had sex with two girls, and thirteen guys (unless you also count no anal, just oral sex or mutual masturbation, then it's probably more like thirty.)
5. I’ve been in one long term relationship then had a few hookups afterwards but realised that lifestyle wasn’t for me. Nowadays I do not have sex outside of a committed relationship and I want that relationship to be with another zoo
I think I’ve been with seven humans in total, all men, that only includes penetration, the number would be much higher if including oral. Never even gotten close to a human female. Some mild experience with four leggers, but nothing as far as insertion yet.
4 if you only count normal penetration, 5 if you count pegging. All woman.
Some interesting and surprising responses here, especially considering this is a forum supposedly focused around animal sex. Then from what I've been able to glean the majority of the members are bestialists/fetishists rather than zoophiles with there being even fewer zoo exclusives.

Being older (I'm a 'Boomer') as children most of us were conditioned to believe that the purpose in life was marriage and children to which I ascribed only to find that life disappointing and unfulfilling. I detested all the hormone driven adolescents in high school chasing after each other seeking sex.

In the course of my life until I came to realize that equines are pretty much my exclusive focus as companions, lovers and partners I had sexual intercourse with 3 human females, the last of which is/was my ex-wife. That compared to numerous (over 100) female equines totaling thousands of intimate interludes.