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How many dogs have you mated with?

coitus interruptus - nearly caught 🙄
But years before I had cows and sows many, many times.
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6 dogs (4 males and 2 females), knowing that on this panel I only had adventures with 3 of them (2 males and 1 female) and the others I tried well, but finally it did not like (2 males) and the remaining female, I had just been able to give him a little five-second cunnilingus 🥰
1. Hound mix-cousins dog
2. Black lab-neighbors dog that I babysat
3. Golden retriever-friends dog I’d babysit
4. Great Dane-friends sisters dog I babysat once
5. Lab mix-neighborhood dog that wandered onto our property once
6. Husky-my current dog
Is it hard for the husky to mount you or does he have to ride your back? And is he well endowed?
Is it hard for the husky to mount you or does he have to ride your back? And is he well endowed?
Not difficult at all. He jumps right up but he is usually just really excited and moving around a lot during sex so knotting is difficult. He isn’t very big down there. Huskys seem to be on the smaller end of dick size. He’s maybe 5-6 inches tip to knot and the knot is a little smaller than a tennis ball.