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How many dogs have you mated with?

I have had three dogs of my own including my current lover, my first Canine Lover was when I was a kid and she was a Border Collie Mix. The second was as a teen and young adult, she was a Pitbull Mix and my current Lover is a male German Shepherd. But I have a had sex with about 9 other dogs in my life, they were either neighbors dogs or dogs that belonged to friends and girls I've dated. But I do dream about being with Horses (Male and Female) Cattle (Mostly Females) and my biggest Zoo Dream is to be with a female Chimpanzee.
I really want to lick cow and horse pussies.
Thank you, although we started extremely early and was fortunate enough to have not only a breeder in the family but also a friend that was into it as well and ran a farm so it helped a lot!!!! Of course that is not counting the playing or oral or anything....just the mounting and successful tie.
Same here. I was like 11 when I started. But I didn't have much knowledge
Zero but thinking about training my bitch who is still a puppy. I could use dildos on her, what do you think?
Zero but thinking about training my bitch who is still a puppy. I could use dildos on her, what do you think?
I think you should research and read the resources here before doing anything of the sort