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How many dogs have you mated with?

Too many to count in all honesty. Back where I grew up their was this location near the dump called Stray Hill and it had a lot of stray opportunities and then some.
Haven't Mated any but Played with, 4 Dogs and 1 cat. The Cat was a stray that took a liking to me when I'd go outside to smoke, so I'd just rub his balls, The Dogs, mostly just licked their cocks or jerked them, Never have time for more. Three dogs was mixes, that ether we Adopted, Took off the street or got from friends (non-zoo) and one was a Beagle,
The Cat was back in a time where I wasn't aware of any Zoo sites, So I didn't know how to excite him, but He enjoyed me lightly squeezing his balls and rubbing them.
I’m loyal to my boy. He’s never tried to be intimate with anyone else but me. I don’t think I could have another relationship when he passes
When my last 14 years old Siberian Husky passed away 5 years ago it took me 6 month to recover and I didnt have sex with him

As for the question, 0 for now but that's will change