I've been exclusively a bestialist and in your terms a "zoo" since a short time after Tippy came into my life. She walked in one evening on me and a girl I'd been seeing off and on. She seemed to me not jealous, but hurt somehow. I know I was anthropomorphizing, but still it stuck with me & I felt a pain over it of guilt. Then she didn't come to our bed for 5 nights. She didn't join me by the fire for 5 days, sit at my table, let me touch her.. She did her chores in the pasture and barn, then lay on the porch and ignored me. She even refused to join me in the shower, her favorite thing.
That 6th day, a week-end, the same girl came to stay and ride horses as was planned. As she was getting her suitcases out I stood on the porch. Tippy growled at her and I said "You have to leave. Tippy doesn't want you here." She couldn't believe it, called me all sorts of names, but finally left. I don't know what Tippy understood. She stayed on the porch all day. But she came to bed that night, and every night after, and no-one else saw that bed.
I haven't desired a human, even wanted to be with a human since that day. After Tippy died I went through a time when I stayed celibate, but I was still attracted to dogs, some dogs. We aren't attracted to ALL of a species. I fell in love with Shadow, but wouldn't admit it to myself. I finally did, and we spent 12 years together. We did have a sexual relationship, though the love was the important part. Since her death, I would call myself in best terms simply a Celibate. I just have no desires any longer. She took them with her..