How does your pet make your life better?


Citizen of Zooville
How does your pet make your life better, and what are some of the ways your pet has impacted your life?

I’ll start: I hike and go outside a lot more, and am a healthier person because of it. After playing ball in the evening, I sleep a lot better than after binging YouTube shorts!
The dog will be very happy and excited every time he sees me, even if I only go out for ten minutes. This way I feel very needed and it makes me feel like I can be loved and not a worthless person.
I go out to walk my dog every day, and when everyone sees my dog, they will call it by its name affectionately, and I can enthusiastically communicate with them about dog-related topics.
I give them 50% of my love and they can give me 100% of love in return.
I'll never get bored with a dog by my side.
(Don’t worry, I used Photoshop to remove potentially identifiable features from this photo)
How does your pet make your life better, and what are some of the ways your pet has impacted your life?

I’ll start: I hike and go outside a lot more, and am a healthier person because of it. After playing ball in the evening, I sleep a lot better than after binging YouTube shorts!
They just bringing sence in my life.
I have a gerbil and two hamsters (I'm not romantic / sexual with them) and I always remember how when my life is hectic and messy I can look at them and say, "hey, life ain't so complicated after all". :p
It makes me feel good to know that I saved my bull just days before going to the slaughterhouse.
He would be dead by now, after beeing in a horse box for his whole life, but instead he now is seeing and eating fresh grass for the first time in his life. And soon he will meet other cattle for the first time. Atleast if he learns to respect the electric fence. In the moment, he starts panicking and attacking it, until he manneges to snap the cable.

I hope we have a short and mild winter, because he will be mostly outside, and he just does not has the muscles and fat a cow usualy has, but he is getting floofy.
By existing.
The breed suits very well with our life style, and as he is such a well behaving boy, I have him with me to work, just a companion both at home and at work so I don't get lonely when it is lonely work.
Aid in putting food on the table by finding large game the hunter in the family can turn to meat.
Amazing with the offspring.
Simply by existing, not to mention, my cat is my ESA.

Sure, my meds help, but having her around, doing squeaky mews to talk to me, deep purrs, all that… It keeps me calm, and happy. My life has always been better when I have an animal companion.
It makes me feel good to know that I saved my bull just days before going to the slaughterhouse.
He would be dead by now, after beeing in a horse box for his whole life, but instead he now is seeing and eating fresh grass for the first time in his life. And soon he will meet other cattle for the first time. Atleast if he learns to respect the electric fence. In the moment, he starts panicking and attacking it, until he manneges to snap the cable.

I hope we have a short and mild winter, because he will be mostly outside, and he just does not has the muscles and fat a cow usualy has, but he is getting floofy.
That's so heartwarming, bulls are such gentle beings and I love that you were able to save one from being someone's dinner. 😊
Mildly annoyed with the use of 'pet' and 'it' here but to answer the question, cuddles and hugs. Who doesn't like cuddles or spooning a big fluffy lover?
I personally don't mind the use of 'pet', but I can totally see why others would see it as degrading. I look at the term as simply designating the role of being in another's care, in the same way that I take on the term owner, without it meaning that they are inferior in any way.

If I know the gender of an animal, I will always use he/him or she/her, and if the gender of the animal is not known to me I will use they/them. It''s really unfortunate that it's become so common in English language to designate beings as 'it', as if they are inanimate objects. I think people generally don't have a bad intention when using 'it' for an animal, in most cases I imagine it's just out of grammatical habit.
I honestly don't know if my life is better or worse or better... when I'm not with my LadyMare my life is a constant rush to work and put something aside for her, when instead I manage to spend even just a day together , it's as if I entered another world, or rather, my world is only her.
My dog enrich my life in so many ways it would be impossible to list them all. Without them I wouldn't be half the man I am today.

Responsibility is a big one for me.
They have thought me to be responsible not only for them because they rely on me but for my self.
When I got my first dog way back in the day as a young lad it dawned on me that this living being is reliant on me and I need to take care of myself so I can take care of him. I can't just do what I want, when I want and why I want. I have to consider him.

Mental health is another big one that also ties into responsibility.
Without the constant love and affection iv gotten from my dogs I'm not entirely sure how my mental state would be. What would I have to care about? Would I have made stupid decisions that would have put me in a bad place? Very likely. Threw the worst part of my life my dogs have been there to remind me to chill out, take a deep breathe and get through whatever is going wrong and be calm, calculated and decisive. Doing stupid shit and making dumb decisions is common place for me wothout that little reminder in the back of my head to do better.

Overall health.
Without the dogs needing constant attention, stimulation and activity I'd probably be just a lazy fucking slob but because of my need and desire to keep my dogs happy I will do whatever is necessary even if it drains me.
Iv gone on countless hikes out in the woods, traveled across states, swimming, being outside, camping, training, and a million other things all in the pursuit of keeping them physically and mentally fit. That in itself has translated over to me. I'm in good shape and healthy today because of them.
Mildly annoyed with the use of 'pet' and 'it' here but to answer the question, cuddles and hugs. Who doesn't like cuddles or spooning a big fluffy lover?
Yeah, grammatical habit is the culprit for “it” not any degradation of sentience! Totally get your pet comment, though, and see how it might be annoying. I’m just used to all the questionnaires at my vet clinic saying “what is going on with your pet today” and sort of defaulting to that for conversation.
no one loves me the same way my boy does. he's always so excited to see me when I get home, no matter how long I've been out, and he makes it hard to feel lonely when he's always right next to me ready for snuggles and love ❤️
How does your pet make your life better, and what are some of the ways your pet has impacted your life?
At risk of sounding horny or degenerate, she literally started my sex life and is the reason why I started seeing animals as "something more" than simple pets.
They just make everything OK. No matter how bad a day I'm having, or how stressed I am I always just feel better being with them. Seeing them happy to see me, and wander around, and kill me with licks is just nice at the end of a hard day.
Man that sounds cliche :LOL:
Mine is like a child to me. She’s always there for me to hug/love on and she tries to cheer me up on my bad days