How does your Dog train You


Citizen of Zooville
Simple role reversal question mostly for solo submissives to their Dog

What ways has your dog trained you? What areas in life you learned to be submissive and obedient to Him? Whether its sexual or otherwise

And for the Doms here: What ways have you trained your K9 lover to be obedient to Him?
Just little things with my guy. When we go on walks, he knows that if we go to the Left, it will be a short walk and if we Right it'll take us long route to the Dog Park that he loves to run around and explore in. Other things are, him nipping at my arms if I try to eat without him. I don't eat without him too often, but if he notices me eating while I am cooking he gets bossy and will nip at my arms to keep me from "Sneaking" food.
But when it comes to anything sexual, he won't fully try to mount me, but he will scratch or nip at my back pocket. A subtle way of saying "Hey, bend over." If I am already sitting he'll bite my sleeves or the bottom of my shirt/hoodie and pull me to the bedroom or the back door. But this doesn't happen all that often, I usually get surprised when he makes any romantic demands. I think that my K9 wives in the past were far more expressive when it came to sex and romance.
My wife Lex was very touchy feely, she often climbed onto my lap in front of people and would put her face into my neck for cuddles. She would back into my crotch if I were sitting, to let me know that she was ready for me. Sometimes I am baffled as to how my friends and family never realized that I was in a relationship with my past wives, I have always been openly affectionate with them and my wives continuously showed me when they were ready to breed, when they were in heat.
Agreed with Koala. Even if he's your lover you live not in a pack but in the human society. And with all my love to my boy he still needs to know his boundaries. It could've been otherwise if we lived in a pack, but that's not the case
Simple role reversal question mostly for solo submissives to their Dog
My Dog has made me his Bitch.. At home He is the dominant Partner
What ways has your dog trained you?
I dare not enter the house wearing a panty... If I am in the kitchen preparing Dinner or Food he has no problem with me being upright.... Anywhere else I must be on all fours... Otherwise he growls and nips me. I cannot eat before him at home...
Cannot close Door to my bedroom...
What areas in life you learned to be submissive and obedient to Him? Whether its sexual or otherwise
When he wants me he will bark and I have to follow him to bedroom or The Patio or outside
And for the Doms here: What ways have you trained your K9 lover to be obedient to Him?
As a slave to Helmut I was trained to be ready for the dog anytime...When I was led to cage he knew it was his time
A couple of the boys I've babysat have taught me over the years how to tell when they want me on my knees~ They love humping me over and over until they've jumped on me enough times that I give in heh.... Not that it doesn't feel good ;)
Were you paid to babysat your fuckers ?