Unpopular opinion, for me, at least, it turns me on, as long as it is not a month smegma fermentation. One week smegma is such a turn to me, it's a very strong odor, but is cock odor you know? It actually tastes kinda funny, it's definitely an acquired taste. The feeling in the mouth is kinda like a very soft hummus, very viscous (with saliva that is), if you're sucking a cock with smegma, you're going to feel super creamy. As for the taste, hard to explain, it tastes how it smells, whatever taste you imagine when you smell it, it tastes like that, very strong, some smegma I've tried tastes more acidic, some are not acidic at all, etc. The closest description I can give is it tastes how it smells, and I like that taste. Idk, just me.