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How do you view dogs in public after you have broken the seal?

Its not like every male is a turn on, but if they have that special Zing to them I absolutly getting aroused. Normally i try to get close to smell them. Smell is sutch a turn on for me. Its funny because often enough the owners try to flirt with me. I can´t hold back the inner smile.
In between Lovers... and sometimes during! I get an erection if I'm around them too long! I lose focus and given permission I'll play, pet and kiss them in front of everyone!!! :gsd_happysmile:
Not really. To me, it's not about being drawn to dogs as it is caring and loving my dog. As for looking whether they are intact or not, I prefer not to look or think about it. Don't want to judge the owner for it, since they likely didn't know better.
I haven't really done anything crazy yet, but I don't think my normal view on them would change. But then again, who knows
It kinda did change, because before I would see dogs and that would be like, "ok that's just a dog", now whenever I see an interesting female dog I get like, "it would be really good spend sometime with her".
But that's what with humans too, of course I don't get horny by everyone and every bitch I see. It's a normal thing.
Plus I pay attention to their pussies, something I didn't do before. Again, not in a freaky way.
How do you view dogs in public after your first time. Did it change your view at all?
After I accepted my zoo feelings (I was blocking those thoughts for way too long) my perspective on dogs changed immediately. I enjoyed seeing them more and I noticed I was more aware of what a male or female dog was. I began enjoying sitting in dog parks and just watch dogs. (Which may sound lovely or creepy, you decide haha) Now that I have my own male dog I don’t watch dogs that often anymore. I love my dog to the moon! ❤️ But had it changed the way I see dogs? Yes absolutely.
After I accepted my zoo feelings (I was blocking those thoughts for way too long) my perspective on dogs changed immediately. I enjoyed seeing them more and I noticed I was more aware of what a male or female dog was. I began enjoying sitting in dog parks and just watch dogs. (Which may sound lovely or creepy, you decide haha) Now that I have my own male dog I don’t watch dogs that often anymore. I love my dog to the moon! ❤️ But had it changed the way I see dogs? Yes absolutely.
That nice hun!🥰
it hasn't changed the way i look at dogs but it has definitely changed the way i look at other women when i come across them while they are walking their pets and i notice that their big boys are in tact. it always makes me wonder if they have been up to same things behind closed doors that i am but i'm not going to ask them about it and risk everything. so yes, at least in that instance, this lifestyle has broken my brain because my thoughts always go there on autopilot.
I noticed myself after a while, that now I am intrested in admiring dogs members, i may watch them in a disguised way when there is people around, specially when I am chatting with some one elses, i also wonder how big he may be. It only happend when I see tall or big dogs, not the small ones.
Sometimes when I go to the the dogs play area in Parque Omar one of the things that I like is the idea to see other dogs there is one that alway call my attention whe he arrives, he is the same breed as Animal, I think he migth be big.
A bit different to be honest. I got into zoo almost at the same time I've mated with one and ever since I look at the dogs as a potential sexual partners. Not full of lust, more like that's a sexy dog and soo cute. Also not all of dogs give me that reaction, just the ones with specific traits that I find attractive.
To be honest if it's a male dog my eyes glance at his "package", if he is with a women I wonder if she "enjoys him" 😉. If he is a big male and she is petite I visualize in my head what that might look like. So yeah since my teens.
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i definitely notice breed more now, im not sure how to explain it but i look over handsome dogs more thoroughly and always give them some... extra thorough pets, if. i can;) i used to be afraid to but if left alone now ill jack the dog off or even finger them sometimes. and never did before, but i let dogs lick my mouth now.
I have always considered dogs to be beautiful creatures. Since breaking the seal it’s only opened up my eyes to seeing just how beautiful, intimate, and caring creatures they can be. I do find some of them attractive and handsome now more times then I’d like to admit. I have been known to check one or two of them out as well.😘
I just look to see if its male or female, then if male, try see if hes intact, then think about him on top of me. Or if i see some red rocket sticking out, i seem to always look at it. It is how i always looked at dogs anyway, since i got into this.
How do you view dogs in public after your first time. Did it change your view at all?
I only had my first time recently but even before then, I would look at any big dog in public to see if they had big juicy balls. If my male partner and I are together, we will discreetly point (though it's usually not necessary since we are looking at the same thing) and whisper. I'd usually feel him get a little chubby and my clit would be throbbing.

When it's a male owner, I have to stop myself from introducing myself. If it's a woman walking a dog with big swinging balls, then I wonder to myself and smile.