Making zoo porn is absolutely not worth the effort or the risk for several reasons:
To all people who invest their time into creating quality content. If you consider the energy you have to put into setting up the camera, tripod, light, external trigger, inspection and post processing. Plus the actual photo/video shooting where you have to pay attention to not causing...
1. Zoo porn showing a human having sex with an animal is illegal at least in my country. So sending this pic/vid to anyone is potentially dangerous.
2. As soon as you post your pic/video, it is stolen and reuploaded to crap porn sites which also host animal abuse. Sometimes it is even claimed by someone else pretending to be you. I am ok with people sharing my stuff, but I am not ok with someone saying it is their dog or my content being next to someone abusing an animal.
3. Making good porn which has high resolution, you can actually see what is going on, has good lighting, is in focus, has good background, does not show anything identifiable... takes a lot of effort and energy, may take several attempts and some post processing, cutting and converting. But the praise you get for it is a few likes a few comments and point 2. above.
4. When all of this is done you have to store illegal content somewhere unless you delete it after upload. And you have to clean up all the evidence and metadata that was created in the process. This is additional work requiring the wiping of all flash disks you used and removing all evidence from the computer you used to process the content (which might be very difficult). If you used a phone to take the pics/vids, you are never going to clean that up unless you completely wipe the whole device due to how and where phones store thumbnails and metadata. Storing the content requires an encrypted storage like VeraCrypt which on its own may be suspicious.