Since the dawn of man.It's a complicated world and there are aleady too many cooks spoiling the broth and in this internet age there are too many chiefs and not enough indians, everyone is president nowadays and think they have all the answers and control what questions get asked in the first place.
Then there are those who proudly send unsolicited dick pics to every female they talk to lolThat's yet another issue with this because on this site people are afraid even just to mention they are a man or a woman, or afraid not to mention. There is less openess on this site than even some of the sleaziest dating sites, and that makes it all the more difficult to find and meet people who may share a common interest.
Glad to say its not an issue i have to deal withThat's on every dating site and social network site though including good ole eharmony and of course fb too LOL.
Yep, being a guy does have its perks.That's smart, I joined eharmony a few years ago, for free, then quit after a couple months, and as for fb, I very rarely go there. And I just realized you probably meant because you're a guy.
Could you add me? I have practiced with some females and I am looking to join a group but I still cannot send pmBueno, dirijo un par de grupos de Telegram, uno es para zoológicos de Texas, el otro es un grupo de zoológicos confiables y avalados por todas partes.
Si alguna vez decides que quieres mojar un dedo del pie en el agua, mándame un mensaje y puedo agregarte
If you're in TX i can do that.Could you add me? I have practiced with some females and I am looking to join a group but I still cannot send pm