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How do I tell my partner im a Zoophile?

Start by discussing general topics related to sexuality, such as fantasies or fetishes. This will help create an environment where both of you feel comfortable sharing personal thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Gradually introduce the idea of bestiality into conversations by mentioning articles, books, or documentaries that touch upon this subject matter in a non-explicit way (e.g., discussing ethical considerations surrounding animal rights). Be prepared for their reaction; if they seem receptive or curious about the topic, continue exploring it together through further discussion and research.

If your partner seems open-minded but hasn't explicitly expressed interest in bestiality themselves, consider sharing one of your own experiences (if applicable) as a way of introducing them to this aspect of your sexuality without fully disclosing your status as a zoophile right away. This may help pave the way for more direct conversations about your desires later on down the line once trust has been established between you both regarding sensitive subjects like these ones!
My only add to this is dipping your toe in with "horse cocks must be huge" or some variation of girls using horse cock dildos is kind of safe, considering how common this view is.
My only add to this is dipping your toe in with "horse cocks must be huge" or some variation of girls using horse cock dildos is kind of safe, considering how common this view is.
I was just thinking of a girl who loved my horse dildos. We both did actually. Both of us can take any horse and size.
My only add to this is dipping your toe in with "horse cocks must be huge" or some variation of girls using horse cock dildos is kind of safe, considering how common this view is.
My ex wife got me into beastiality. She had a collection of short stories written by women for women about sex, kinks and relationships. There were several chapters devoted to zoo sex, horses and dogs mainly. She asked about my reaction to the k9 stuff and I told it I liked it. She then started to slowly admit to her own experiences and desires. It led to a lot of exploration and fun.
Stories are a great way to raise the idea. Less shock factor than images; more chance to get used to the, for many, very foreign concept. You know, cuddled up in bed, reading each other sexy stories so you're both already turned on and feeling close to each other. Maybe one reads while the other plays with them (love doing this). Set it up as a chance to look for more fun kinks to explore together from the get go, and make sure to discuss each story afterward so you can get each other's initial reactions. That seems one of the best ways to me.

Good luck to everyone trying to approach something this risky and exposing. It's worked out for me, and I really hope it does for you too x
Porn, if you watch porn together “accidentally” stumble upon it and see what he thinks. If you two are drinking maybe say that you heard someone at work talking about this video of a woman and a dog. Then ask if he’s ever seen anything like that see how he responds. It’s def a tight rope walk, one false step and down you go. I will never bring this up with my partner for fear of how she will react.
Good idea
I told my gf once about it when she asked about the things im into when we first started our relationship. She then brought the subject up 5 months later and we ended up watching some videos. I think she may be curious about it but im still nervous to talk to her more about it
If she raised the thought with you after 5 months and you watched videos together, I think that's an almost certain interest. Time to carefully try some of the other ideas here, I reckon. You can maybe take your relationship to a whole other level of intimacy and, as always, just take it gentle. You could ask if she'd like to watch more videos, or find a really good one to show her, or suggest reading some zoo erotica so it's different and more immersive. Easy to say you found a really hot story online, misfiled with some other erotica, and there are plenty of zoo stories with more vanilla beginnings. Good luck!
I feel that unless you have a pretty good idea that he will be understanding then I'd try to keep it under wraps. I'm in a situation that I've broached the subject with my better half (without actually admitting my feelings) and it was a resounding not OK. So I'm just accepting that this will always be a part of myself I'll keep hidden. Apart from you lovely people of coarse!
You don’t. There are some things partners should never know about each other. If you want to find out if they’re into it, it’s borderline impossible because no sane person will admit to being a zoophile unless they know for sure that the other person is too. You’re probably better off just keeping zoophilia and your relationship separate.