How did you meet your first Zoo friend?


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Growing up I didn't have much internet access until about 13-14. Once I got my first phone, it opened a whole new world for me. I had known I was Zoo since very very young, but hadn't ever met anyone like me. Just heard rumors and scoffing remarks from family members about stuff in the news and all.
I finally had access to social media and could connect to so many types of people, interests and hobbies. Being a furry i was quick to make online friends and one in particular (during a game of 21 questions and the infamous "what's your biggest secret" line) opened up to me about his one experience and his further interest. I miss talking to him greatly, but as life goes, over time we lost much contact. I'd love to hear some of yalls stories <3
I met the only like minded person on a now defunct yahoo group. She was female me straight male.
I met my first zoo friend by taking a leap of faith and sharing a personal feeling with someone. They responded with kindness and understanding. It was a wonderful experience to feel accepted and valued.
My first experience was with the neighboring farmer's daughter. I caught her with her dog; it was the most fantastic thing I had ever seen. I haven't stopped thinking about it since! We never really talked about it; it just happened, and we both liked it.
The Internet was a much more open and anonymous place between ten and twenty years ago.

It was totally cool to be open about this interest. I found many friends just by being open. No sweat.
After being together for a few years and getting married my now ex-wife came out to me as being zoo, were some great years that followed 🤤.
parted over unrelated reasons.
I met my 1st, and all subsequent but putting her under my dog. i.e. getting her a knot.

I met my current and very hopefully last, during 2 or 3 hrs of chat here. And THEN meeting a few days later and putting her under my dog.
I met my first fellow zoo back on Beast Forum, met two others later on. Only still in contact with the first one though.
Just started to connect with someone here. It's a slow process but enjoying the build. I've met someone in person that may be a zoo. He's played with an older guy that had k9 knot dildos etc. And is into the pup and fury scene. His eyes lit up when I mentioned I bought an American meat double k9 hole. So time will tell :)
Beastforum, a long time ago. We got chatting on Skype (if people remember that) and he invited me to a friend of his house to share a rotti bitch

One of my best sexual experiences ever!
Beastforum, a long time ago. We got chatting on Skype (if people remember that) and he invited me to a friend of his house to share a rotti bitch

One of my best sexual experiences ever!
Sounds amazing!!! And quite lucky thanks for the share!
I actually grew up with mine since like 1992. I didn't know she was into zoo until 2015 ish. We were discussing kinks and she asked what I thought about it, and I admitted to watching zoo porn when I was a teen, which led to a deeper discussion, her admitting she was active and 5 years later, me joining. But then she moved to Florida and I lost my zoo partner and pups. :(
I've only met one person almost a decade ago on Omegle that I talked to about it, haven't had any close zoo friends unfortunately because of paranoia, I'm trying to embrace more my zoo side now and be more open about it and hopefully find like minded people
The late omegle. Now, monkey,
I've only met one person almost a decade ago on Omegle that I talked to about it, haven't had any close zoo friends unfortunately because of paranoia, I'm trying to embrace more my zoo side now and be more open about it and hopefully find like minded people

Funny you both mentioned Omegle. I completely forgot about that site. I came across a lot on there that was highly illegal. Pretty wild.
Go to we need to let all the females know they should try it.

Good luck with that one. The internet used to be much safer for females than it is now. Not that they are at risk by just talking online, but the amount of men and foreign men who swarm them is insane. I've seen it first hand from female friends.
My 2 friends who are into this also I met them in school. I found out about one of them because she forgot to hide some stuff of her and her male dog on her computer. My other friend just told me one day after chatting and fooling around.
My first zoo "friend" was actually my now ex wife. I had never heard of, or even considered zoo at all, and it had been her fetish for years before meeting me. While we never got to share any experiences together, the link stuck with me and now here I am, with a new partner, ready to get a knot wet 😅
In the old Midnitecrow Pet Lovers forum from years back. Made many a contact from there. Basically just a bulletin board of what people were looking for by locale. Simple but worked with great results.
I had a GF in high school. One night we had the house to ourselves. I was on the couch and she was on the floor blowing me while nude. My rottweiler (he was huge even for a rotty and my best friend) came up behind her and started licking her pussy. I just watched and she never took my cock out of her mouth, but her moaning told me she enjoyed it. She continued sucking when he mounted her. It took him a few tries but he finally found the hole. He knotted her as she blew me and when he finished I put him in another room then ate her out and had my turn in her.
After that, he was a regular part of our get togethers. She tried to blow my horse but he wasn't interested.
I met mine through another kink altogether.
Post coital conversation revealed our mutual zoo interest. That's happened a couple of times.
Back on BF, I had a few buddies that I finally met in person, and that helped get me into the active side of the community. It sure was nerve-wracking that first time or 2.
My ex partner. But at the time no help from videos, to know how, so only got our dog licking her pussy. Today I would know how to help with mounting.
I've never had zoo friends irl, but I'd love to. I just feel like there's a fat chance of me finding let alone befriending the few horse zoos where I live, if there are any out there.