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How did you get into zoo stuff?

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I was young teen and love dogs from early age. My relatives had dog named Johnny. Johnny loved me very much. He can smell even before I enter the house of my relative. He was always humps me licks my face.
One day my family was in living room and Johnny and I was in one of the bedrooms, we started to kiss. He kissed me and licked my inside of my mouth. He penis started to show. It was so red. Sadly before we do anything , I had to return home. Since then I begin into zoo.
I had a friend say you could jerk off dogs and I didnt know it was really possible. I gave it a shot, saw my boy really enjoyed it, and it's just been a part of me ever since.
When I was probably around 11 or 12, in the times of Napster, Kazaa, Sharebear etc I would randomly download music and occasionally look for "xxx" (although not really knowing what I was doing, just knowing "xxx" was naughty) and just ended up stumbling upon a Ms Beast video with her horse... the intrigue got to me and I ended up searching for more. Got hooked after seeing "Amy Gets Dogged" and I've never looked back.
Limewire and Kazaa got me there as well, the videos of men and women getting fucked never landed for me.

Then, i found a video of a guy fucking either a husky or sheppy, and my whole world shifted to beast. :D
Well, for me it started with my sister. I was very young at the time so I didn't have any idea what was going on, when I walked into the barn and heard grunting from one of the stallions. I walked into the stall to see what my sister was under the stallion and he was trying to shove his peepee into her.

When she saw me she said something to the effect "shhhhhhhh, don't tell mom or dad and come give me a hand". SO I went over and she told me to guide his peepee into the hole that her pee came out of. I did not understand why at the age, but mom was always telling me to do what my sister told me so I did.
She had me do the same thing with the other 5 stallions in the barn. She said this is what we had to do as part of our daily chores when we got home from school from now on, but we had to be done before mom and dad got home, and I could never tell mom and day because they were not to know who got the work done.

This continued to be our daily after school chores until I started to get old enough that I realized what was happening.

I made the mistake one day of telling mom when I got mad at my sister. Our mom about killed us. Not for the reason you might think. She was mad because for years she had been going out after we kids had gone to bed and she had been having fun with the stallions wile dad had fun with the mares. Turns out that since my sister had been relieving the stallions of their sexual desires earlier in the day, they did not have anything left for our mom at night.

Well, from that point on we all only went out after dark but before bed. My mom and sister helped each other take turns with the stallions while dad and I each chose our mare for the night. This went on until my sister and I both left for college. I assume mom and dad continued but sis and I ended up getting our own places and our own horses.
Wow dude, such an amazing story and such a great family you have. :D
Through furry porn and curiosity. Started with anthro furries, then moved onto ferals, then it just sorta spilled over into irl! Seeing fictional or irl dogs always gets me worked up
I first was into it back in the days of easy filesharing in Kazaa and such. I started searching more and more extreme porn, until i thought about bestiality. I found some, found it to be the hottest thing i've ever seen, and downloaded heaps more of it :D. It felt like such a horrible dirty secret of mine, but i loved it. It just made watching the videos even more exciting!
For me it was reading an autobiography where had a woman who was staying with her sister and brother in-law. She wasn't able to get any action and didn't want to mess up her sister's relationship. She saw their St. Bernard I think cleaning himself and it made her horny she eventually gives the dog a hand job while grinding on his back. It made me very curious as to what else could go on with a dog.
I was about... 12? 13? Something like that. A classmate of mine mentioned, for some reason, that there were people out there fucking dogs and horses. I honestly don't remember the context of the conversation, but I thought for sure he was joking. "There's no way that's true." Decided to look it up, and I was hooked.
Stumbled across some videos of girls with dogs back when i was a teen in the limewire/kazza days
enjoyed them
then virtually forgot about it for many years

then i ended up dating a girl who was very active with her dog
she explained/demonstrated and it became an integral part of our sex life

things didn't work out with her but I'm hopeful for another girl with the same interest
Just something that always intriqued me, I grew up and realised that the feelings I had for girls I also had for dogs and horses. It wasn't until I stumbled across BF that my eyes were truly opened, and well... now i'm here
I've told the story here before so the short version is that I stumbled upon some zoo porn. At first I was a little shocked and got rid of it. Then, curiosity really started getting the better of me and I went from shock to acceptance to curiosity. Things kinda progressed from there.
Honestly For me it's been a few years, i've always been curious about this and the videos are really interesting to me.

I kinda stumbled into this at least for me.
My friend and I would hang out and one day a stray dog started coming around. He was the first one to jerk the dog off and would always use a glove.

I remained embarrassed until I found myself hanging out at that spot by myself waiting for our friend to come around. Except I didn’t use a glove and loved the wet sticky smooth texture of this mutts cock.

One night I got up enough courage to put its cock in my mouth and I fell in love with the sweet slippery cum. The dog stoped coming around and I’m not sure why but after those experiences I couldn’t deny what I liked.

After some experimentation with my female dog I discovered the pleasure of being rimmed. After school I would run upstairs to my bedroom drop my uniform and get on all fours and she knew exactly what to do.

My girl would eagerly lick me up my smooth taint to the top of my crack and if I pushed back into her she would deep tongue me so hard.

I especially enjoyed rolling onto my back with my ass up and cumming all over my face with her tongue all over my ass.
Mine is probably about as "basic" as it gets. Early on when I started getting my porn from the internet I was loving any comics that were well drawn, and I discovered the Reno comics. They hit a sweet spot for me between humour and eroticism, they were well drawn (not all comics are), and they turned me on. And from there... well... if I like the comics, why not go looking for photos and movies of real girls with real animals... :)
I was always kinda into it. Ever since I learned what sex was I’d been curious about dogs almost as much as humans
Grew up in the country. Seeing animals go at it and them in all their glory comes with it. I think you can figure out the rest.
For me it was when I was very young and a friend of mine had a dog that would always try and mount us. Being so young I didn’t really understand why I couldn’t stop staring when he would try and mount my buddy’s leg. It wasn’t until I was older that I understood and acted on my feelings.
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