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How did you get into zoo stuff?

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I've always found animals very attractive and felt more empathy towards them than humans. My empathy didn't stop at mammals either, as a kid I was very fascinated by insects, and for a while I couldn't believe they may not have consciousness the way we do. It just seemed like any living animal is a person, to me. It was difficult to think otherwise.

I realized the sexual attraction part in my early teens, and the trigger for that was quite funny and innocent: I was reading The Black Obelisk by Erich Maria Remarque, where one (human) character was described as having buttocks like a "baroque horse", I pictured that in my mind and it struck me - "holy shit, horse rumps are soooo hot!", for a while I only thought of horse butts when I was fapping. Afterwards my imagination diverged into different kinds of experiences with other mammals. I never really had irl sexual encounters with non-human animals, but the attraction and fantasies never faded.

Was really into boys when I was in my teens. Got put on a very short leash (pun intended) because of my running around. Thought sneaking the dog into the barn would satisfy my need for male attention and spite my parents (secretly). I was really into everything and the zoo stuff was just dogs and probably less than a dozen times total and none in years. Found this place by accident, but nice to know im not a freak. Well, I might be (in quite a few ways), but not alone.
nothing can seperate a girl from a dick ??
For me I was house sitting for some friends who had a Rottweiler and he got a quick lick in as I was coming out of the shower one night. I haven’t been able to shake that feeling so here I am.
They do have a really nice tongue.

Very young. A dog thought I smelled nice between my legs when I was ovulating. Some smelling and licking on my panties. Gave myself an orgasm thinking about that later. And I started looking at dogs differently from then on.
Difficult to know. :unsure: because.
For I've only had sexual feelings for animals, since I started too have sexual feelings.
so long before I know what: zoo, porn or sex was, or even how sex works.
I've never had any natural sexual thoughts about people.
I have been always curious since i was a kid watched dogs and cats fuck many times, I realized they have sexaual desires just like us
Grew up on farms, during puberty I used to masturbate alot, after feeding calves they'd lock your fingers, I wondered how it would feel on my cock so tried it and loved it. Always fascinated with horses cocks too, and recently dog cocks. Although I'm straight with humans, I love playing with my dogs cock and watching it squirt everywhere. In the past few weeks we have progressed onto mutual oral sex, and loving it. Fuck it's so nice to actually tell other people and not get judged.
100% know what you mean I follow in your classification
In elementary school a kid found the internet explorer and typed zzzzzzzzzzz in the search bar. It directed him to a site called sex zoo and we all started laughing. He cried, the teacher closed the page and shut down the computer. Later on my friend and I jumped on the internet to look up dog fucking videos. The rest is history
I, I was alone and there were mares. So I tried fucking them. And they let me fill them with my cum. One - the most clever -waited until I was starting to cum, cock harder, breathing more rapid, then she took a step aside. I suddenly had no pussy to fuck. So I jacked myself off. All of the others seemed to be happy to have their pussy itches scratched by a tiny human cock. (I suspect this has been going on for thousands of years. Men fucking their mares. Cumming inside a mare is incredibly sensational. Pleasurable. Fantastic.)
I, I was alone and there were mares. So I tried fucking them. And they let me fill them with my cum. One - the most clever -waited until I was starting to cum, cock harder, breathing more rapid, then she took a step aside. I suddenly had no pussy to fuck. So I jacked myself off. All of the others seemed to be happy to have their pussy itches scratched by a tiny human cock. (I suspect this has been going on for thousands of years. Men fucking their mares. Cumming inside a mare is incredibly sensational. Pleasurable. Fantastic.)
Wow that sounds awesome! Wish I could fuck a mare
There are risks, sir. I was lucky. I have fucked mares and handled other horses some considered "wild," driven the streets of Baghdad during war. stepped into stalls with mares considered "man-killers," (Carrying a bucket of sweetened grain is far, far more dangerous then driving through the streets of Baghdad.) A mare, or even a foal, can kill you with a kick to the head. i've been knocked down multiple times by youngsters feeling frisky. If the mare in question is not in the mood, you are going to the ER.
I was lucky. Foal raiser, mare fucker, administratory assistant, truck driver, over rain, snow, ice. But I still breathe. I don't know why.
I was turning out one of my charges, who was looking at the distance, when the owner asked me "Is he drugged?" That might be kindest thing anyone has ever spoken to me. NO, he was not drRugged, he was in tender care, given by me. Plenty of hay, deep straw to lay down in, thorough daily grooming. Relaxed. Lots of fresh water in clean buckets. Otherwise, just love. A horse does not need to be drugged, only loved.
A girl who drunkenly admitted having sex with a dog. I was shocked and disgusted, but i couldn’t get the thought out of my head. Time passed and i started to get arousal from the thought. Not from the thought of having sex with a dog myself, but seeing a girl doing it.
jako nastolatek miałem małego pieska - nie był rasowy któregoś dnia zaczoł ruchać moją noge pomogłem mu rękom - zaczoł się spuszczać - i lizał moją ręke zdjołem spodnie a on wylizał mi kutasa i dupe bardzo głęboko wiele razy tak się bawiliśmy i postanowiłem dać mu mój tyłek niestety nigdy mnie nie zawiązał był za mały do teraz chce być związanym przez dużego psa
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