Hot or Not

I feel like naturally... I thought I was off and weird and wrong and the only person in the world who felt this way however, until I found the old BF. Then a whole new world was opened to me, lol. But I never thought others were out there like me, already being something I thought about ahead of ever seeing it or knowing it was a 'thing'.
Naturally on my own when a dog of mine joined me in a pleasing session… then I searched the internet and found all sorts of fun things (and some not so fun - forceful abuse stuff!) it made me realize I wasn’t normal and I’ve had a few people I’ve been able to talk to about it in person in my life. Somehow people just confess things to me, it’s been that way my whole life.

Anyway. Yay for loving animals and animals loving us back. The eagerness in which a male dog mounts a wet lady is beyond exquisite!

So happy to have found this forum!! 😻😼🤍