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I’ve been trying to get work in the fashion industry for over a decade so if anybody wants to discuss clothes I’m always interested. I have a particular interest in textile manipulation techniques and contemporary runway designers. Basically I’m nerd-level obsessed with how to create what’s called trompe l’oiel of a variety of effects (making clothes look permanently wet, sweaters that look like wool but are made of micro-chainmail, etc) which is all very specific to high-end design since they’re the ones that can afford to experiment with manufacturing.

Aside from that I watch a lot of TV and movies, listen to a lot of synth/electronic and pop music. I have played video games most of my life, too.
Sounds interesting, you into alot of material science then?? What games you play?? Could mash one or two out at some point??
I've played video games my whole life, though recently I'm playing less to make time for other things. Setting up our farm and keeping my own 90s shitbox running keeps me busy. I'm into cars, I own 6 that are worth mentioning (the others are parts cars). I play DND two days a week, and I just started learning Bass guitar this year, which will be my first instrument.
Sounds interesting, you into alot of material science then?? What games you play?? Could mash one or two out at some point??
Some brands definitely have scientists working in labs to create new materials which is fairly interesting but my focus is more like, finding vintage clothing and figuring out what type of distressing effects would create a desired outcome. For example, cutting holes in stretch denim provides a different visual effect as cutting holes in 100% cotton denim. I also have been curious about a variety of garments I’ve seen that look melted in differing ways and how I could replicate that with clothes from a thrift shop.

The latest game I got into was Starfield. It got a lot of mixed reviews but I also think that people didn’t like it because it wasn’t what they expected and it was a departure from Bethesda’s previous game format due to introducing a ton of new mechanics along the lines of No Man’s Sky.
Some brands definitely have scientists working in labs to create new materials which is fairly interesting but my focus is more like, finding vintage clothing and figuring out what type of distressing effects would create a desired outcome. For example, cutting holes in stretch denim provides a different visual effect as cutting holes in 100% cotton denim. I also have been curious about a variety of garments I’ve seen that look melted in differing ways and how I could replicate that with clothes from a thrift shop.

The latest game I got into was Starfield. It got a lot of mixed reviews but I also think that people didn’t like it because it wasn’t what they expected and it was a departure from Bethesda’s previous game format due to introducing a ton of new mechanics along the lines of No Man’s Sky.
I like the vulcanization process personally, it's a fun word to say!

Last game I played was elite dangerous but that was a while ago lol
I like the vulcanization process personally, it's a fun word to say!

Last game I played was elite dangerous but that was a while ago lol
oh my god YES!! i saw a time travel movie where the main character wears a carhartt jacket that gets progressively more distorted with every time jump and they must have used vulcanized rubber for some of the effects. i wish i had the access to the level of technology to produce that effect for myself.
i love trying to do trompe d'oeil
how is it going?
i have determined that the best paint to test with may be wall paint but have not yet invested in the materials to experiment with. apparently the fabric paints that are any good tend to be very expensive for small portions.

i’m also trying to find a local place that is willing to print on a single garment that i provide for them that has a variety of printing processes.
What do all you fello zoos get up to apart from creaming holes and playing with doggies??
Im into astronomy and astrophotography myself, I'm also a musician!!
Id love to hear from all you others and maybe even talk to some of you about similar interests!
I would say I enjoy building and designing things. I enjoy my legos and occasionally playing some video games
Taking care of my animals and vintage tech stuff, also love to be out in nature and outdoors but i might as well be lost bench watching series and or movies
Singing alone, watching YouTube videos about physics, spirituality, philosophy, etc., and nature photography occasionally but my camera has been collecting dust for awhile. Also like to go out to find the best of various foods at restaurants and try them for myself.
I’m a geek. So I’m into super heroes, sci-fi, video games, anime and stuff like that. Now regarding sports i like MMA, but I don’t watch UFC like I did before, still love it
Old vintage technology, draw and paint, and played the Indian harmonium and hurdy gurdy.
What do all you fello zoos get up to apart from creaming holes and playing with doggies??
Im into astronomy and astrophotography myself, I'm also a musician!!
Id love to hear from all you others and maybe even talk to some of you about similar interests!
I just want to say I love your user name. That constilation actually holds a lot of meaning for me. BUT to answer the question, board games. Love playing board and card games.
Sadly I lost my doggy
But I have hobbies like video games
Hitting the gym
Reading booms and am writing writing a novel atm
Am a college students so sadly no job yet, but I'll graduate soon
I also like to ride my bike,all on all, kinds active
I just want to say I love your user name. That constilation actually holds a lot of meaning for me. BUT to answer the question, board games. Love playing board and card games.
Thank you! I thought I'd go with a space related name that has meaning behind it. To me the constellation of Cygnus symbolises change or rebirth, more akin to a fresh start. And Lux is Latin for light, so put together, Cygnuslux means new light!!

Cards are cool,I have a friend who's into cards, card tricks and card games. Really interesting stuff
Sadly I lost my doggy
But I have hobbies like video games
Hitting the gym
Reading booms and am writing writing a novel atm
Am a college students so sadly no job yet, but I'll graduate soon
I also like to ride my bike,all on all, kinds active
Sorry to hear about your doggo passing, my inbox is open if you want to talk about it, my doggo passed a couple years ago now and it's still fresh in my mind so I get how tough it can be