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Hello, F Here, New to Dogs and Zoo


Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Anna. I'm currently living in USA. My interests are fitness (I'm obsessed), food, nutrition, travel, fashion, art, makeup and skin care, and music.

How I became curious about dogs was through the quarantine. I never thought about dogs in a sexual way ever in my whole life. I was a pretty sexual active person leading up to the lockdown, which is right when my ex and I broke up. So the sex came to an end and with all the restrictions, dating wasn't an option.

After going crazy without sex for a while, I got extremely wound up and horny, and started noticing things, like my dog. He's a big, powerful, energetic, strong Rottweiler. I remember after the first month noticing how strong he really looked, and muscular, and how nice his coat was and found it... attractive almost?

I was especially pent up and horny one day and I remember I looked up from my phone and he was walking away, and like my eyes just landed right on his balls for some reason, and I remember thinking wow, those are big and swinging back and forth and it made me feel overwhelmed with heat between my legs and my nipples getting a little hard. I felt a bit guilty and ashamed for it.

Another day I came home from the park and he was humping his dog bed like he does sometimes and I noticed for the first time wow, his hips are incredibly powerful and fast when he thrusts. I caught a glimpse of red and knew it was his penis since I've seen the tip sticking out before but this was more out than usual and it caught my attention. Seeing all of that, and his balls swinging back and forth really fast like that again sent me into an overdrive of arousal and I felt guilty for it again. Now that it has been a few months these thoughts keep consuming me.

But then I couldn't stop thinking about it or having dreams about it. I typed into Google three times looking for accounts of women with the same thoughts before I was able to actually hit search. I read a few accounts and found my way here. I've been reading since I joined and even found one of the tutorials.

I want him, I know I do, but I have a fear or mental block to overcome. I'm a pretty girl, popular, and I feel I'd be humiliated if anyone ever knew this about me, so I have to keep it secret. I feel I can't even tell my best friend, I know I'd be judged even by her
I'm just trying to get over that fear and have the experience, I'm not trying to really show anyone if I do this, or meet, this is too new and scary to me.

I'd appreciate any advice love or support, I still feel a little bit wrong for having these thoughts, and I'm scared to actually try anything, even though these desires are so deep.
Heya, Anna! First off, welcome to ZooVille!

The feelings of shame and worry are understandable - we currently live in a society where your feelings towards your dog are considered anathema. Have you asked yourself why you feel so uncomfortable with the idea. Is it shame/guilt or is it the fear of taking advantage of your animal? If your thoughts are this persistent, I don't see anything wrong with you experimenting with your desires - if you're worried about coercing your animal, I'd try something like Dogperson0813 suggested and let your dog take the initiative.
I think its overwhelmingly the shame and guilt of the attraction. I don't really feel like I'd be taking advantage if anything happens, he tries to shove his nose between my legs all the time or occasionally jumps up and wraps his paws around me, so its not like I would be forcing him I don't think. I think starting out slow like that is a good idea and definitely what I had in mind, but the mental block is so strong to actually do something.
It’s not going to stop until you do something about it. Start out slow, just see if he’s interested in licking you as a start maybe? I feel like it’s the best way to gage how he is feeling.
Agreed. I totally get the stigma and shame you might be trying to grapple and deal with. You could totally just start slow with oral stuff first. Let him lick you on your boobs or your pussy, I promise it’s a phenomenal feeling and that way you’re not really going all the way immediately. Most dogs like to lick anyways, especially Rottweilers I’ve noticed, so if he licks naturally I’d say experiment with that first and see how you like it. If it’s all good and amazing then you could proceed from there. Just remember there’s no rush and you should do what you feel comfortable with when you’re ready. Also, the nice thing about dogs is they can’t kiss and tell, so you’re secret is safe with them ?
When I first experienced my attractions, I was terrified of getting caught, so I understand that sort of shame and fear. In terms of the mental block, maybe it's worth it to ask yourself what is so bad about being attracted to animals. If no one is being harmed, why should you feel guilty? I'm not going to tell you that those are easy questions to answer, but they're worth thinking about.

Also, Murphy is right, dogs will keep your secret better than any human partner could:giggle:
He is definitely a natural licker, he licks my face any time we are at eye level and always trying to lick after I get out of the shower, maybe he likes my body wash? I guess he really can't tell anyone! Maybe like you said I can just start with him licking somewhere a little less invasive like my breasts and see how I feel.
Hello and welcome to the community Anna , it is vey nice to meet you . I hope that you find everything that you are looking for here , make plenty of new friends and have loads of fun here. if you have any questions you need answered just ask i am sure that someone here has the answer for you.. have a wonderful day and stay safe ;)
Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Anna. I'm currently living in USA. My interests are fitness (I'm obsessed), food, nutrition, travel, fashion, art, makeup and skin care, and music.

How I became curious about dogs was through the quarantine. I never thought about dogs in a sexual way ever in my whole life. I was a pretty sexual active person leading up to the lockdown, which is right when my ex and I broke up. So the sex came to an end and with all the restrictions, dating wasn't an option.

After going crazy without sex for a while, I got extremely wound up and horny, and started noticing things, like my dog. He's a big, powerful, energetic, strong Rottweiler. I remember after the first month noticing how strong he really looked, and muscular, and how nice his coat was and found it... attractive almost?

I was especially pent up and horny one day and I remember I looked up from my phone and he was walking away, and like my eyes just landed right on his balls for some reason, and I remember thinking wow, those are big and swinging back and forth and it made me feel overwhelmed with heat between my legs and my nipples getting a little hard. I felt a bit guilty and ashamed for it.

Another day I came home from the park and he was humping his dog bed like he does sometimes and I noticed for the first time wow, his hips are incredibly powerful and fast when he thrusts. I caught a glimpse of red and knew it was his penis since I've seen the tip sticking out before but this was more out than usual and it caught my attention. Seeing all of that, and his balls swinging back and forth really fast like that again sent me into an overdrive of arousal and I felt guilty for it again. Now that it has been a few months these thoughts keep consuming me.

But then I couldn't stop thinking about it or having dreams about it. I typed into Google three times looking for accounts of women with the same thoughts before I was able to actually hit search. I read a few accounts and found my way here. I've been reading since I joined and even found one of the tutorials.

I want him, I know I do, but I have a fear or mental block to overcome. I'm a pretty girl, popular, and I feel I'd be humiliated if anyone ever knew this about me, so I have to keep it secret. I feel I can't even tell my best friend, I know I'd be judged even by her
I'm just trying to get over that fear and have the experience, I'm not trying to really show anyone if I do this, or meet, this is too new and scary to me.

I'd appreciate any advice love or support, I still feel a little bit wrong for having these thoughts, and I'm scared to actually try anything, even though these desires are so deep.

Girl from Canada with Rottweiler here welcome to the forum AnnaCZ I know exactly how it felt When I first experienced my attractions, I was terrified the first time what should friends think or feel My best tip is to just think about what you want not what others in society think. Start with small steps.

This is my boy
FFC 12.jpg.jpg
He is definitely a natural licker, he licks my face any time we are at eye level and always trying to lick after I get out of the shower, maybe he likes my body wash? I guess he really can't tell anyone! Maybe like you said I can just start with him licking somewhere a little less invasive like my breasts and see how I feel.

The best way is to lie down completely naked on the bed and see what he chooses. You will be surprised at first,
Wow hi kitana! Meeting another girl with a rottie right away makes me feel so much better and less alone here. Can we be friends!?

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. What an overwhelming supportive response. With your encouragement here's what I was able to do so far:

I went topless, and let him lick around my face neck chest and breasts. His tongue felt really good and I even kissed him and licked his tongue back a bit. After getting more comfortable, I pulled my panties to the side just in case I wanted him to stop, and let him lick. He was really energetic and enthusiastic, I've never felt a sensation like that before. It felt good then a really strong orgasm came on suddenly and it was very intense. He was getting jumpy and worked up but I felt like that was already a lot so I got dressed.

Guys, I just want to make it clear again, I already said it in my first post. I am not going to be making porn with my dog, taking nudes for you, sharing my Snapchat, insta, or personal information, doing anything that may compromise my anonymity. Please respect this as I've gotten half a dozen messages already asking for things like that. Thanks.
Welcome Anna!

Like you I spent a long time wrestling with the idea of being interested in women who do this sort of thing and know it wouldn't be well received by my closest friends (still don't share this side of me with them). I just wanted to say for me to overcome the guilt of being into this fetish it took reminding me that it's about enjoying it for yourself and not worrying about what others think unless you develop a bond with someone you eventually want to share this side of you with.

Definitely love the ZV site because everyone tends to be very welcoming, supportive, and there is a TON of great educational posts to learn from. Excited to see how your journey progresses :)
Wow hi kitana! Meeting another girl with a rottie right away makes me feel so much better and less alone here. Can we be friends!?

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. What an overwhelming supportive response. With your encouragement here's what I was able to do so far:

I went topless, and let him lick around my face neck chest and breasts. His tongue felt really good and I even kissed him and licked his tongue back a bit. After getting more comfortable, I pulled my panties to the side just in case I wanted him to stop, and let him lick. He was really energetic and enthusiastic, I've never felt a sensation like that before. It felt good then a really strong orgasm came on suddenly and it was very intense. He was getting jumpy and worked up but I felt like that was already a lot so I got dressed.

Guys, I just want to make it clear again, I already said it in my first post. I am not going to be making porn with my dog, taking nudes for you, sharing my Snapchat, insta, or personal information, doing anything that may compromise my anonymity. Please respect this as I've gotten half a dozen messages already asking for things like that. Thanks.
Ignor those private message asking for photos, video and such. In fact i think zooville rules state that a person can get kicked from the site for asking things like that without first asking in public if they can send you a message. I may be wrong about that but if the messages get too irritating ask an admin about it.

enjoy your time here on zooville. Learn from those that want to teach and ignor those that want to irritate.
It sounds like you have everything pretty under control, so I'll just say hello and welcome! I struggle with the guilt/shame aspect as well and therefore I haven't ever tried anything, but I'd love to hear how those feelings go for you as you progress (if that's something you'd want to discuss)!
Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Anna. I'm currently living in USA. My interests are fitness (I'm obsessed), food, nutrition, travel, fashion, art, makeup and skin care, and music.

How I became curious about dogs was through the quarantine. I never thought about dogs in a sexual way ever in my whole life. I was a pretty sexual active person leading up to the lockdown, which is right when my ex and I broke up. So the sex came to an end and with all the restrictions, dating wasn't an option.

After going crazy without sex for a while, I got extremely wound up and horny, and started noticing things, like my dog. He's a big, powerful, energetic, strong Rottweiler. I remember after the first month noticing how strong he really looked, and muscular, and how nice his coat was and found it... attractive almost?

I was especially pent up and horny one day and I remember I looked up from my phone and he was walking away, and like my eyes just landed right on his balls for some reason, and I remember thinking wow, those are big and swinging back and forth and it made me feel overwhelmed with heat between my legs and my nipples getting a little hard. I felt a bit guilty and ashamed for it.

Another day I came home from the park and he was humping his dog bed like he does sometimes and I noticed for the first time wow, his hips are incredibly powerful and fast when he thrusts. I caught a glimpse of red and knew it was his penis since I've seen the tip sticking out before but this was more out than usual and it caught my attention. Seeing all of that, and his balls swinging back and forth really fast like that again sent me into an overdrive of arousal and I felt guilty for it again. Now that it has been a few months these thoughts keep consuming me.

But then I couldn't stop thinking about it or having dreams about it. I typed into Google three times looking for accounts of women with the same thoughts before I was able to actually hit search. I read a few accounts and found my way here. I've been reading since I joined and even found one of the tutorials.

I want him, I know I do, but I have a fear or mental block to overcome. I'm a pretty girl, popular, and I feel I'd be humiliated if anyone ever knew this about me, so I have to keep it secret. I feel I can't even tell my best friend, I know I'd be judged even by her
I'm just trying to get over that fear and have the experience, I'm not trying to really show anyone if I do this, or meet, this is too new and scary to me.

I'd appreciate any advice love or support, I still feel a little bit wrong for having these thoughts, and I'm scared to actually try anything, even though these desires are so deep.
I'm married and this is exactly how my wife feels. We have been enjoying watching k9 on girl porn and that has been amazing. She definitely feels the same guilt, but i think once your this deep, the only person your fooling is yourself. No need to share your photos or videos. This is your secret and your experience. Take it slow, or dive right in. The choice is yours. Just know there's plenty of others out there just like you!
So cute your may be futur lover!
Just think dont block your mind and naturally all will proceed without problem.
Don t think about shame there is more sexual acts in the world inspiring more shame for who ve done them.
just take your time, take it slow. don't do anything you might regret later... like, just let him lick you. maybe "give him a hand" to see what he thinks about it. this will also let you gauge his equipment, to see what you're working with if you let him mount you later.

i'm not surprised you're already getting weirdo messages. lots of creeps and/or guys who only like to watch women mounted by animals here. just don't dwell on those, we're not all like that.
Easy one of the most embarrassing moments of my life was when my then wife caught me watching porn of women with dogs. But after she teased me about it for a few minutes she sat down and watched it with me so you're not alone in your curiosity. It wasn't too long before she let our girl dog have a go and she loved it.

For a male dog, I think you want to set up rules about when it's okay to play so he won't try anything at a bad time. And if you never take any pictures you won't ever have to be afraid of them leaking. Have fun!
Ok everyone, I took the next step, I was able to pleasure my dog to return the favor. I brought him into my room and we kissed a little and I found his sheath and rubbed. I was surprised it feels already hard in the sheath. And then I was like oh I expected him to be bigger at first it wasn't that big when it first came out.

Then he humped my hand a little bit. He humps very very hard, actually it makes me a little scared to try being mounted with him. He grew so huge so quickly. I was shocked. I held it behind the knot and put my mouth on the tip to taste it.

I was surprised at the feeling and texture and especially the heat, how warm it was. I could barely get my mouth around the end of it. Immediately I noticed the taste. My first thought was wow that's potent, but then I wanted more, and more, and he just kept giving. It was impossible to swallow it all, it made a mess but that actually turned me on more and I felt it all over me, I rubbed him on my nipples and between my breasts. I had an orgasm in sync with his throbs.

Finally he slowed down and then he licked a little bit of it up. I couldn't believe what I had just done, this is all new and shocking even to myself and I'm still processing everything. But I'm proud of myself on a way too for overcoming fear of trying something new.
AnnaCZ, it sounds like things are going well for you :)

You may find in time that you discover your real-life friends are more interested in this than you realise.

You can just joke and make hints and see where it goes. When your friend visits, if your dog takes an interest in her you can joke that "maybe he has a crush" on her etc. etc. See how she responds.

You may soon discover that your friend thinks this is fun/funny/not serious/interesting/naughty/harmless/worth a try/an adventure/something she dreams of/something she has to do. One step at a time :)
Ok everyone, I took the next step, I was able to pleasure my dog to return the favor. I brought him into my room and we kissed a little and I found his sheath and rubbed. I was surprised it feels already hard in the sheath. And then I was like oh I expected him to be bigger at first it wasn't that big when it first came out.

Then he humped my hand a little bit. He humps very very hard, actually it makes me a little scared to try being mounted with him. He grew so huge so quickly. I was shocked. I held it behind the knot and put my mouth on the tip to taste it.

I was surprised at the feeling and texture and especially the heat, how warm it was. I could barely get my mouth around the end of it. Immediately I noticed the taste. My first thought was wow that's potent, but then I wanted more, and more, and he just kept giving. It was impossible to swallow it all, it made a mess but that actually turned me on more and I felt it all over me, I rubbed him on my nipples and between my breasts. I had an orgasm in sync with his throbs.

Finally he slowed down and then he licked a little bit of it up. I couldn't believe what I had just done, this is all new and shocking even to myself and I'm still processing everything. But I'm proud of myself on a way too for overcoming fear of trying something new.

Hi Anna,
Congratulations on making taking the next step. You have come so far in such a short time.. There is no pressure, you can go as far and fast as you want, Or you can just keep doing what you already have..

Make sure you remember it is supposed to be fun and enjoyable for both of you.
AnnaCZ, it sounds like things are going well for you :)

You may find in time that you discover your real-life friends are more interested in this than you realise.

You can just joke and make hints and see where it goes. When your friend visits, if your dog takes an interest in her you can joke that "maybe he has a crush" on her etc. etc. See how she responds.

You may soon discover that your friend thinks this is fun/funny/not serious/interesting/naughty/harmless/worth a try/an adventure/something she dreams of/something she has to do. One step at a time :)
or you can do none of these things and not put your boy in potential danger over needing to feel validated... just keep going at your own pace
Ok everyone, I took the next step, I was able to pleasure my dog to return the favor. I brought him into my room and we kissed a little and I found his sheath and rubbed. I was surprised it feels already hard in the sheath. And then I was like oh I expected him to be bigger at first it wasn't that big when it first came out.

Then he humped my hand a little bit. He humps very very hard, actually it makes me a little scared to try being mounted with him. He grew so huge so quickly. I was shocked. I held it behind the knot and put my mouth on the tip to taste it.

I was surprised at the feeling and texture and especially the heat, how warm it was. I could barely get my mouth around the end of it. Immediately I noticed the taste. My first thought was wow that's potent, but then I wanted more, and more, and he just kept giving. It was impossible to swallow it all, it made a mess but that actually turned me on more and I felt it all over me, I rubbed him on my nipples and between my breasts. I had an orgasm in sync with his throbs.

Finally he slowed down and then he licked a little bit of it up. I couldn't believe what I had just done, this is all new and shocking even to myself and I'm still processing everything. But I'm proud of myself on a way too for overcoming fear of trying something new.
You can be proud!
Girl from Canada with Rottweiler here welcome to the forum AnnaCZ I know exactly how it felt When I first experienced my attractions, I was terrified the first time what should friends think or feel My best tip is to just think about what you want not what others in society think. Start with small steps.

This is my boy
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What an amazing guy. Lots of love