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Have you ever...

No, but now I want to!

Have you ever fell asleep, only to wake an hour later and not be able to get back to sleep?
No, that sounds very unpleasant - and aggravating.

Have you ever passed out at a friend's house, waking up hours later - and find cum dripping out of your ass?
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Yes but since I'm self employed and work from my home it's not the same

HYE been to the observation deck of a tall building
I have and the movement in the upper floors of a skyscraper can be a bit disconcerting!

BTW I am self-employed as well

HYE been outside during a hurricane?
Yes and I have my first hour of flying lesson completed toward a license

HYE been snowboarding?
Congrats - I'm a newbie pilot myself - I have just completed 200 hrs a week ago.

No on the snowboarding

HYE walked on the beach right where the waves hit you when they come in
No but it is on my bucket list (the non-naughty bucket list) :)

HYE been outside the US?
Only Canada and Mexico but really only want to see all of the USA then maybe some other parts of the world.

Never been to any Disney theme parks

HYE been to Mt. Rushmore
No but someday I do want to tour The White House - You know to see if I want to live there LOL

HYE been to a big museum