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Have you ever...

in vibrator, no.

ever had someone you secretly wanted to fool around with find a vibrator or dildo of yours?
When I was 16. Not since then.
Ever secretly happy that the aforementioned person found the vibrator or dildo?
hell no, im too insecure for normal social interaction let alone talking about this lol

have you ever told a non zoo about your desires?
Well, sort of. I've spilled the beans about a licking I witnessed to several different people, in hopes they might show interest. Alas, there's been little. One old roommate of mine I flat out told I was interested in watching a dog and girl when she asked me why I seemed so interested in this topic. I later told her I'd love to see her drilled by a big dog too, despite the fact that we'd historically just been platonic friends. But the desire for that kind of thing was overriding.

Have you ever WANTED to talk to someone about it?
Since I'm not really an active zoo, no, never been caught. That said, the licking I witnessed DID almost result in getting caught. Someone came to the door as it was happening and we had to abort. Sucked. He was humping the air like crazy. He really wanted to fuck, and I think it would have happened if not for the interruption.

Ever talked to ANYONE in real life about your desires? Partner, significant other, friend, etc?
Yes. Incredible when the other gets excited as you are being mated.

Have you ever hiked the woods at night?
a few times, im worried hell run off and drag me behind him though.

has your dog ever tried to mount you in public?
You mean like laying on my back underneath him and opening my mouth and relaxing my throat and letting him hump like the good boy he is as I masturbate?
Never! LOL


Have you ever had a fun, cute, eager, male dog as a pet/partner?
My partner knows just does not care to participate.

Have you ever met a male dog who did not wish to play sexually?
No. Not sexually. I would like to stroke a stallion.

Have you ever gotten your dog’s penis to expose as you caress his sheath?