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Have you ever...

Chased down ...I guess not but I have had a dog want it and pull me down....he would not take no for an answer and he jumped up hooked his claws into my side and I dropped down where he proceeded to fuck me.

HYE fooled with an exotic type animal outside of the typical (horse/cat/dog)
Phone box? Is that one of those things us millennials are too young to understand? Lol. But no, I have not.

Have you ever whipped someone with a horse whip during kinky BDSM sex?
No (what is "kinky" BDSM sex? :LOL:)

HYE been sounded?
If you don't know what BDSM is... you're too innocent! Lol

By Sounded, you do mean sticking something up my urethra... if so, then technically yes. I've had a catheter after a surgery.

HYE slept with a stray animal?
No but I would....well I would but then I'd give it shelter immediately after!

HYE been spit roasted by dogs....one knotted in your rear end and one face fucking simultaneously.
HYE been hunted by hawks?

(Test me on BDSM, I want to know what the kinky kind is?)
I have not.

For @Pretty_Vixen Have you ever been tied to a bed, beaten with a whip, peed on, shat on, bound and hog tied, spat on, and utterly and completely dominated? Because that's the level of kinky/messed up it can get. (I'm definitely not into BDSM myself... but I've read stories.)

In general, HYE taken on 3 or more dogs sexually, one after another?
By public, do you mean outdoors or in the city? In front of people? If it's the former yes. The latter, no.

HYE taken more than you can manage?
No, I'm guessing you've watched Ghostbusters recently.

HYE had to pass up sex due to illness or injury?