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Hairy or shaved pussy?

Gotta have a landing strip, I want it to tickle my nose when I'm sucking on the clit:p

Pops once told me the harrier the better because he could take it by the hair and open it up more
I prefer all natural, all over. Pubes, armpits, legs. The feel of it. Being able to play with it. The natural scents. Love it.

Though a preference, would like my partners to do whatever makes them feel completely because I’m still gonna find them hot regardless.
I prefer to floss after I eat personally. Not that it has ever stopped me but I think I spent more time down there if it is either smooth or trimmed/styled in such a way I don’t have hair ticking my nose and tongue while dining.

Same goes for us guys! I enjoyed the bald ones a lot more than the hairy ones. Don’t recall ever having to stop and floss while actively massaging my tonsils though

… why on earth is this being asked on a zoo forum lmao
being highly sensitive and having given 100s of massages.. shaved.. to me it indicates visual awareness of the sensuality of the flesh, i enjoy either but smooth just sends shivers up my bones..
Trimmed. Hair is natural and is there for a reason. Let us not force people to adhere to abnormal body standards. Humans have evolved millions of years and if it was not meant to be there, it wouldn't. Women should not have to shave everything off if they have the same as men. It is fine to trim it to be less unruly but to completely shave is juvenile in my opinion. Shaved does look neater but adults have hair and it should stay that way.
Trimmed. Hair is natural and is there for a reason. Let us not force people to adhere to abnormal body standards. Humans have evolved millions of years and if it was not meant to be there, it wouldn't. Women should not have to shave everything off if they have the same as men. It is fine to trim it to be less unruly but to completely shave is juvenile in my opinion. Shaved does look neater but adults have hair and it should stay that way.
..and that is it, your opinion. Evolution is always in progress, don't reject diversity and body shame people by limiting what others should or should not do based on years of living in caves without any hygiene. To call shavers "juvenile" is poor form, immature and selfish in itself. Stick to your righteousness side of the fence and don't label people, woman or man, who choose to be smooth for their own sensual enjoyment, juveniles. grrr
..and that is it, your opinion. Evolution is always in progress, don't reject diversity and body shame people by limiting what others should or should not do based on years of living in caves without any hygiene. To call shavers "juvenile" is poor form, immature and selfish in itself. Stick to your righteousness side of the fence and don't label people, woman or man, who choose to be smooth for their own sensual enjoyment, juveniles. grrr
Makes it look like a kid
so do shaved legs, it's just a choice.
It is not a choice. Overall, men have decided shaved is better and women tend to follow that opinion to please them. Some women do it for themselves but it is ingrained in them socially. They were brought up to shave everything. As far as genitals being shaved, yes it is juvenile, as in looks like a child and it is creepy.
It is not a choice. Overall, men have decided shaved is better and women tend to follow that opinion to please them. Some women do it for themselves but it is ingrained in them socially. They were brought up to shave everything. As far as genitals being shaved, yes it is juvenile, as in looks like a child and it is creepy.
My wife doesn't shave and I love it
I actually do shave mostly because it's more hygienic due to there being less hair to soak up sweat, grime and dirt.
And shaving ones genitals, women and men, is several hundreds of years old, there were different cultures ages past who did it (because of the hygiene thing)